of May 18, 2018 No. 370
About approval of some administrative regulations of rendering the state services in the field of architecture and construction
According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of December 12, 2017 and for the purpose of further enhancement of system of rendering the state services in the field of architecture and construction the Cabinet of Ministers decides No. UP-5278 "About Measures for Radical Reforming of National System of Rendering the State Services to the Population":
1. Consider the main directions of further enhancement of system of rendering the state services in the field of architecture and construction (further - the state services):
cardinal reducing number of the procedures requiring direct participation of legal entities or physical persons when rendering the state services, and terms of their rendering;
cancellation of reclamation from legal entities and physical persons of the documents and data received from other state bodies and other organizations;
establishment of close interdepartmental electronic interaction between state bodies and other organizations for the purpose of non-admission of bureaucratic barriers and obstacles when rendering the state services;
ensuring efficiency, efficiency and transparency of activities of state bodies and other organizations, strengthening of their responsibility and performing discipline;
determination of the Single portal of interactive state services of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - EPIGU) as single information site for rendering the state services.
2. Approve:
Administrative regulations of rendering the state services in approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions according to appendix No. 1;
Administrative regulations of rendering the state services in issue of permission to reshaping and reconstruction of object according to appendix No. 2;
Administrative regulations of rendering the state services in development of architectural and planning task according to appendix No. 3;
Administrative regulations of rendering the state services in approval of the design estimates and to simultaneous conducting examination of project decisions on object compliance to requirements of fire safety and seismic stability according to appendix No. 4;
Administrative regulations of rendering the state services in the direction of the notification on the beginning of building and construction works according to appendix No. 5
Administrative regulations of rendering the state services in approval of the design estimates of individual housing construction (reconstruction) according to appendix No. 6;
Administrative regulations of rendering the state services in acceptance for operation of the buildings and constructions completed by construction (reconstruction) according to appendix No. 7.
3. Determine that legal entities and physical persons for receipt of the state services rendered according to the administrative regulations approved by this resolution address only through the Centers of the state services or EPIGU.
4. To provide to the ministry of construction of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on land resources, geodesy, cartography and the state inventory and other bodies participating when rendering the state services:
in ten-day time development and approval in coordination with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan of standard forms, forms of the documents and other acts necessary for rendering the state services;
together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications and the Agency of the state services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan connection of the territorial subdivisions, subordinated organizations and other structures participating when rendering the state services to EPIGU;
together with the Agency of the state services under the Ministry of Justice and Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan the organization and carrying out during 2018 at least once in quarter of educational seminars with participation of employees of the Centers of the state services directed to increase in level of efficiency and effectiveness of practical application of the administrative regulations approved by this resolution.
5. To the ministry of development of information technologies and communications together with the Agency of the state services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan to implement on EPIGU the procedure of tracking of the course of consideration of appeals of legal entities and physical persons at each stage of rendering the state services.
6. To the agency of the state services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan:
establish constant control, including by means of EPIGU, behind activities of state bodies and other organizations for observance of established procedure of rendering the state services by them;
apply in accordance with the established procedure to officials of state bodies and other organizations administrative punishments for violation of the requirements approved by this resolution, administrative regulations on rendering the state services.
7. Make changes to Regulations on procedure for state registration of the rights to the real estate and transactions with them approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of January 7, 2014 No. 1 (the joint venture of the Republic of Uzbekistan, 2014, No. 1, the Art. 1), according to appendix No. 8.
8. Recognize invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 9.
9. To the ministries and departments to bring the regulatory legal acts adopted by them into accord with this resolution in a month.
10. Determine that heads of the state bodies and other organizations rendering the state services of the Agency of the state services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan bear the personal responsibility for timely, full and high-quality implementation of the tasks provided by this resolution.
11. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the First Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the chairman of the board of JSC Uzbekiston temir yullari A. Zh. Ramatov, the Minister of Construction A. R. Tokhtayev and the Minister of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan R. K. Davletov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abdullah Aripov
Appendix No. 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 18, 2018 No. 370
1. These Regulations determine procedure for approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions of legal entities and physical persons (further - the applicant).
