of March 5, 2018
About cooperation in the field of judicial and expert activities
The state committee of judicial examinations of the Republic of Belarus and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan which further are referred to as "Party"
aiming at adjustment of bilateral ties in the field of judicial and expert activities and research works,
for the purpose of increase in efficiency of fight against crime on the basis of active use of modern methods and means of judicial examination and criminalistics,
considering that strengthening of the available relations of friendship and mutually beneficial cooperation is equitable to national interests of the states of the Parties,
agreed as follows:
The parties perform cooperation in the field of research works on theoretical and legal, organizational and methodological problems of judicial and expert activities, creation new and enhancement of the existing methods and techniques of expert research.
The cooperation within this agreement is performed directly, and also through the Republican center of judicial examination of H.Sulaymanova under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and Public institution "Scientific and practical center of the State committee of judicial examinations of the Republic of Belarus".
The parties within the competence develop cooperation in the field of judicial and expert activities in the following directions and forms:
coordination of scientific work on problems of judicial and expert activities, and also joint development of methods and techniques;
exchange of the directory materials which are of mutual interest according to the legislation and interests of the states of the Parties;
holding joint seminars for development of new methods and techniques;
preparation, retraining and advanced training of specialists in the field of judicial and expert activities by the organization for them of training and training courses;
exchange of methodical and scientific literature;
rendering the scientific and methodical and practical help each other in questions of scientific and expert activities.
The parties can perform interaction and in other directions which are not provided by this agreement, but answering to the purposes of development of cooperation in the field of judicial and expert activities between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Belarus according to the national legal system of the states of the Parties, and also within the competence.
The parties independently incur the expenses connected with accomplishment of this agreement if they do not agree about other.
Interaction within this agreement is performed in Russian.
According to the mutual arrangement of the Parties changes and additions which are drawn up by the separate protocols which are integral part of this agreement can be made to this agreement and become effective according to the procedure, established by part one of Article 9 of this agreement.
Disputes and disagreements which can arise between the Parties in case of interpretation and application of provisions of this agreement will be resolved by bilateral negotiations and consultations.
This agreement is signed sine die and becomes effective from the date of its signing by the last Party.
Each of the Parties can terminate this agreement, having sent the written notice through diplomatic channels to other Party in 3 (three) months prior to cancellation of this agreement.
Signed in Tashkent on April 10, 2018 and Minsk on March 5, 2018, in duplicate in the Russian and Uzbek languages, and all texts are equally authentic.
For the State committee of judicial examinations of the Republic of Belarus Chairman A.I.Shved |
For the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan Minister R.K.Davletov |
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