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of June 6, 2018

About cooperation in the field of exchange of geospatial information for the benefit of armed forces of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States

The governments of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States which further are referred to as with the Parties

being guided by requirement of further development of information exchange,

aiming to perform cooperation in the field of exchange and use of geospatial information for the benefit of armed forces of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

For the purposes of this agreement the used terms mean:

geospatial information – data set about the area and objects located on the Earth's surface in the subsurface layer of Earth, near-surface layer of the atmosphere of Earth and near-earth space necessary for use in different spheres of activity;

bank of geospatial information – complex of technical, program, information, linguistic and organizational means of centralized accumulating, storage, processing and issue of geospatial information;

the classified information – the data constituting the state secrets (the state secret) of one of the State Parties of this agreement expressed in any form, received (transferred) and (or) created (formed) during cooperation within the Commonwealth of Independent States which unauthorized distribution can cause damage to safety and interests of the Parties;

information resources – information infrastructure, and also actually information and its flows.

Article 2

For the purpose of implementation of this agreement each Party determines authorized body what informs depositary along with the notification on accomplishment of the interstate procedures necessary for its entry into force on.

In case of change of the name of authorized body the relevant Party within 30 days in writing informs on it depositary.

The depositary in accordance with the established procedure informs the State Parties of the Agreement on authorized bodies of the Parties.

Article 3

The parties perform cooperation in the field of exchange of geospatial information in the following forms:

creation of banks of geospatial information;

mutual exchange of information, the geospatial information of the Parties containing in banks, and also information on opportunities and requirements of the Parties in the field of geospatial information;

training (preparation and advanced training) of geospatial information specialists;

experience exchange of work on forming of banks of geospatial information;

organization of scientific and practical researches and joint operations;

exchange of methodical, educational and special literature.

Article 4

The parties create banks of geospatial information on the principles:

uses of single requirements to the geospatial information which is subject to inclusion in banks of geospatial information;

compatibility of the used program and technical means;

unification of technical means of information processing, its storage and bringing to authorized bodies;

applications in banks of geospatial information of compatible geoinformation technologies and the software recommended for use in armed forces of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States;

guaranteeing information security against unauthorized access.

Article 5

The parties during creation, the room and storage of geospatial information consider the single requirements imposed to it.

Geospatial information is created according to single standards and specifications in the installed system of coordinates, razgrafka on nomenclature sheets and shall provide the solution of tasks of joint display of situation and the area, different applied information and calculation tasks.

Article 6

The authorized body for receipt of geospatial information from banks of geospatial information of the Ministries of Defence of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States sends the corresponding written request.

Required information is provided according to the national legal system of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States and agreements which are available between them.

Article 7

The authorized body takes all necessary measures for ensuring complete, timely and high-quality execution of request.

The query is solved in agreed time frames and according to the procedure, determined by the national legal system of the required State Party of the Commonwealth of Independent States.

Transfer of geospatial information is performed in the established exchange formats on machine carriers and in analog type.

Article 8

Performed by request it can be fully or partially refused if the required Party believes that execution of request can cause damage to sovereignty, safety or contradicts the national legal system and/or the international obligations of the state.

The authorized body of the requesting Party without delay is notified in writing on complete or partial refusal performed by request with indication of reasonable causes of failure.

Article 9

The parties ensure safety of information resources and confidentiality of the received data, including the fact of obtaining and contents of geospatial information.

The data received as a result of exchange of geospatial information cannot be used without the consent of the Party which provided them in other purposes, than in what they were requested and were provided.

Article 10

The parties by transfer of geospatial information within implementation of this agreement apply conditions of import, export or transit, including the reduced rates established for similar deliveries according to the national legal system of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States and international treaties.

Article 11

The parties do not transfer the geospatial information provided within this agreement to the third party, legal entities and physical persons without written consent of the Party which presented her.

Information obtained during implementation of this agreement of one of the Parties cannot be used by it to the detriment of interests of other Parties.

Article 12

The address with the geospatial information including containing the classified information, and its protection in case of cooperation within this agreement are performed according to the national legal system of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States and international treaties.

Article 13

The parties independently incur expenses which will arise during the course of performance them this agreement if in each case other procedure is not approved.


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