of April 21, 2011 No. 216
About approval of Rules of survey of courts in operation
According to the subitem 12) Item 1 of article 9 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of July 6, 2004 "About inland water transport" PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of survey of courts in operation.
2. To committee of transport and means of communication of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan () provide to N. I. Kilybay in accordance with the established procedure submission of this order to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan for state registration.
3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan Dyusembayev E. S.
4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days from the date of its first official publication.
Acting Minister
It is approved Minister of environmental protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan May 10, 2011 |
_______________ N. Ashim |
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 21, 2011 No. 216
1. These rules of survey of courts in operation (further - Rules) establish procedure, terms, methods and amounts of surveys by the Shipping register of the courts which are in operation, for the purpose of providing safety conditions of their swimming, protection of life and health of passengers and ship crews, safety of the transported loads, ecological safety of courts, and also contain standard rates for determination of technical condition of the vessel.
2. In these rules the following concepts are applied:
1) special personnel - persons who are not passengers crew members or children aged is not more senior than one year and the vessels which are onboard in connection with special purpose or because of the special works performed onboard this vessel;
2) the special purpose ship - the vessel which has onboard special personnel numbering more than 12 people (research, expedition, hydrographic, training ships, vessels used for conversion of biological resources of the water circle and which are not occupied with fishing);
3) defect - the condition of object in case of which it does not satisfy at least to one of requirements of regulating documents when preserving operating state what is caused by the wrong adjustment excessive clearances in interfaces, failure of test instruments and is followed in certain cases by noise, knock, the increased temperature;
4) food wastes - the garbage type consisting of waste of preliminary culinary processing of edibles, not utilizable remaining balance;
5) the fishing boat - the vessel used directly for harpoon fishing, and also for production of other biological resources of the water circle;
6) refusal - the event consisting in violation of operability of object;
7) boom - the device for prevention of distribution of the oil floating on water surface or for veering of its movement and the subsequent collection;
8) deadweight - difference between displacement in case of vessel draft on the construction waterline corresponding to the appointed summer freeboard and light displacement;
9) the vessel in construction - the vessel under construction from the moment of laying of keel before the date of receipt of certificate of seaworthiness and other documents of the Shipping register.
The moment of laying of keel is meant as the beginning of construction which can be determined as belonging to this vessel or when the mass of collected part of the case of the vessel constitutes at least 1% of settlement mass of all body materials;
10) the combined tank (further - the tank) - reservoir for collection and storage of the raw liquids contaminated by hazardous substances;
11) passenger capacity - the greatest number of the passengers allowed to transportation on this passenger or traveling ship according to the specification and documents of the Shipping register;
12) the floating crane (plavkran) - the crane construction on the floating basis of pontoon type intended for production of load-lifting transactions;
13) the cargo ship - the vessel intended for carriage of goods (dry-cargo, bulk, combined, refrigerator, trade and transport);
14) the traveling vessel - the vessel intended for transportation no more than 12 passengers;
15) damage - the term which is conditionally applied to the description of effects of the events which entailed transition of the vessel or the technical tool from operating technical condition in disabled or is limited operable.
