of June 9, 2018 No. 28-VI
About fundamentals of transport policy of Turkmenistan
This Law determines bases of state policy in the field of transport and regulation, management of transport activities in Turkmenistan.
Legal basis of transport policy of Turkmenistan is constituted by the Constitution of Turkmenistan, this Law and other regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan regulating questions of functioning of transport system.
The main objectives of transport policy of Turkmenistan are:
1) involvement of transport system of Turkmenistan in the international transport cooperation, enhancement by the specific projects and plans aimed at its development and expansion;
2) creation of the joint multimodal transport and transit systems and corridors by effective use of transit opportunities of Turkmenistan;
3) construction of main pipelines in the new directions for increase in conclusion of amounts of energy resources to the foreign markets by diversification;
4) establishment and development of cooperation with foreign states and the international organizations for ensuring rendering transport services, safe, public, reliable, environmentally friendly, and also steady against weather changes;
5) entry into the local, regional and world markets for the purpose of development of the total market of transport services;
6) improvement of the quality of services in transport system;
7) strengthening of legal, organizational and economic bases of obesyopecheniye of safety of transport system;
8) implementation of measures for minimization and exception of adverse effect of vehicles on the environment, life and health of the person;
9) investment attraction in transport system by creation of advantageous investment conditions;
10) creation of multipurpose terminal complexes, the information and logistic centers by enhancement of technical base of different industries of transport system, transport infrastructure in key Items of their direct interaction;
11) organizational assistance to ensuring development of system of the combined and multimodal transportations, multimodal transport operators;
12) development of profitable benefits of each mode of transport to steady public conveyance, loads and baggage;
13) implementation of the international legal documents accepted in the field of transport.
The basic principles of transport policy of Turkmenistan are:
1) openness;
2) competition;
3) safety;
4) reliability;
5) availability;
6) ecological purity;
7) diversification of transport flows;
8) international cooperation.
The main objectives of transport policy aimed at the accelerated development of the transport and communication complex capable in full to satisfy the increasing requirements of economy, and also the population of Turkmenistan, consist in:
1) providing national bezoyopasnost;
2) creation of the single transport infrastructure providing available, safe transport relations in the territory of the country and with foreign states;
3) increase in competitiveness, availability and quality of public conveyance, loads and baggage;
4) promotion of interests of Turkyomenistan in the specialized markets of international cooperation in the field of transport, including transit and domestic transports;
5) ensuring accomplishment of regulations of safety and ecology in transport system;
6) ensuring sustainable innovative development of transport system.
Main routes of transport policy in the field of ensuring national security of Turkmenistan provide:
1) creation of conditions for requirements satisfaction of sustainable development of economy, increase in competitiveness of transit capacities, transportations of the population, load and baggage by road, railway, air, sea and river transport, and also related services, forming and development of transport infrastructure of Turkmenistan;
2) stable running of subjects of transport system in realization of state policy;
3) in case of development of system and objects of the transport complex having defense value and/or used in case of liquidation of emergency situations in necessary cases establishment of special procedure for logistics of such systems and objects;
4) development of necessary documents on mobilization preparation of complexes of transport system, structure of mobilization preparation and advanced training of their employees according to the legislation of Turkmenistan;
5) interaction of services of transport system with authorized bodies in ensuring public safety, including protection of public order and fight against crime.
1. Main routes of creation of single infrastructure of transport system consist in:
1) development of single infrastructure of transport system in ensuring available and safe communication between regions of the country and with foreign states;
2) ensuring stability of transport system due to creation of reasonable reserves and maintenance of normative characteristics of system;
3) development of infrastructure of transport system for complex development of regions of the country;
4) creation of complex system of the state strategic planning on development of infrastructure of transport system.
2. Features of creation and functioning of infrastructure of transport system are established by the legislation of Turkmenistan.
Main routes of state policy of increase in competitiveness, availability and improvement of the quality of public conveyance, loads and baggage are:
1) ensuring efficiency of transport connections in more considerable scales, with implementation of measures for reduction of share of transport structure in final cost of products in case of the regional, transit and exporto-import traffic, creation of system of the transport and logistic centers of intermodal messages;
2) increase in mobility of the population due to priority complex development of all systems of common carrier;
3) expansion of effective suburban social and economic activity by creation of high transport velocity system;
4) creation of the market of competitive, available and high-quality public conveyances, loads and baggage;
5) assistance to implementation of transportations of social value;
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