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of April 24, 2018 No. 54

About approval of the Method of forming of the Subsidiary account of tourism and calculations of the main indicators of industry tourism

According to the subitem 5) of article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 19, 2010 "About the state statistics" and the subitem 258) of Item 17 of the Regulations on the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of September 24, 2014 No. 1011, I ORDER:

1. Approve the enclosed Method of forming of the Subsidiary account of tourism and calculations of the main indicators of industry tourism.

2. According to the statistics to provide the Ministries of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan to management of national accounts together with Legal management of Committee in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order the direction it the copy in paper and electronic type in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten calendar days after state registration of this order the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printing editions;

4) placement of this order on Internet resource of Committee according to the statistics the Ministries of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-chairman of Committee according to the statistics the Ministries of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Kerimkhanov G. M.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Chairman of Committee according to the statistics Ministries of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

N. Aydapkelov

It is approved

Minister for Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan

April 26, 2018


_________ A. Mukhamediula

Approved by the Order of the Chairman of Committee according to the statistics of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 24, 2018 No. 54

Method of forming of the Subsidiary account of tourism and calculations of the main indicators of industry tourism

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Method of forming of the Subsidiary account of tourism and calculations of the main indicators of industry tourism (further – the Technique) belongs to the statistical methodology created according to international standards and approved according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 19, 2010 "About the state statistics" (further – the Law).

2. The technique is applied by Committee according to the statistics of the Ministry of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan when forming the Subsidiary account of tourism and calculating the main indicators of industry tourism.

3. In this Technique concepts of the values determined in the Law, and also in the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 13, 2001 "About tourist activities in the Republic of Kazakhstan" and the following main determinations are used:

1) intermediate consumption – the cost of goods and services which are transformed or are completely consumed in production process in the accounting period;

2) labor productivity – the production performance indicator characterizing the production counting on unit of the used resources representing ratio of production volume and costs of manpower;

3) the consumption relating to tourism within the country – tourist consumption of the visitors who are both residents, and nonresidents within the economic territory of the respective country;

4) the gross value added – characterizes resulting effect of productive activity and represents the value added by processing in this production process. It is estimated at the level of industries as difference between release of goods and services and intermediate consumption, includes the cost of fixed capital consumed in production process;

5) the consumption relating to entrance tourism – tourist consumption of nonresident visitors within the economic territory of the respective country;

6) index of physical amount – the relative indicator characterizing change of production volumes in the compared periods. Is calculated by division of cost of the certain indicator in current period estimated in the prices of the basic period into its cost in the basic period;

7) investments into fixed capital on system concept of national accounts – investments in material and non-material fixed capital;

8) the gross value added created in tourism industries – the amount of the gross value added created by all institutions operating in tourism industry irrespective of whether all products made by them are intended for visitors, and irrespective of extent of specialization of their production process;

9) the gross value added created directly in tourism – part of the gross value added created in industries of tourism and in other industries of economy which are directly connected with servicing of visitors according to dynamics of the consumption relating to tourism within the country;

10) tourist expenses – cash amount, paid for purchase of goods and services for consumption, and also values, for personal use or use as gift to and during tourist trip;

11) the consumption relating to outbound tourism – tourist consumption of residents outside the economic territory of the respective country;

12) the consumption relating to internal tourism – tourist consumption of resident visitors within the economic territory of the respective country.

Chapter 2. Forming of the Subsidiary account of tourism

4. The subsidiary account of tourism (further – VST) presents itself system of statistics in the form of ten tables, created on annual basis.

5. When forming VST for review of indicators of tables classifications of tourist products and industry tourism are used.

6. Classification of tourist products includes consumer goods and the other products, typical for tourism, concerning tourism.

7. Classification of tourist products is given in appendix 1 to this Technique.

8. Classification of industry tourism includes the types of economic activity connected with production of typical tourist products.

9. Classification of industry tourism is given in appendix 2 to this Technique.

10. Classification of tourist products and industry tourism allows to create the following ten tables entering into VST:

Table 1. "The consumption relating to entrance tourism in breakdown on products and categories of visitors" (further – the table 1) according to appendix 3 to this Technique;

Table 2. "The consumption relating to internal tourism in breakdown on products, categories of visitors and types of trips" (further – the table 2) according to appendix 4 to this Technique;

Table 3. "The consumption relating to outbound tourism in breakdown on products and categories of visitors" (further – the table 3) according to appendix 5 to this Technique;

Table 4. "The consumption relating to tourism within the country in breakdown on products" (further – the table 4) according to appendix 6 to this Technique;

Table 5. "Accounts of production in industries of tourism and in other industries" (further – the table 5) according to appendix 7 to this Technique;

Table 6. "The total amount of the internal offer and consumption relating to tourism within the country" (further – the table 6) according to appendix 8 to this Technique;

Table 7. "Employment in tourism industries" (further – the table 7) according to appendix 9 to this Technique;

Table 8. "Gross accumulating of fixed capital in tourism industries" (further – the table 8) according to appendix 10 to this Technique;

Table 9. "Collective tourist consumption in breakdown on products and levels of state bodies" (further – the table 9) according to appendix 11 to this Technique;

Table 10. "Non-cash indicators" (further – the table 10) according to appendix 12 to this Technique.