Gaps and inadmissible deformations of covering, floorings and structural frame, breakdown of details, destruction of nodes of ship technical means are considered as damages;
16) hazardous substance - the substances containing in final gases and giving them adverse or harmful to the person and the environment of property (carbon oxide (SO), nitrogen oxides (NOh) and hydrocarbons (SN);
17) the incinerator - the special ship furnace for thermal destruction (burning) of garbage, oil slime, remaining balance and slime of drain waters;
18) the pusher - the vessel having the coupling device and intended for driving by method of pushing of other courts and floating constructions;
19) Rules of the Shipping register - set of regulations of technical nature, the governing relations connected with implementation of classification of courts including by means of approval by the Shipping register of technical documentation on construction, re-equipment, upgrade and repair of courts, technical observation in case of production and repair of products and production of materials for installation in courts, construction, re-equipment, upgrade and repair of courts, surveys of courts in operation;
20) Rules of the Shipping register include the following regulatory legal acts used in these rules:
The rules of inland-water construction of vessels approved by the order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 9, 2011 No. 127 (are registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 6871), (further - PSVP);
The rules of construction of vessels of the swimming mixed "river sea" approved by the order of the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 14, 2011 No. 137 (are registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 6883), (further - PSSP);
The rules of classification of courts of the internal and mixed "river sea" swimming approved by the order of the acting minister of transport and communications of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 21, 2011 No. 213 (are registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 6969), (further - Rules of classification of courts);
21) boat team - the faces included in the muster roll, providing management, movement, survivability and safety of operation of the vessel including the personnel servicing both boat team, and passengers;
22) vessel elements - the structural parts of the vessel regulated by requirements of the Shipping register: the case, superstructures, ship devices, the equipment, objects of supply, means of fire protection, engines, boilers, systems, heat-exchanging devices, pressure vessels, deck machineries, electrical equipment, radio - and the aid to navigation, refrigeration units, the automation equipment, load-lifting devices, the equipment on pollution prevention;
23) KOSPAS-SARSAT - the satellite system developed for distress alert and location of coordinates of the personal radio buoys and radio buoys established in courts in case of emergency situations;
24) considerable re-equipment - re-equipment of the vessel in case of which measurings or load-carrying capacity of the vessel significantly change changes type of vessel, vessel service life is considerably prolonged, the vessel changes otherwise, than is stated above, but in such degree that if it was new, then would fall under action of relevant provisions of the Rules which were not applied to it before re-equipment;
25) receiving devices - buoyant or coastal devices for acceptance from courts of any kinds of pollution for the purpose of their further transfer for cleaning, utilization, destruction;
26) superstructure - the closed construction on freeboard deck stretching from board to board or remote from any of vessel boards for distance no more than 4% of width In vessels;
27) garbage (M) - all types of food, domestic and operational wastes which are formed in the course of regular operation of the vessel and which are subject to permanent or periodic removal;
28) the device for collection of garbage - reservoir and other devices for collection and storage of garbage;
29) the device for processing of garbage - the device for crushing and reduction of amount of garbage;
30) the dry cargo vessel - the vessel intended for transportation of different dry loads (general cargoes, containers, the wood, loads in bulk, cars with load and without load);
31) oil-containing mix - mix with any oil content;
32) oily waters (further - NV) - water mix with any oil content;
33) the universal vessel - the vessel intended for alternate transportation of liquid cargoes in bulk and dry and/or other dry bulk cargoes;
34) liquid cargo carrier - the vessel intended for transportation of liquid cargoes in bulk;
35) pollution - hit on water environment and (or) in the atmosphere of the hazardous substances or drains containing such substances;
36) MARPOL 73/78 - The international convention on pollution prevention from courts of 1973 changed by the Protocol of 1978 to it taking into account the amendments adopted by Committee of protection of the marine environment of IMO;
37) oil - oil in any kind, including crude, liquid fuel, oil residues, oil rainfall and oil products;
38) instant intensity of dumping of oil - intensity of dumping of oil at any time, l/h, divided into vessel speed in nodes at the same moment;
39) ship set on fight against oil spills (further - ship set of BRN) - set of the equipment and materials for localization and collection of the oil spilled in water;
40) oil rainfall - part of oil which because of the consistence does not give in to regular pumping and processing and requires special acceptances or devices for its removal from the vessel;
41) oil refuse - any remaining balance containing oil;
42) oil slime - the separated slime, the oil containing in drainage from oil reservoirs and in any leakages from the equipment of engine rooms, waste oil;
43) segregated ballast - the ballast water accepted in the tank which is completely separated cargo and fuel systems and is intended only for the transportation of ballast and loads which are not oil or hazardous substances;
44) the vessel in operation - the vessel which is not the vessel in construction;
45) operational waste - the waste which is formed as a result of accomplishment on the vessel of different production and repair work and also all waste which is formed as a result of operation of the power station and the other equipment of the vessel;
46) drain waters (further - SV) - drains and other waste from all types of toilets, urinals and toilet bowls, drains from the sinks, bathtubs and scuppers which are in medical rooms (out-patient clinics, infirmaries), drains from rooms which contain animal, economic and household waters, other drains if they are mixed with the listed above drains;
47) installation for sewage treatment - installation in which drain waters are exposed to cleaning and disinfecting;
48) the cabin - the closed construction on freeboard deck or on superstructure deck, remote at least from one of boards on distance more than 4% of width In vessels. Cabins can be located in one or several tiers;
49) signaling device - the device signaling about exceeding of normative value of oil content in dumping;
50) slamming - blow of bottom part of fore end of the case of the vessel about water in the course of pitching motion of the vessel in case of its movement on head seas;
51) liquid fuel - any oil used in fuel quality for the power station of the vessel on which this fuel is;
52) the filtering equipment - filters or any combination of separators and filters which design provides normative value of admissible oil content in dumping;
53) net ballast - the ballast water accepted in the tank which after the last transportation of oil in it is cleared so that the dumping of ballast from this tank made from stationary ship in pure smooth water in case of clear weather does not lead to emergence of visible traces of oil on water surface or the adjacent coast or to formation of oil rainfall or emulsion under water surface or on the adjacent coast.
