It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Uzbekistan
On May 11, 1999 No. 726
Approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan on April 15, 1999
It is approved Minister of Internal Affairs Republic of Uzbekistan April 15, 1999 Z.Almatov |
This Instruction is developed according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 26, 1999 No. UP-2240 "About Enhancement of Passport System in the Republic of Uzbekistan" and the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 27, 1994 No. 624 "About the organization of issue and exchange of passports of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, residence permits for foreigners, stateless persons and the certificate of the stateless person".
1. The passport of the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the main document certifying nationality of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the identity of its owner.
2. All citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who reached 16-year age shall have the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
3. The passport of the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan is issued to the citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan who are constantly living abroad and also persons which acquired nationality of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to the Law "About Nationality of the Republic of Uzbekistan" by diplomatic representations or consular establishments of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad.
4. Passports of citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan are produced on sample, single for all Republic of Uzbekistan, in the Uzbek, Russian and English languages, and for the Republic of Karakalpakstan in the Karakalpak, Uzbek, Russian and English languages and have 32 pages.
5. The following information about the identity of the citizen is introduced in the passport in the Uzbek, Russian and English languages:
- surname, name, middle name;
- number, month, year of birth;
- birthplace;
- nationality;
- floor;
- number of identification.
6. Record about nationality in the passport is made according to nationality of parents. If parents belong to different nationalities, then in case of issue of the passport for the first time the nationality registers on nationality of the father or mother, depending on desire of the receiver of the passport. Further according to the written application of the citizen record about nationality can be changed to nationality of the father or mother, but no more once.
7. In the passport there shall be signature of its owner, the signature of the responsible person who issued the passport and also date of issue of the passport and term of its action is specified.
8. In the passport also data are entered:
- surname, name, middle name, number, month, year of birth of minor children;
- about conscription;
- about registration or annulment of marriage;
- about the residence and permanent registration of the owner of the passport;
- about temporary registration;
- about entry visas to the foreign states.
9. With the consent of citizens in their passports marks about group and Rhesus factor accessory of blood of the owner of the passport are made. It is forbidden to make in the passport of the citizen of record, not provided by Regulations on passport system in the Republic of Uzbekistan.
10. The passport which is valid on reaching it 25-year age is issued to person which reached 16-year age.
New passports with transferring to them from earlier being available passports of all data valid for the moment of issue of passports are issued to the citizens who reached 25-year and 45-year age.
The passport abroad is valid for the term specified in it.
11. Issue and exchange of passports to the citizens who are constantly living abroad or acquired nationality of the Republic of Uzbekistan is made by diplomatic representations or consular establishments of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad.
The citizen who is constantly living abroad or acquired nationality of the Republic of Uzbekistan in case of receipt of the passport shall return the passport which is earlier received by it to diplomatic representations or consular establishments of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad.
The cancelled passports go to Consular and legal department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the subsequent transfer to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
12. For receipt of the passport by the citizen are represented to diplomatic representation or consular establishment:
- the statement in form No. 1;
- the passport received earlier;
- the certificate of birth (in case of receipt of the passport for the first time);
- two pictures of 35х45 mm in size of the black-and-white or color image;
- if necessary other documents confirming the personality and nationality of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
13. The official of diplomatic representation or consular establishment sends the received documents to Consular and legal department the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan for consideration and decision making about issue or exchange of the passport.
The passport is filled in on the passport printing Diletta230 I machine in Passport department of Consular and legal department the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Forms of passports are forms of the strict reporting.
Responsibility for their accounting, storage and issue the manager of Passport department of Consular and legal department bears the MFA of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
14. The official of diplomatic representation or consular establishment of the Republic of Uzbekistan abroad in case of issue of the passport to the citizen at the same time makes write-off of the passport in expense according to the Book of accounting of the arriving passports and issues to their citizens (No. form 2).
All data on persons who received the passport of the citizen of the Republic of Uzbekistan are entered into the computer and transferred to Consular and legal department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
15. A month before expiration of the passport the citizen shall provide the passport and two pictures of 35х45 mm in size of the black-and-white or color image corresponding to its age.
16. Exchange of the passport is made in cases:
- expirations of the passport;
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The document ceased to be valid since March 16, 2020 according to Item 1 of Appendix to the Order of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan of February 28, 2020 No. 49