11. Tables 1, of 2, 3 describe tourist consumption in value term by tourism types, on tourist products and on categories of visitors. In table 1 entrance tourism, in table 2 – internal tourism, and in table 3 – outbound tourism is considered. The size and structure of tourist expenses are determined separately for tourists and tourists.

12. For calculation of the consumption relating to entrance tourism of table 1 administrative data on trips and transport services in export of services which break on tourist products, according to expense structure of the nonresident visitors received on the basis of nation-wide statistical observations are used.

13. For calculation of the consumption relating to internal tourism in table 2 data on tourist expenses of resident visitors on implementation of internal tourist trips, and also part of expenses on the exit tourist trips performed within the country before departure are used. Tourist expenses of resident visitors are based on data from statistical forms of nation-wide statistical observation.

14. For calculation of the consumption relating to outbound tourism in table 3 administrative data on trips and transport services in import of services are used. The obtained administrative data break on the tourist products according to expense structure of households on trips outside the Republic of Kazakhstan received on the basis of nation-wide statistical observation.

15. In table 4 the main aggregative indicator as the consumption relating to tourism within the country by summing of indicators of the expenses connected with entrance tourism is estimated (the table 1) and internal tourism (the table 2), and all additional components, including expenses of the resident visitors making business trips.

16. Basis for creation of tables 5 and 6 are these tables "Resursy-Ispolzovaniye" of the National account system.

17. In table 5 the account of production in industries of tourism and other industries of economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is provided. Release of industries of tourism is provided in breakdown by types of products, and is estimated in basic prices. Intermediate consumption is estimated in the prices of buyers. The difference between two sizes hereinafter is referred to as as gross value added (further – VDS) in basic prices and is related to each industry of tourism in general.

18. VDS is equal to the amount of lines of table 5: compensation of hired employees, other taxes less subsidies for products and gross the mixed income. Amount of VDS of all industries of tourism (column 5. 13) equals to indicator of the Gross value added created in tourism industries (further – VDSOT).

19. In table 6 are compared the consumption relating to tourism within the country from table 4 and the internal offer in the prices of buyers. The total amount of the internal offer turns out by summing of internal release of industries of tourism from table 5 and additional indicators: import, net taxes less subsidies for the products made and imported trade and transportation margin.

20. The share of tourism is (as a percentage) determined by ratio of the consumption relating to tourism within the country from table 4 to the internal offer (column 6. 4). The share of tourism reflects share of the consumption relating to tourism within the country within each separate element of the offer. The share of tourism is applied in case of assessment of aggregative indicator of the Gross value added created directly in tourism (further – VDSNT).

21. The share of the consumption relating to tourism within the country is determined by each product of industry of tourism on individual basis, with use of share of tourism.

22. In each separate industry the tourism share of release of its end products (in value term), as the amount of the shares of tourism corresponding to each product is determined. The share of tourism is used also concerning components of intermediate consumption and value added.

23. For each separate industry part of its gross value added (in basic prices) corresponding to contribution of the end products which are turned out by it to the general consumption relating to tourism within the country and these sizes is established are summed up on industries of tourism and on all other industries of economy. Summing of all parts of value added on all industries as a result equals VDSNT.

24. Within VST VDSNT reflects part of the value added created by industries of tourism and other industries which is connected with consumption of visitors.

25. Table 7 reflects quantitative assessment of employment of the population in tourism industries: quantity of occupied population, the number of the fulfilled hours, quantity of occupied population in population full-time equivalent. Data on employment are created based on statistical forms of nation-wide statistical observation, in breakdown on floor and employment status by types of economic activity.

26. In table 8 gross accumulating of fixed capital (further – VNOK) in industries of tourism and in other industries of economy is determined. Statistical forms nation-wide statistical observation on acquisitions (disposals) of fixed assets and investments into fixed capital are data source for assessment of VNOK.

27. Table 9 characterizes collective tourist consumption and reflects the cost of non-market services which are provided by state bodies of different levels for joint consumption by visitors. In case of creation of table 9 data of administrative sources on expenses on collective tourist consumption on types of service and levels of management are used.