If dumping is made through the system of automatic measurement, registration and dumping control of oil, then the indication of such system approved by the Shipping register about oil content in the dumped drain of no more normative value, is accepted as the proof of purity of ballast irrespective of availability of visible traces;
54) technical condition - set of properties of the elements of the vessel characterizing at present time degree of their suitability for operation and compliance to requirements of the Shipping register regulated to requirements of the Shipping register;
55) the vessel of the technical fleet - the vessel for maintenance of courts and waterways, for port economy, underwater production of minerals (cherpakovy floating dredges, suction dredgers, skalodrobilny, dnoochistitelny and ruslovypravitelny vessels, drags, sludge carriers, motozavozn, buoy and traveling tenders for servicing of shipping situation, for environmental control and research of parameters of the water circle, ground soil, atmospheric air and inspection supervision of accomplishment of the nature protection legislation by courts, coastal industrial and agricultural organizations);
56) depreciation - change of the sizes, forms, masses or surface conditions of designs and details in the course of their operation owing to destruction (wear) of surface layer of the considered product in case of friction, and also owing to corrosion, erosion, rotting;
57) domestic waste - waste which by the time of dumping were used as reservoir or container, and also various products from all types of plastic, papers, textiles, glass;
58) the settling tank - the tank intended for collection and sediment of wash water of tanks, dirty ballast, oil refuse and other oil-containing mixes;
59) smoke - the visible dispersion of liquid and (or) solid substances in final gases formed as a result of incomplete combustion of fuel and the evaporated oil in engine cylinders;
60) economic and household waters - drains from wash basins, shower, bathtubs and scuppers, drains from laundries, drains from sinks and the equipment of galley and other premises of catering department;
61) the rack vessel - the vessel which is constantly operated at the coast, equipped in the reliable ways for evacuation of people on the coast (landing stages; mooring pontoons; floating hotels, hostels, rest houses, restaurants, vessel repair ships, pumping points);
62) crude oil - any liquid mix of the hydrocarbons which are found in natural state under the Earth's surface irrespective of, it is subjected to processing on purpose to make it suitable for transportation or not. Enter it crude oil from which some distillates, crude oil to which some distillates could be added could be removed;
63) emission - quantity of the hazardous substance arriving in the atmosphere from exhaust gases;
64) dumping - any dumping from the vessel of the hazardous substances or drains containing such substances, whatever reasons it was caused, including any leakage, draining, removal, flood, course, pumping, allocation or emptying;
65) the final (fulfilled) gases - the mix of products of complete and incomplete combustion of fuel and excess air arriving from engine cylinders in its final system;
66) normative value of admissible oil content in dumping - the extreme concentration of oil products in the water dumped in water object established international (for the sea) and Kazakhstan (for inland waterways) regulating documents;
67) selective control - method of carrying out inspection of ship in case of which compliance of technical condition of its elements to requirements of the Shipping register is established by results of selective check of the separate sizes, properties, parameters and characteristics of elements.
