of May 3, 2018 No. 322
About enhancement of system of centralized accounting of persons who made administrative offenses, and the victims
According to the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About law-enforcement bodies" and "About prevention of offenses", for the purpose of increase in efficiency of prevention of offenses, further enhancement of single system of statistical information, implementation of systems analysis of persons who made administrative offenses, and persons to whom the administrative offense causes moral, physical or property damage (further - the victims) and also conducting their single centralized accounting the Cabinet of Ministers decides:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for centralized accounting of persons who made administrative offenses, and persons to whom the administrative offense causes moral, physical or property damage, according to appendix No. 1.
2. Determine the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan responsible for conducting centralized accounting of persons who made administrative offenses, and the victims.
3. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan in a month together with the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State center of personalisation and other interested ministries and departments to develop and approve the actions plan on implementation of single centralized information system about persons who made administrative offenses, and the victims in a month (further - single centralized information system), and also to provide enhancement of the operating information system taking into account:
establishments of procedure for entering of data into single centralized information system online by means of "Electronic system of biometric documents of citizens";
representations in single centralized information system of information on the offenses registered by the special automated technical means of photo and video registration on electronic computer network;
establishing practice of use of electronic system of remote access for check and receipt of necessary information on persons made responsible on cases on administrative offenses;
developments of the mechanism of integration of the penalties collected from persons who made administrative offense in the automatic mode in single centralized information system by means of billing system and implementation of its step-by-step implementation by means of conducting pilot testing;
implementation by bodies, authorized to consider cases on administrative offenses, maintaining single centralized information system by means of system of identification, with use of the digital signature;
introductions of system of the certification conforming to requirements of information security of means of the digital signature;
review of organizational and regular structure of the departments responsible for conducting centralized accounting of data, proceeding from amount of the assigned obligations;
entering into the two-month term of offers on further enhancement of legal acts for accounting treatment for the persons who made administrative offenses, and injured following the results of realization of organizational actions for introduction of pilot testing of single centralized information system.
4. To bodies, authorized to consider cases on administrative offenses, to provide accounting of persons who made administrative offenses, and the victims according to requirements of the Provision approved by this resolution and also provision of the relevant information in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan at the scheduled time.
5. Determine source of financing of actions for development and implementation of single centralized information system of accounting of persons who made administrative offenses, and the victims in bodies authorized to consider cases on administrative offenses, means of special funds of bodies, authorized to consider cases on administrative offenses.
6. Recognize invalid some orders of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 2.
7. To the ministries and the state committees and departments to bring the adopted regulatory legal acts into accord with this resolution in a month.
8. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the Republican interdepartmental commission on prevention of offenses and fight against crime P. R. Bobozhonov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abdullah Aripov
Appendix №1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 3, 2018 No. 322
1. This Provision determines accounting treatment for persons who made administrative offenses, and persons to whom the administrative offense causes moral, physical or property damage (further - persons, the made administrative offenses, and the victims).
2. The main objectives of accounting are collection, processing, generalization, storage, the analysis and protection against unauthorized access of information about persons who made administrative offenses, and the victims, and also provision of these data to state bodies.
3. The basic principles of accounting are:
objectivity, reliability and comparability of information;
availability and openness of information in the limits determined by this Provision and other legal acts;
obligation and uniformity of accounting.
4. In this Provision the following basic concepts are used:
the departmental database - the departmental electronic database containing the information about the persons who made administrative offenses, and injured based on decisions of all divisions (district, city, regional, republican link) of authorized bodies of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, Tashkent;
the territorial database - the territorial electronic database containing the information about the persons who made administrative offenses, and injured based on decisions of authorized bodies of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas, Tashkent;
single centralized information system - the single centralized electronic database containing the information about persons who made administrative offenses, and the victims on the republic;
authorized bodies - state bodies, according to the legislation authorized to run business on administrative offenses and to apply adequate measures of punishment;
territorial subdivision of authorized body - structural division of authorized body of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regional link;
special number - the identification number which is not connected with number of the administrative report prisvayemy single centralized information system to the resolution entered into information system concerning person brought to the administrative responsibility;
billing system - system of accounting of the collected or paid penal fees (amounts) concerning persons involved in administrative punishments by means of the automated electronic payment systems;
the requirement - the official document of the established form constituted based on the written requirement of the relevant authorized body for reclamation of data on attraction or not involvement of person to the administrative responsibility in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
5. Centralized accounting of persons who made administrative offenses and the victims is performed by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan by forming and maintaining single centralized information system.
6. The single centralized information system, its territorial and departmental bases are information resources with limited access.
7. The single centralized information system is created on the basis of territorial databases.
Territorial databases are created by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Main Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Tashkent, the regional Departments of Internal Affairs (further - law-enforcement bodies) on the basis of departmental databases.
8. Departmental databases are created by territorial departments of authorized bodies on the basis of accounting documentation.
9. Accounting documentation are:
the accounting card of persons who made administrative offense in form according to appendix No. 1 to this Provision (further - No. form card 1);
the accounting card of persons who made administrative offense (without creation of the protocol), in form according to appendix No. 2 to this Provision (further - No. form card 2);
the accounting card of persons which were injured from administrative offense in form according to appendix No. 3 to this Provision (further - No. form card 3);
the notice on execution of the resolution on application of administrative punishment in form according to appendix No. 4 to this Provision (further - the notice).
10. Accounting documentation and databases are kept in state language.
11. Modification and amendments in accounting documentation is not allowed. Modification and amendments in the standard forms specifying obligation of filling of details of accounting cards is performed in coordination with the relevant ministries and departments.
12. Accounting of persons subjected to administrative punishment based on decisions of the interdepartmental commissions on cases of minors is conducted by law-enforcement bodies.
13. The bodies authorized on hearing of cases about administrative offenses (further - authorized bodies) all links (district, city, regional, republican) according to the procedure and the terms determined by this Provision represent cards and notices to the relevant territorial subdivisions of this authorized body.
14. Persons concerning whom the decree (determination) on application of administrative punishment is issued or on whom the penalty on site of making of offense according to article 283 of the Code of the Republic of Uzbekistan about the administrative responsibility is imposed are subject to accounting.
15. For the offenses fixed by the special automated technical means of photo and video registration, the card is not filled, however data are represented to single centralized information system by means of electronic communication network in the online mode.
16. After removal by the official, representative to consider cases on administrative offense, decisions on the considered case or on the case taken in accordance with the established procedure for consideration to court on administrative cases, the official who constituted the protocol on administrative offense or appointed responsible for this case fills card and the notice according to this Provision in electronic forms (further - electronic card and the electronic notice) then unpacks them in one copy on paper according to the established sample (further - card on paper and the notice on paper) and signs.
17. The judgment and authorized body about application, change or cancellation of administrative punishment, the termination of administrative case within three days after their introduction in legal force go to the authorized body which constituted the protocol on administrative offense.
18. The official of authorized body based on judgments fills card and the notice in strict accordance with requirements of this provision in electronic forms then unpacks them in one copy on paper according to the established sample and signs.
19. The official who signed card and the notice bears responsibility for reliability, correctness of filling and observance of procedure and the terms of their representation determined by this Provision.
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