of March 30, 2018 No. 279
About reorganization of some legal entities
Based on Items e) and part e 1) (1) article 6 of the Law No. 121-XVI of May 4, 2007 on management of public property and its privatization (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2007, Art. No. 90-93, 401), with subsequent changes and amendments, Articles 73 and 78 of the Civil code of the Republic of Moldova No. 1107-XV of June 6, 2002 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2002, Art. No. 82-86, 661), with subsequent changes and amendments, and articles 93 and 94 of the Law No. 1134-XIII of April 2, 1997 on joint-stock companies (repeated publication: The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2008, Art. No. 1-4, 1), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government
1. Accept the offer of the Ministry of Education, culture and researches on reorganization of the State company "Concert and Producer Organization "Moldova-Concert"" by merging (accession) with JSC Chisinau Circus.
2. To the Ministry of Education, culture and researches:
To create 1) in 10-day time the commission on reorganization which will provide reorganization of the specified legal entities according to the procedure, established by the legislation;
To provide 2), by means of the commission on reorganization, the translation of personnel of the attached society and transfer of its property to the state company "Concert and Producer Organization "Moldova-Concert"";
3) to approve corresponding changes in the Charter of the state company "Concert and Producer Organization "Moldova-Concert"";
4) to provide acceptance by governing bodies of JSC Chisinau Circus of decisions according to the procedure of reorganization.
3. Cession of property, the attached society which is in management to perform according to the Regulations on procedure for transfer of objects of public property approved by the Order of the Government No. 901 of December 31, 2015. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 1, the Art. 2), with subsequent changes and amendments.
4. To provide the expenses connected with reducing regular personnel as a result of accession of JSC Chisinau Circus at the expense of own income of the state company "Concert and Producer Organization "Moldova-Concert"".
5. In appendix No. 2 to the Order of the Government No. 945 of August 20, 2007. "About measures for accomplishment of the Law No. 121-XVI of May 4, 2007 on management of public property and its privatization" (2007, Art. No. 131-135, 981), with subsequent changes and amendments, line item 76 to exclude the official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.
6. In appendix No. 5-1 to the Order of the Government No. 696 of November 19, 2009. "About approval of the Regulations on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Culture, its structure and the extreme number of staff" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2009, Art. No. 169-170, 775), with subsequent changes and amendments, line item "3. Exclude JSC Chisinau Circus.
7. To the agency of the state services to make changes to cadastral documentation on the address of the owner according to provisions of this resolution.
Prime Minister
Paweê Phillip
Countersign: Minister of Education, culture and researches |
Monica Babuk |
Minister of Economy and Infrastructure |
Kirill Gaburich |
Minister of Finance |
Octavian to Armash |
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