Procedure and amount of carrying out the surveys ordered in case of survey, measurements and testing the worker of the Shipping register establishes in each case;
68) autonomy of swimming under the terms of ecological safety - duration of operation of the vessel without the need for approach to receiving devices for delivery of drain waters, oily waters, garbage and other waste.
3. Survey is constituent of classification activities of the Shipping register, consisting in inspection of the vessel on compliance to requirements of the Shipping register and including, verification of presence of the coordinated technical documentation, certificates on materials and components, and also visual inspection, measurements, operating test and testing, registration and issue of documents of the Shipping register.
In case of all types of surveys, the worker of the Shipping register gets acquainted with acts of the previous surveys, and also uses data on the iznosa found in operation, damages and defects, the made repairs and replacements of the equipment according to ship documentation (forms, ship acts and acceptance acts, sketches, drawings, repair sheets, ship logs).
4. When implementing classification of courts of internal water swimming and courts of swimming "river sea" (further - classification activities) the Shipping register applies method of selective control.
5. Amount of the carried-out survey, data on technical condition of elements of the vessel, data on the measurements made repairs and replacements are specified in the statements of survey which are drawn up by the worker of the Shipping register.
6. Statements are drawn up on special forms, without omissions of required data. In text part and sketches it is necessary to give fair idea of the found defects, the reasons of their emergence and measures for elimination stated in the claims form.
7. In case of change as a result of repair fixed earlier in documents of the worker of the Shipping register of characteristics and parameters of the vessel (the sailing area, freeboard, propulsive output, structure of objects of the ship equipment and supply) the worker of the Shipping register makes corresponding changes to ship's papers.
8. When implementing classification activities the Shipping register carries out the following types of surveys:
1) initial;
2) next;
3) classification;
4) annual;
5) dock;
6) extraordinary.
9. Pressure vessels are exposed:
1) to outside survey - annually;
2) to internal survey - in 5 years;
3) to hydraulic test - in 10 years.
10. Pressure vessels with diameter of mouth less than 120 mm are subjected to hydraulic test in 5 years.
11. Initial assignment survey is carried out:
1) after construction of the vessel;
2) after updating, re-equipment, upgrade or repair which consequence change of its type and assignment was;
3) in case of reclassification of the vessel;
4) in case of acceptance on classification accounting of the vessel which does not have documents of the Shipping register including which was earlier on accounting of other classification body.
12. In case of initial assignment survey compliance of elements of the vessel to the project and requirements of the Shipping register is checked, their design features and technical condition for assignment to the vessel of class and issue of documents of the Shipping register come to light.
13. The amount of initial assignment survey of the vessel in operation is established depending on amount of re-equipment, upgrade or repair, service life of the vessel, technical condition of its elements, availability of technical documentation and makes at least an amount of the next and classification surveys.
14. In certain cases the Shipping register reduces amount of initial assignment survey to amount of annual survey in the presence of the existing certificate recognized by the Shipping register of classification body and the technical documentation necessary for check on compliance to requirements of the Shipping register.
15. In case of initial assignment survey according to subitems 1) and 4) of Item 11 of these rules, register number is assigned to the vessel and documents of the Shipping register are issued.
16. The register number assigned to the vessel is applied on the vessel case (at the top of forepeak bulkhead around midplane (further - DP) from forepeak or in other foreground a little subject with depreciation and to damages).
17. The place of drawing register number is approved with the worker of the Shipping register and it is specified in the act of initial assignment survey.
18. In metal courts register number is beaten out, nakernyatsya or built up, on plastic - is made of plastic and pasted, on wooden - is cut out or burned out.
19. The next survey is carried out before classification survey for the purpose of determination of technical condition of elements of the vessel. By results of the next survey requirements after which accomplishment, the possibility of renewal of class of the vessel is determined are imposed.
20. Preparation of the vessel for survey and fault detection of its elements is performed according to requirements of Item 48 of Rules of classification of courts.
21. Frequency of the next surveys of courts is determined by frequency of classification surveys according to Item 27 of these rules.
22. Classification survey is carried out after the next survey on the vessel prepared for operation for the purpose of renewal of class and execution of the new classification certificate.
