Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 1, 2018

About state cooperation - members of the CIS in the field of the address with waste of the electronic and electrotechnical equipment

The governments of the State Parties of this agreement which further are referred to as with the Parties

based on provisions of the Agreement on the free trade area of October 18, 2011,

developing provisions of the Agreement on cooperation in the field of the industry and creation of Council for industrial policy of the State Parties of the CIS of May 30, 2012 and the Agreement on cooperation in the field of environmental protection of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States of May 31, 2013,

aiming to provide favorable conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation of the companies of the State Parties of the CIS for the maximum drawing into economic circulation of waste of the electronic and electrotechnical equipment (further - OEEO) as source of secondary material and energy resources for the purpose of preserving and economy of primary natural resources,

in view of the technical guidelines of cross-border transportation of electrotechnical and electronic waste and the used electrotechnical and electronic equipment, in particular the concerning carrying out distinction between waste and not waste according to the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their removal of March 22, 1989 (on May 4-15, 2015, Geneva, Switzerland),

being guided by international treaties and the legislation of the State Parties of this agreement,

agreed as follows:

Article 1


The concepts used in this agreement mean the following:

secondary material resources in regional system of the address with OEEO - OEEO which after additional processing are potentially suitable for use in production for receipt of raw materials, products and (or) energy;

use of OEEO - application of secondary material resources for production and performance of works (services) and (or) receipt of energy;

classification of OEEO - distribution of waste to groups on set of priority signs: on class of danger to the environment and human health, by origin, to the aggregate state, chemical composition and other characteristics necessary for implementation of safe and resource-saving activities for the address with waste;

class of danger of OEEO - the characteristic of waste determining extent of their possible harmful effects, direct or mediated, on the environment according to internationally acknowledged criteria of reference of dangerous wastes to certain class of danger.

The categories of waste recognized dangerous and which are subject to control according to the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movement of Hazardous Wastes and their removal of March 22, 1989 and also waste which are determined dangerous according to the legislation of the State Parties of this agreement belong to dangerous wastes;

the best available technologies - technologies of collection, storage, transportation, conversion, utilization, neutralization, placement, removals of OEEO based on the last achievements of science and technology, directed to decrease in negative impact of waste on the environment, life and health of citizens and available to practical application taking into account the modern level of technology and economic development;

the address with OEEO - the activities connected with documentary organizational and technological transactions of regulation of works with waste (according to the legislation of the State Parties of this agreement), including the prevention and minimization of formation of waste, use of waste as secondary resources, accounting and control of education, accumulating and placement of waste, and also their collection, storage, transportation, conversion, utilization, neutralization, placement, removal and cross-border movement;

OEEO - the equipment which lost the consumer properties, including components, nodes which are part of the equipment at the time of its removal from operation;

conversion of OEEO - the technological transactions connected with change physical, chemical or the OEEO biotechnological properties for their reuse;

regional system of the address with OEEO - the package of measures approved by authorized bodies of the Parties and actions of normative and legal, economic, organizational and managerial and technical and technological nature as a result of which realization in the State Parties of this agreement conditions for ecologically safe conversion, neutralization, placement, burial, transportation of OEEO, including due to harmonization of standards of the address with OEEO shall be created; optimizations of safe cross-border movement of OEEO; creations of the conditions for upgrade operating and creations of new capacities on conversion of OEEO; decrease in environmental pressure, reduction of amounts of dangerous substances from structure of OEEO getting to the environment; increases in share of the secondary material resources taken from OEEO in case of their conversion; exchange of practicians and development of competences in the address with OEEO;

the authorized state body in the field of the address about OEEO (competent authority) - executive body of the government which according to the legislation of the state is given authority in the field of the address with waste and bears responsibility for implementation of state policy in the field of the address with waste, including coordination of activities of other state bodies in this area;

the electronic and electrotechnical equipment - products of production and (or) household purpose in which electric current or electromagnetic fields, and also the equipment for generation, transfer and measurement of such currents and fields representing complex of the mechanisms interacting and supplementing each other, machines, devices and devices involved in the single technological scheme including schemes on electronic devices and components are used.

Article 2

The purpose of this agreement is assistance to creation of regional system of the address with OEEO of the State Parties of this agreement for the maximum involvement of such waste in economic circulation as source of secondary material resources due to development of the best available technologies.

Article 3

The main objectives of this agreement are:

assistance to development by the State Parties of this agreement of national systems of the legal and other regulations which are based on the agreed principles and intended for decrease in environmental pressure, reduction of amounts of dangerous substances from structure of OEEO getting to the environment, and increase in share of the secondary material resources taken from OEEO in case of their conversion;

assistance to development and approval of standards of the address of OEEO;

creation of the conditions and assistance of optimization of use operating and to creation of new capacities on conversion of OEEO;

assistance to development by the State Parties of this agreement of the national packages of measures of economic, methodical and organizational nature approved by the State Parties of this agreement and aimed at providing knowledge sharing, experience in area of the address with OEEO, increase in level of training and qualification of experts and specialists in this area.


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