28. In table 10 non-cash indicators about quantity of trips in breakdown by tourism types, categories of visitors and duration of stay and the modes of transport used by nonresident visitors for entrance on the territory of the country are provided. Results of nation-wide statistical observations and the statistical business register are sources of information.

Chapter 3. Calculations of the main indicators of industry tourism

29. Within VST on annual basis the main aggregative indicators are created: the consumption relating to tourism within the country, VDSOT, index of physical amount (further – IFO) VDSOT, productivity index of work of industry tourism, VDSNT, IFO VDSNT.

30. On quarter basis in general on the republic and by regions the following indicators of industry tourism are calculated:

Industry VDS tourism;

Industry IFO VDS tourism;

industry labor productivity tourism;

productivity index of work of industry tourism;

investments into fixed capital of industry tourism;

IFO of investments into fixed capital of industry tourism;

number of occupied population of industry tourism.

31. Industry VDS tourism is the amount of VDS of the types of economic activity connected with production of tourist products. Assessment of VDS of industry tourism is in real terms performed by method of deflyatirovaniye and extrapolation of the types of economic activity entering industry of tourism.

32. The method of deflyatirovaniye consists in division of cost of goods and services in current period on the index reflecting the change in price for goods and services in current period in comparison with the prices of the basic period. The procedure of revaluation is described in general view as follows:

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Sqtpo - the cost of goods (services) of current period in the prices of the basic period;

qt - goods quantity (services) in current period;

pt and po - the prices in the current and basic periods;

Sqtpt - the cost of goods (services) in current period in current prices;

IPt/o - price index in current period in comparison with the basic period.

33. The method of extrapolation consists in multiplication of cost of goods and services in the basic period on the index reflecting change of physical amount of this set of goods and services (or goods and services, representative for this set) in current period in comparison with the basic period. The procedure is described in general view as follows:

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Sqopo - the cost of goods (services) in the basic period;

qo - goods quantity (services) in the basic period;

Iqt/o - index of physical amount of goods (services) in current period in comparison with the basic period.

34. Industry IFO VDS tourism is calculated as the relation of the cost of VDS of the industry tourism in the accounting period estimated in the prices of the basic period on its cost in the basic period:

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Рисунок 4 к Приказу от 24.04.2018 №54

index of physical amount of industry tourism;

 S q t p o - industry cost tourism in current period in the prices of the basic period;

 S q o p o - industry cost tourism in the basic period.

35. The labor productivity reflects, how effectively work is combined with other production factors how many other ingredients are available counting on the worker and incarnate and unembodied technical progress is how fast shown. The labor productivity (thousands of tenges/people) is calculated by the following formula:

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Pj - labor productivity, thousands of tenges/people;

GVA – VDS of industry tourism, thousands of tenges;

Е – number of occupied population of industry tourism, person.

The number of occupied population joins hired employees and independently busy workers.

36. For calculation of productivity index of work the following formula is used:

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Ip-productivity index of work of industry tourism, %;

IGVAt - index of physical amount of VDS on industry tourism for the accounting period (%);

Lt - the number of occupied population of industry tourism for the accounting period, the person;

Lt-1 - the number of occupied population of industry tourism for the corresponding period of previous year, people.

37. Investments into fixed capital of industry tourism are created on the basis of primary data of nation-wide statistical observations of the respondents performing investing activities.

38. The investments connected with tourism development include: to investment into specific tourist fixed assets, investments of the companies of industry of tourism into the fixed assets which are not belonging to the category specific tourist and investment into the infrastructure connected with tourism.

39. The geographical coverage of investing activities provides accounting of investment investments in the place of its actual implementation, irrespective of place of registration of the business entity performing investing activities.

40. When forming data the investments in the direction of use reflecting orientation of investments (end use of fixed assets) are considered.

41. The group on investments into fixed capital of industry tourism is created by aggregation of the volumes of investment into fixed capital in the directions of use according to types of economic activity.

42. Calculation of IFO of investments into fixed capital of industry tourism is based on application of method of deflyatirovaniye of the corresponding price indexes this for the accounting period with use (on asset types).

43. For calculation of number of occupied population of industry tourism two main groups by quantity of workplaces and the fulfilled hours are constituted: the first – in breakdown occupied according to floor and the second – according to the simplified principles of classification of employment according to which of general labor force composition only hired employees are allocated.

44. Information collection of number of occupied population of industry tourism is performed by carrying out selective inspection of employment of the population and created in breakdown on floor, employment status and by types of economic activity.

Appendix 1

to the Method of forming of the Subsidiary account of tourism and calculations of the main indicators of industry tourism

Classification of tourist products


Consumer products:

A.1. Typical tourist products:


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