23. In case of classification survey the shipowner submits the documents confirming amount and quality of the works performed after the next survey, results of measurements of parameters, acts of testing of elements of the vessel, certificates on the replaced details.
24. In case of classification survey fulfillment of requirements, shown in case of the next survey is checked.
25. The vessel and its elements are checked for compliance to requirements of the Shipping register, and also features of design, technical characteristics, correctness of functioning, quality of mounting, structure, completeness and other properties are checked.
26. After the specified actions technical condition of elements of the vessel and possibility of renewal of class of the vessel and recognition its navigerous is determined.
27. The vessel is shown to classification survey once in 5 years, beginning of date of initial or last classification survey.
The shipping register changes period between classification (next) surveys of the vessel in general, or the enlarged its elements (the case, mechanisms, electric equipment) if it is caused by dynamics of change of their technical condition connected with age vessels, operating time of ship technical means, change of conditions of swimming. At reasonable request of the shipowner classification (next) surveys of the enlarged elements of the vessel can be carried out to different terms.
28. Annual survey of the vessel is carried out to the period between classification surveys, includes control check of technical condition of the vessel and aims to determine that the vessel sufficiently answers conditions of confirmation of class.
29. In case of annual survey visual inspections of elements of the vessel are performed mainly, operating tests which amount is determined by these rules are carried out.
30. At the request of the shipowner of court of the swimming mixed "river sea" are shown to annual survey ahead of schedule.
It is necessary that the period between early survey and the following did not exceed 18 months.
31. Annual survey is not carried out within 12 months after carrying out classification survey.
32. All inland navigation vessels and vessels of the swimming mixed "river sea" which are acknowledged suitable for operation with the restrictions providing decrease in external loads on the vessel case according to subitems with 1) - 8) Item 128 of these rules are subject to dock survey.
33. The vessels of the internal and mixed "river sea" swimming which allowed violation of the sailing area or the seasonal restrictions set by documents of the Shipping register are subject to extraordinary dock survey.
34. Dock survey is carried out before the third annual survey after initial or classification so that the period between dock and next surveys did not exceed 36 months.
35. Dock survey is carried out for the purpose of identification of possible signs of loss of general strength, inadmissible local permanent distortions and violations of integrity of outside skin.
36. In case of dock survey the condition of elements of the ship devices located in underwater part of the case, ground and onboard armature and propeller system is checked.
37. Extraordinary survey is carried out:
1) after damages without which elimination safety of operation of the vessel according to Chapter 6 of these rules is not ensured;
2) after rectification of faults; at the same time documents to swimming are processed to the validity after accomplishment of all requirements established in case of survey according to the subitem 1) of this Item;
3) in case of detection of the defects menacing to safety of swimming and in need of refining of technical condition or the ship's working area, and also for recovery of action of documents of the Shipping register, invalid;
4) for the purpose of control check of technical condition of experimental objects;
5) for check of readiness of the vessel: to one-time stage (transition) out of the established sailing area according to Chapter 7 of these rules; to transportation of organized groups of people on not passenger carriers according to Chapter 8 of these rules; to transportation of bulky and/or heavy loads according to Chapter 9 of these rules; to transportation of the dangerous goods, grain and not grain bulked cargoes (which are not provided by earlier granted certificates of the Shipping register); to incidental swimming in the pool of higher discharge;
7) after fulfillment of requirements, shown in case of annual survey as a result of which the vessel was found in unusable technical condition. The term of the following annual survey is counted of date of the previous annual survey;
7) in case of statement on classification accounting and removal from accounting of the courts having the existing documents of the Shipping register;
8) for the purpose of preliminary determination of technical condition, and also the solution of the questions connected with the forthcoming surveys of the vessel;
9) during the updating, upgrade or repair of the vessel without change of its type and assignment;
10) for courts the internal and mixed "river sea" swimmings, the allowed violation of the sailing area or the seasonal restrictions set by documents of the Shipping register;
11) in case of transfer of term of the next survey.
38. The amount of extraordinary survey in each case is determined by the worker of the Shipping register taking into account the purpose and tasks of survey.
