of July 3, 2018 No. 780
About approval of Rules of preparation of regulatory legal acts of the federal executive bodies establishing procedure of control of efficiency and quality of implementation by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation of the powers of the Russian Federation delegated to them for implementation on areas of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and (or) objects of joint maintaining the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation
According to part 2 of article 3 of the Federal Law of February 5, 2018 No. 12-FZ "About introduction of amendments to the Federal law "About the General Principles of the Organization of Legislative (Representative) and Executive Bodies of the Government of Subjects of the Russian Federation" Government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of preparation of regulatory legal acts of the federal executive bodies establishing procedure of control of efficiency and quality of implementation by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation of the powers of the Russian Federation delegated to them for implementation on areas of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and (or) objects of joint maintaining the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation.
2. Determine that:
the regulatory legal acts of federal executive bodies establishing procedure of control of efficiency and quality of implementation by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation of the powers of the Russian Federation delegated to them for implementation on areas of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation and (or) objects of joint maintaining the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation affirm within 3 months from the date of signing of this resolution;
the realization of this resolution is enabled by the corresponding federal executive bodies within the established extreme number of the workers and budgetary appropriations provided to the specified bodies in the federal budget on management and management in the sphere of the established functions.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 3, 2018 No. 780
1. These rules determine procedure for preparation of regulatory legal acts of the federal executive bodies establishing procedure of control of efficiency and quality of implementation by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation of the powers of the Russian Federation delegated to them for implementation on areas of jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, and also powers of the Russian Federation in objects of joint maintaining the Russian Federation and subjects of the Russian Federation (further respectively - delegated powers, procedure of control of delegated powers).
The procedure of control of delegated powers affirms regulatory legal act of the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the respective sphere of delegated powers.
2. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:
"quality of implementation of delegated powers" - assessment of condition of the implementation by public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation of delegated powers which is expressed in observance of the requirements established by the Federal Laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation accepted according to them, including administrative regulations of provision of the state services and (or) in minimization of damnification (damage) to the values protected by the law in the respective sphere of the public relations;
"efficiency of implementation of delegated powers" - extent of achievement of subjects of the Russian Federation of socially significant results by public authorities, including in the field of provision of the state services, measures of social support (help) and other public benefits, and (or) extent of elimination of risk of damnification (damage) to the values protected by the law in the respective sphere of the public relations taking into account the used amount of labor, material and financial resources when implementing delegated powers.
3. The procedure of control of delegated powers is developed by the federal executive body performing functions on development and realization of state policy and normative legal regulation in the respective sphere of delegated powers or the Federal Services and federal agencies subordinated to it to which powers on control of delegated powers are in accordance with the established procedure assigned.
The procedure of control of delegated powers is developed for each group of the powers determined in the Federal Law providing delegation of power of the Russian Federation in the respective sphere of the public relations for implementation to public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation or for several groups of delegated powers provided that delegated powers have similar nature and belong to the same or similar sphere of the public relations.
The procedure of control of delegated powers is subject to placement on the official site of federal executive body to which powers on control of implementation of delegated powers, on the Internet are in accordance with the established procedure assigned.
4. The procedure of control of delegated powers joins the following Sections:
a) general provisions;
b) the rights and obligations of officials of federal executive body and public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation in case of control of delegated powers;
c) structure, sequence and terms of accomplishment of ministerial procedures, and also requirements to procedure for their accomplishment;
d) procedure for internal control behind control of delegated powers and administrative (departmental) appeal of results of control of delegated powers.
5. The Section concerning general provisions consists of the following subsections:
a) the purposes and subject of control of delegated powers, including structure of delegated powers concerning which such control is exercised;
b) the list of the regulatory legal acts regulating implementation of delegated powers which execution and observance of requirements is subject to check;
c) the name of federal executive body to which conducting checks of activities of public authorities of subjects of the Russian Federation and officials of public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation performing delegated powers is assigned. If conducting checks is assigned to territorial authorities of federal executive bodies, the list of such bodies with indication of their addresses and contact information is given in appendix to procedure of control of delegated powers;
d) the following forms of the checks applied in case of control of delegated powers:
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