2. In these Regulations the following basic concepts are used:
the building - the construction system consisting from the bearing, protecting or combined designs forming the closed amount intended for accommodation or stay of people depending on functional purpose and for accomplishment of different type of production processes;
construction - the volume, sheet or linear construction system consisting from the bearing, protecting or combined designs, intended for accomplishment of production processes of different type, storage of materials, products, the equipment, for temporary stay of people, movement of people, loads, and another;
conceptual design of facade of the building and construction - the architectural drawing in color the main thing and side facades of the building and construction giving exhaustive idea of resulting effect of modification of facade of the building and construction complete with color photos of the main thing and side facades of the building and construction before entering of changes into it.
3. Action of these Regulations extends to change, the facades of buildings and constructions (more than 25% of the area of facade) of color, configuration and the sizes of the basic architectural elements of the main thing and side facades which are looked through from the street (streets) (socle, sun-protection elements, parapets, columns, roof, window openings, balconies, verandahs, etc.) without scope change and the area of buildings and constructions.
Approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions is required in cases if buildings and constructions are located along the main streets (within settlements), motor-roads of the international and state value.
On the buildings and constructions located in the settlements which are not the administrative centers of areas in rural settlements (kishlaks, auls) and outside settlements approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions is not required.
4. Change of exterior of buildings and constructions without approval of conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions is forbidden.
5. When implementing reconciliation procedure of change of exterior of buildings and constructions:
a) The ministry of construction of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, head departments of construction of areas and Tashkent (further - authorized bodies) - approve conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions (the architectural drawing in color the main thing and side facades of buildings and constructions giving exhaustive idea of resulting effect of modification of facade of buildings and constructions complete with color photos of the main thing and side facades of buildings and constructions before entering of changes into it);
b) the branch of the state company of land management and the inventory of the real estate of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, areas and Tashkent (further - GP branches) send to the copy of the plan of walls, section (in the presence), facade and the cadastral passport of buildings and constructions.
6. Exchange of information between centers of the state services, authorized bodies and GP branches is performed only by means of interdepartmental electronic interaction with obligatory application of the digital signature (further - the EDS).
7. Approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions is performed according to the scheme according to appendix No. 1 to these Regulations.
8. Applicants for review of change of exterior of buildings and constructions address to the Centers of the state services in attendance procedure or are registered on the Single portal of interactive state services of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - EPIGU) for receipt of the state service in electronic form.
9. In case of the address in attendance procedure the employee of the Center of the state services on behalf of the applicant, and in case of the address through EPIGU the applicant independently fills in in electronic form the questionnaire for receipt of the state service in form according to appendix No. 2 to these Regulations.
The conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions in electronic form is applied to the questionnaire.
It is strictly forbidden demand from applicants of provision of the data and other documents which are not specified in this Item.
10. After registration and entering of necessary data into the questionnaire the applicant confirms it to the EDS.
In case of impossibility of assurance of the questionnaire by means of the EDS in case of the request for service in attendance procedure the corresponding signature attestation can be also performed by means of other means of identification (dactyloscopy, the digital signature, etc.).
11. For rendering the state service collection in the amount of 30 percent of minimum dimension of the salary is levied.
In case of the address for rendering the state service through EPIGU collection is levied in the amount of 90 percent from the amount specified in paragraph one of this Item.
Payment confirmation of collection for rendering the state service is performed by means of information and communication systems.
12. The amounts of charges are distributed in the following procedure:
a) in case of the appeal to the Centers of the state services in attendance procedure:
20 percent are enlisted on personal account of off-budget fund of the Agency of the state services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
the remained means completely are enlisted on the bank account of authorized body;
b) in case of the address through EPIGU:
10 percent are enlisted on personal account of off-budget fund of the Agency of the state services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
Are enlisted by 11,25 of percent into the account SUE Project Management Center of the Electronic Government and Digital Economy under the National Agency of Project Management in case of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan;the remained means completely are enlisted on the bank account of authorized body.
13. Instruction in the questionnaire of false information, and also failure to pay collection for rendering the state service are the bases for refusal in provision of the state service.
The refusal in provision of the state service in other bases is strictly forbidden.
14. The applicant has the right to refuse receipt of the state service at any stage of its rendering.
In case of refusal the applicant from receipt of the state service its questionnaire is left without consideration. At the same time the fee paid amount is not subject to return.
15. In case of the address in attendance procedure the Centers of the state services within one hour from the moment of filling of the questionnaire send it to authorized body and GP branch.
In case of the address through EPIGU the questionnaire automatically goes to authorized body and GP branch.
16. GP branch within one working day from the date of receipt of the questionnaire sends to authorized body through EPIGU of the copy of the plan of walls, section (in the presence), facade and the cadastral passport of buildings and constructions in electronic form or refuses their direction.