39. According to the written appeal of shipowner, the Shipping register transfers date of classification, next and annual surveys of the vessel in the following cases:
1) in case of incidental swimming;
2) in case of technical impossibility of carrying out survey.
40. Transfer of term of the next and classification survey of the vessel for a period of up to twelve months, except for the following cases is allowed:
1) if separate ship technical means developed the appointed resource before major repair or write-off;
2) if settlement reasons for sufficient durability of their cases for operation for the term of the granted delay are not provided to the Shipping register concerning courts with the class "O-PR", "M-PR" and "M-joint venture".
41. In case of transfer of term of the next and classification survey the term of the following next and classification survey does not change.
42. Fault detection and calculations of sufficient durability of cases are carried out by the Shipping register.
The vessel is shown to extraordinary survey after accomplishment by the Shipping register of settlement reasons for sufficient durability of cases.
43. Delay of classification (next) survey of mechanisms and electric equipments is not allowed if the separate ship technical means which are their part developed the appointed resource before write-off.
44. Annual survey of the vessel, and also internal survey of pressure vessels is deferred for a period of up to two months.
Date of the actual passing of survey does not change the appointed date of the following survey.
45. In case of the next inspection of ship it is allowed not to carry out those types of checks of elements of the vessel which were carried out in necessary amount (including also surveys in dock or on slip) no more than in 12 months prior to the carried-out survey.
46. In case of survey and determination of technical condition of cases of the reclassified courts the Shipping register is guided by the technical documentation developed according to requirements of the Shipping register.
47. For cases of the serial vessels reclassified at the request of the shipowner towards reduction of the class application of individual standard rates of residual thickness and parameters of the deformations appointed taking into account decrease in external loads in case of operation of the vessel after reclassification is allowed.
48. Determination of technical condition of other elements of the reclassified vessel is made according to regulations of these rules.
49. Reclassification of the vessel is drawn up by the act of initial assignment survey which amount is sufficient for confirmation of conformity of all elements of the vessel to requirements of the Shipping register and technical documentation, and also determination of its technical condition coordinated with the Shipping register in relation to new class.
50. By results of this survey the new class is appropriated to the vessel, terms and sailing areas, freeboard, terms of the following of classification and annual surveys are quoted, new documents of the Shipping register are processed and issued, and earlier acting - are recognized invalid, are withdrawn and filed in the form.
51. In case of reclassification of the vessel towards reduction of the class the new classification certificate is granted, and corresponding changes are made to other documents.
52. The shipowner immediately notifies the worker of the Shipping register around which activities there was damage on damages of the vessel, and shows the vessel for survey.
53. The worker of the Shipping register does not carry out survey if damage did not lead to transport incident, to vessel conclusion from operation and its elimination is possible in ship conditions in a short space of time.
54. In case of receipt of the notification from the ship master or the shipowner on transport incident, damage of the vessel or its elements the worker of the Shipping register without delay informs the Shipping register on circumstances and effects of damages according to the available data.
55. The situation on the vessel taking place at the time of receipt of damage remains before arrival of the worker of the Shipping register in that measure in what it does not threaten safety of the vessel and the people who are on it, and also does not cause further destructions.
56. Prior to survey the worker of the Shipping register gets acquainted with contents of primary ship act with statement of circumstances and the reasons of damage and/or failure of ship technical means.
57. In case of inspection of ship the worker of the Shipping register determines nature of damages and establishes the reasons which caused damages, establishes possibility of preserving class depending on technical condition, and also the conditions ensuring safety of further operation of the vessel, or possibility of one-time transition to the place of repair or unloading.
58. If the class of the vessel does not remain because of unusable technical condition of the vessel, the shipowner develops and represented to the Shipping register of action, vessels providing safe transition (stage) to the place of unloading and/or repair.
59. Depending on actual state of the vessel taking into account the area of transition and actions of the shipowner the Shipping register recognizes the vessel suitable for one-time transition on condition of observance of the exposed restrictions and additional requirements which the vessels which are not provided by requirements of the Shipping register, called by features or conditions of its operation in writing shown by the Shipping register for the purpose of safety control of navigation of the vessel according to its assignment, protection of life and health of passengers and ship crew, safety of the loads transported on the vessel, ecological safety of the vessel.
