It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
December 30, 2003
No. 1266/8587
of December 15, 2003 No. 132/444
About approval of the Procedure for control of observance of Licensed conditions of implementation of economic activity on production of veterinary medicines and medicines, wholesale, retail trade by veterinary medicines and medicines
According to article 8 of the Law of Ukraine "About licensing of certain types of economic activity", the Presidential decree of Ukraine of May 25, 2000 N721 "Questions of the State Committee of Ukraine concerning Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship" and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of November 14, 2000 N1698 "About Approval of the List of Bodies of Licensing"
1. Approve the Procedure for control of observance of Licensed conditions of implementation of economic activity on production of veterinary medicines and medicines, wholesale, retail trade by veterinary medicines and medicines which is applied.
2. And authorization system Gospredprinimatelstva of Ukraine (O. Apatenko) and to management of the organization of veterinary case and prevention of noncontagious diseases of animals of State department of veterinary medicine of Minagropolitiki of Ukraine (M. Makovsky) in accordance with the established procedure to provide to inspection department provision of this Procedure on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
3. To the head of department of the organization of veterinary case and prevention of noncontagious diseases of animals of State department of veterinary medicine Minagropolitiki of Ukraine Makovsky M. I. provide the publication of the Procedure for control of observance of Licensed conditions of implementation of economic activity on production of veterinary medicines and medicines, wholesale, retail trade with veterinary medicines and medicines in mass media.
4. To impose control of execution of the order on the vice-chairman Gospredprinimatelstva of Ukraine Tretyakov S. I. and First Deputy Chairman of State department of veterinary medicine Minagropolitiki of Ukraine Gorzheev V. M.
Chairman of the State committee Ukraine concerning regulatory policy and entrepreneurships |
I. Bogoslovskaya |
Minister of agrarian policy of Ukraine |
S. Ryzhuk |
The Order of the State committee of Ukraine concerning regulatory policy and entrepreneurship, the Ministry of agrarian policy of Ukraine is approved on December 15, 2003 No. 132/444
This Procedure N721 "Questions of the State Committee of Ukraine concerning Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship", resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 8, 2001 N641 "Some Questions of State Department of Veterinary Medicine" and of November 14, 2000 N1698 "About Approval of the List of Bodies of Licensing" is developed according to the Laws of Ukraine "About licensing of certain types of economic activity", "About veterinary medicine", the Presidential decree of Ukraine of May 25, 2000.
Control of observance by licensees of Licensed conditions of implementation of certain type of economic activity on production of veterinary medicines and medicines, wholesale, retail trade by veterinary medicines and medicines perform State department of veterinary medicine (further - State Department), managements of veterinary medicine in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, areas, the cities of Kiev and Sevastopol as bodies of licensing, the State committee of Ukraine concerning regulatory policy and entrepreneurship (further Gospredprinimatelstvo) and its territorial authorities as specially authorized body concerning licensing, (further - control facilities) within the powers by carrying out scheduled and unscheduled inspections.
1.1. Scheduled inspections of observance by the licensee of Licensed conditions are carried out by control facilities once a year, according to the annual scheduled plan of checks which affirms the order of body of licensing in coordination with Gospredprinimatelstv.
1.2. Unscheduled inspections are performed by control facilities based on receipt to them in writing statements (message) on violation by the licensee of Licensed conditions or for the purpose of check of accomplishment of orders about elimination of violations of Licensed conditions.
The subject of housekeeping is not warned previously about carrying out unscheduled inspection.
1.3. For conducting check by control facility the administrative document on creation of the commission, appointment of the chairman and members of the commission and the certificate of the right of conducting check is issued to the commission chairman (appendix 1) signed by the head of control facility (his deputy) which is certified by seal control facility.
1.4. Certificates are registered in register with reference to the administrative document (appendix 2). Pages of register shall be numbered, stitched and under seal.
1.5. Can be performed with involvement of specialists central and local executive bodies, local government bodies, representatives of public organizations, research establishments and so forth (in their consent).
1.6. The control facility not later than five working days prior to conducting check reports to the licensee about conducting planned inspection in writing the letter or the telephone message (registered in the procedure established by the legislation).
The term of conducting check constitutes no more than three working days, in case of need, according to the decision of the head of control facility the review period can be prolonged to 10 working days.
The chairman and members of the commission have the right:
access to the territory, to production and other rooms of licensees for their inspection and clarification of the questions which are directly connected with check;
study documents, necessary for conducting check;
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The document ceased to be valid since October 18, 2016 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine, the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food of Ukraine of September 7, 2016 No. 1481/302