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of May 20, 2017

About cooperation in the field of environmental protection and sustainable development

The state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on ecology and environmental protection and the State committee of Turkmenistan on environmental protection and land resources, hereinafter referred to as "Parties",

being guided by provisions of the Treaty of friendship, cooperation and mutual assistance between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan of January 16, 1996 and the Contract on strategic partnership between the Republic of Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan of March 6, 2017,

proceeding from the high level of friendship between the states of the Parties,

in view of importance and relevance of the efforts directed to enhancement of cooperation in the field of environmental protection and coordination of collateral actions on participation of the states of the Parties in national and international ecological programs

based on the principles of equality and mutual advantage,

following the principles and recommendations of Rio-de-Zhaneyrskoy of the declaration about the environment and development (Rio de Janeiro, 1992), the Millennium Declaration of the UN (New York, 2000), the Johannesburg declaration on sustainable development (Johannesburg, 2002), and also the resulting document of the Conference of the UN on sustainable development of Rio-20 "The future which we want" (Rio de Janeiro, 2012), to Sustainable development goals,

considering general interest of the states of the Parties in cooperation on environmental protection and sustainable development,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

This agreement is directed to expansion and development of cooperation between the Parties for the decision and the corresponding reaction to environmental challenges at the national, regional and global levels for the benefit of the states of the Parties.

Article 2

The parties within the competences develop cooperation in the following directions:

a) preserving biological diversity, including protection and recovery of populations of the rare and being under the threat of disappearance animal species, development of system of the protected natural territories;

b) climate change and adaptation to its effects;

c) development of alternative energy sources;

d) monitoring of the surrounding environment;

e) protection of atmospheric air;

e) rational use of natural resources;

g) strengthening and enhancement of activities of the International Fund of rescuing of the Aral Sea;

h) studying and the solution of global and regional problems on environmental improvement in the zones of ecological catastrophe, first of all, connected with negative ecological effects of drying of the Aral Sea;

i) any other spheres which are of to the Parties mutual interest.

Article 3

The cooperation in the directions specified in Article 2 of this agreement is performed in the following forms:

a) experience exchange, scientific and technical information, regulatory legal acts and normative and technical documents in the field of environmental protection;

b) development of joint programs and projects;

c) holding joint meetings, trainings, seminars and conferences, organization of exchange of visits;

d) promotion of the joint initiatives which are equitable to common interests of the states of the Parties within regional and international platforms and processes of cooperation;

e) any other forms of cooperation which can be jointly realized by the Parties.

Article 4

For coordination of realization of cooperation within this agreement, the Parties in the shortest possible time in writing notify each other on responsible divisions and persons.

In case of replacement of responsible divisions and persons, the Parties inform each other on this replacement.

Article 5

The parties shall observe confidentiality of information obtained within this agreement, and it can be given to the third parties only after receipt of the prior written consent of other Party.

The data which are the state secret of Turkmenistan and the state mystery of the Republic of Uzbekistan are not subject to transfer within this agreement.

Article 6

Within this agreement of the Party:

a) develop and realize the joint actions plans, the action programs and "road maps" directed to practical implementation of this agreement;

b) if necessary, create joint working group and fix the mechanism of regular consultations on discussion of current status and perspectives of enhancement of bilateral interaction.

Article 7

The parties independently incur expenses which can arise during implementation of this agreement if in each case other procedure is not approved.

Article 8

Any disputes arising between the Parties in connection with application and interpretation of this agreement, are solved by means of consultations and negotiations.

Article 9

Provisions of this agreement do not affect the right and obligations following from other international treaties which participants are the states of the Parties.

Article 10

As agreed by the parties changes and additions which are drawn up by the separate protocols which are integral part of this agreement can be made to this agreement and become effective according to the procedure, established in Article 11 of this agreement.

Article 11

This agreement becomes effective from the date of its signing and is effective before the expiration of two months from the date of receipt of one of the Parties of the written notice of other Party of intention to stop its action.

Cancellation of this agreement does not involve the termination of projects implementation and the programs begun within this agreement and not completed by the time of the termination of its action.

It is made in the city of the Turkmenbashi on May 20, 2017 in duplicate, everyone in the Uzbek, Turkmen and Russian languages, and all texts are equally authoritative.

In case of discrepancy in interpretation of provisions of this agreement of the Party will be guided by the text in Russian.

State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on ecology and environmental protection


State committee of Turkmenistan on environmental protection and land resources



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