60. Results of extraordinary inspection of ship on which there was damage are drawn up by the act of extraordinary survey.
The copy of the statement of transport incident which is drawn up by the commission of the shipowner and/or the copy of primary ship statement which is drawn up by officers of the vessel (courts) is attached to the act of extraordinary survey.
61. In the act of extraordinary survey of the damaged element of the vessel the following data are specified:
1) exhaustive data on the damaged vessel or object, type, assignment; author and project number; year and place of build or major repair; place, date and nature of the last repair; documentary confirmed data on the organization of maintenance of object (observance of the operating manual, availability and schedule performance of maintenance); type, date of the last survey and data on technical condition by results of this survey;
2) design features of object;
3) short data with reference to the act of transport incident or primary ship act of circumstances of damage of subject to survey, including of the place, time, loading option, vessel driving direction;
4) general condition at the time of presentation to survey (the location, buoyancy loss, violation of durability, damage of compartments, the power station);
5) the detailed description of damages with appendix of necessary sketches, schemes;
6) conclusion about the reasons of damages;
7) requirements for rectification of faults and defects;
8) data necessary for refining of the reasons of damages;
9) offers on the prevention of similar damages.
62. In case of survey of the damaged case, in addition to data of Item 61 of these rules, in the act of extraordinary inspection of ship it is necessary:
1) to specify load sort, its placement longwise and height, reliability of fixing of load, availability of excessive loads or free surface of liquid cargo;
2) to confirm availability on the vessel or in Items of cargo works of the Instruction for the loading and unloading developed by manufacturing plant and approved with the Shipping register and compliance of arrangement of load of this Instruction;
3) to list the restrictions of operating conditions set earlier and to confirm their accomplishment;
4) to specify hydrometeorological conditions (the direction and wind speed, wave height according to the forecast and actual, observance of procedure for receipt of forecasts, vessel provision concerning wave, the characteristic of ice conditions).
63. In case of survey of the damaged objects of the ship equipment in addition to data of Item 61 of these rules, in the act of extraordinary inspection of ship it is necessary to specify:
1) object brand, serial number, year and place of build or major repair;
2) work number of hours before damage, including after production, last capital, average, the flowing repairs, availability of the certificate of the Shipping register or other classification body;
3) the modes and working conditions with indication of critical parameters by the time of refusal;
4) data on the defects taking place before incident, the executed repairs and maintenance (according to ship engineer's logs);
5) data on availability and type of system of distant or distant automated management, its technical condition, and also completeness and operability control - measuring instruments, light and sound it is emergency - the precautionary alarm system and automatic protection;
6) data on replacement of details in use.
64. In case of survey of the damaged electrical equipment in addition to data of Item 61 of these rules, in the act of extraordinary inspection of ship it is necessary to specify:
1) structure of power plant, current sort, tension;
2) results of the last measurement of insulation resistance before damage and during survey, it is checked by the measuring instrument of moisture content and extent of aging;
3) condition and setup of devices of automatic protection of generators, electric drives, power cables, chains of lighting, automatic equipment and overload protection, short-circuit currents, self-switching off;
4) completeness and operability control - measuring instruments and the light alarm.
65. In case of survey of the damaged load-lifting device in addition to data of Item 61 of these rules, in the act of extraordinary inspection of ship it is necessary to specify:
1) the mass of load, discharge angles, turn of arrow and height of lift of load at the time of refusal;
2) data on exterior and technical condition of metalwork and essential parts of the load-lifting device;
3) data on properties of material of the damaged element.
66. In case of survey of the damaged pressure vessel in addition to data of Item 61 of these rules, in the act of extraordinary inspection of ship it is necessary to specify data on technical condition:
1) manometers, their completeness, frequency of checking;
2) fittings of vessels and pipelines, operability and correctness of setting of safety valves, availability on them of seals, condition of fusible traffic jams, separators;
3) walls of the damaged vessel, availability of corrosion of inner and outer surfaces, security of attachment of vessels.