17. The basis for refusal in the direction of the copy of the plan of walls, section (in the presence), facade and the cadastral passport of buildings and constructions is lack of state registration of the rights to buildings and constructions.
Refuse the direction of the copy of the plan of walls, section (in the presence), facade and the cadastral passport of buildings and constructions on other bases it is strictly forbidden.
18. The authorized body with departure into place studies possibility of change of exterior of buildings and constructions, proceeding from purpose of buildings and constructions.
Studying of buildings and constructions consists in visual examination (with use in need of the special equipment and tools) all building and construction or their parts and the parcel of land assigned to them, and also the adjacent territory and the next buildings, constructions.
During studying inspection of buildings and constructions, comparison of the data containing in the questionnaire of the applicant, and also copies of the plan of walls, section (in the presence), facade and the cadastral passport of buildings and constructions with actual state of buildings and constructions regarding identification of the fact of implementation of repair construction works in the absence of approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions by authorized body and also with departure from the conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions approved by authorized body is performed.
19. The authorized body within four working days from the date of receipt of copies of the plan of walls, section (in the presence), facade and the cadastral passport of buildings and constructions approves or refuses approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions with indication of specific causes of failure and regulations of the legislation.
Approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions is made by confirmation of conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions of the EDS of authorized body.
20. The basis for refusal in approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions is discrepancy of conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions to requirements of the legislation, including town-planning regulations and rules.
Is strictly forbidden refuse approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions on other bases.
The applicant has the right of the repeated address for review of change of exterior of buildings and constructions within ten days from the date of receipt of refusal in approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions without payment of collection for rendering the state service.
In case of elimination by the applicant of the reasons which served the basis for refusal in approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions, repeated approval is performed in time, not exceeding two working days from the date of receipt of the repeated questionnaire.
In case of de novo review of conceptual design of facade of the building and construction reduction from authorized body of the reasons which are earlier not stated in the refusal bases, except for reductions of the causes of failure connected with the data certifying elimination of earlier specified reasons is not allowed.
21. The authorized body in day of approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions sends to the Center of the state services (in case of the address in attendance procedure) or to the applicant through EPIGU (in case of the address in electronic form) the approved conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions in electronic form.
The center of the state services within one hour after receipt of the approved conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions directs it to the e-mail address of the applicant and notifies on it the applicant by means of information and communication systems. At the same time, the Center of the state services shall in case of the address in attendance procedure provide to the applicant the approved conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions in electronic form.
With technical capabilities the Center of the state services in request of the applicant can provide it the approved conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions in paper form by putting down on it the seal.
22. The centers of the state services, authorized bodies and GP branches shall provide confidentiality of the information about the applicant received as a result of implementation of the activities.
23. The agency of the state services under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan, its territorial administrations and the Centers of the state services exercise constant control and monitoring, including by means of EPIGU, behind activities of state bodies and other organizations for execution of requirements of these Regulations.
24. Actions of staff of state bodies and other organizations can be appealed by the applicant in the procedure established by the legislation.
25. Persons guilty of violation of requirements of these Regulations bear responsibility in the procedure established by the legislation.
to Administrative regulations of rendering the state services in approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions
Scheme of approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions
to Administrative regulations of rendering the state services in approval of change of exterior of buildings and constructions
__________________ (date) |
__________________ (number) | |
I. (physical) Information on the applicant - physical person: |
| |
| |
2. passport data (series and number): |
| |
3. INN: |
| |
4. address: |
| |
5. number and registration date of cadastral case: |
| |
6. telephone number: |
| |
7. e-mail address: |
| |
I. (yur) Information on the applicant - the legal entity: |
| |
1. full name: |
| |
2. form of business: |
| |
3. INN: |
| |
4. legal address: |
| |
5. number and registration date of cadastral case: |
| |
6. telephone number: |
| |
7. e-mail address: |
| |
II. Information on the building and construction: |
| |
1. name of buildings and constructions: |
| |
2. location of buildings and constructions (index, address, reference point): |
| |
III. Appendix to the questionnaire: |
| |
1. conceptual design of facade of buildings and constructions: |
| |
Appendix No. 2
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 18, 2018 No. 370
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The document ceased to be valid since April 20, 2022 according to Item 6 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 20, 2022 No. 200