67. In case of survey of the damaged refrigeration unit in addition to data of Item 61 of these rules, in the act of extraordinary inspection of ship it is necessary to specify:
1) parameters of work of installation before refusal;
2) data on technical condition of compressors, pumps, evaporators, pipelines and their armature, safety appliances;
3) compliance of properties, the applied coolant to passport data, data on the last repairs, adjustments, testing, the applied details and materials according to the documents which are available for the shipowner.
68. If the reason of damage, refusal is not obvious, then all most probable causes and possible external signs accompanying them which are compared with the available data on external manifestation of damage (refusal) and the values taking place before damage of parameters of object are consistently analyzed.
69. By results of such comparison alleged causes of incident are established.
The scheme of establishment of the reasons of damage (refusal) is given in appendix of 1 these rules.
70. If the reason of damage, refusal on the vessel did not manage to be established, then the worker of the Shipping register requires carrying out the specified research for the purpose of identification of design, production and operational factors (quality of material, manufacturing techniques and control of product, maintenance) which could serve as the reason of damage (refusal).
71. The worker of the Shipping register in three-day time sends all documentation on survey of the damaged object after final registration to the Shipping register.
Acts of extraordinary surveys in connection with damages affirm the worker of the Shipping register and go to three-day time in the Shipping register.
72. By results of survey of courts after damages for technical reasons the Shipping register makes the analysis of the circumstances which caused damage and it is offered to the shipowner to take necessary measures for the prevention of similar damages.
73. The shipping register performs monitoring of damages of the courts and ship technical means which occurred for technical reasons and also accounting of all cases connected with damages which entailed decrease in technical condition of the vessel.
74. The vessel which is subject to one-time stage through the pools significantly differing under the terms swimmings from the area determined by vessel class is prepared by the shipowner according to requirements of this Chapter.
75. One-time transitions and stages (further - stages) courts are allowed without considerable constructive changes of the vessel.
If the stage of the vessel is performed through pools of higher discharge, than it is provided by ship's papers, restrictions on the vetro-wave mode according to vessel class formula are set.
76. For the vessel which is subject to stage in the sailing area, significantly different from the sailing area, provided by vessel class, the shipowner develops the project of stage. Project development of stage is obligatory for the inland navigation vessels intended for stage by the sea.
The project of stage of the vessel, irrespective of the region of stage and the destination port, is subject to approval of the worker of the Shipping register.
77. For stage by sea the vessels which underwent dock (slipovaniye) survey no more than in 12 months prior to stage and not having cement fillings and other temporary seals in the case are recognized suitable.
78. Questions of the organization of stage are not within the competence of the Shipping register, but they are specified in case of project development of stage.
79. Public conveyance in the ferried courts is excluded.
80. For providing favorable loading variant of the courts which do not have ballast tanks of sufficient capacity cargo reception is possible.
81. If for compliance to requirements of the Shipping register essential changes or additional equipment of the vessel are not required owing to what project development of stage of the vessel is inexpedient, except for the courts of internal water swimming intended for stage by the sea the complex of actions for safety control of stage and the instruction is developed for the captain.
The specified documents are submitted for approval to the worker of the Shipping register.
82. In the course of project development of stage of the vessel or the list of actions for safety control of stage and the instruction for the captain the vessel is shown to the worker of the Shipping register for preliminary survey for the purpose of refining of requirements for preparation of the vessel for stage, and also for control of amount of repair work if they are provided.
83. If the stage requires increase in freeboard, stability or durability of the vessel, all reasonable and feasible measures for Shipping register meeting requirements by the choice of favorable ballasting or loading of the vessel, reinforcement of the case or dismantle complicating stage of ship designs and the equipment are undertaken.
84. If considerable constructive changes of the vessel are necessary for requirements of the Shipping register for full compliance, additional restrictions on the vetro-wave mode, seasonality, use of daylight are set (further - restrictions on weather).
Restrictions on weather are proved by strength calculations, stability and freeboard, at the same time experience of stages in this area of the single-line or similar ships is considered.
In case of reasons for restrictions on weather the extent of ensuring general seaworthiness caused by ship dimensions and their ratios, availability of superstructures and seaworthy formations of the case, eminence of extremities over waterline, availability of superstructures and cabins is also considered.
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