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of May 8, 2018 No. 343

About procedure for the direction of notifications on production of building and construction works

(as amended on 19-06-2023)

According to subitem 4.4 of item 4 and Item 9 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 "About development of entrepreneurship" the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES: No. 7

1. Approve Regulations on procedure for the direction of notifications on production of building and construction works it (is applied).

2. For the purposes of this provision terms in the values determined in article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 5, 2004 No. 300-Z "About architectural, town-planning and construction activities in the Republic of Belarus" and also the following terms and their determinations are applied:

false information – data, misfitting reality;

registration of construction object – assignment of the state construction supervision of identification number by body to construction object for the purpose of accounting and implementation of control (supervising) activities;

technical mistakes – the grammatical and spelling errors caused by the wrong writing of words, availability of typographical errors, errors and another;

accounting of construction objects (further – accounting) – accounting of the state construction supervision of construction objects by bodies on which the state construction supervision is exercised.

3. Declare invalid Item 1 of the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of February 25, 2016 No. 151 "About some questions of issue (re-registration) of permissions to production of building and construction works, modification and (or) amendments in them and prolongation of term of their action" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 01.03. 2016, 5/41741).

4. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus

A. Kobyakov

Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of May 8, 2018 No. 343

Regulations on procedure for the direction of notifications on production of building and construction works

1. This Provision determines procedure for the direction in specialized inspectorate of Inspection department and supervision of construction of the State committee on standardization, inspection of Inspection department and supervision of construction of the State committee on standardization for areas and Minsk (further, unless otherwise specified, - bodies of the state construction supervision) notifications on production of building and construction works (further, unless otherwise specified, - the notification) on construction objects, except for objects on which according to the legislation the state construction supervision is not exercised.

2. For the purposes of this provision terms in the values determined in article 1 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 5, 2004 No. 300-Z "About architectural, town-planning and construction activities in the Republic of Belarus" and also the following terms and their determinations are applied:

false information – data, misfitting reality;

registration of construction object – assignment of the state construction supervision of identification number by body to construction object for the purpose of accounting and implementation of control (supervising) activities;

technical mistakes – the grammatical and spelling errors caused by the wrong writing of words, availability of typographical errors, errors and another;

accounting of construction objects (further – accounting) – accounting of the state construction supervision of construction objects by bodies on which the state construction supervision is exercised.

3. Before, renewals of production of building and construction works, including construction, special, mounting, commissioning, including works in case of major repair (further – building and construction works), in the presence of identification number of the capital construction project registered in the information system "Unified Register of Capital Construction Projects" and the positive conclusion of state examination according to the project documentation on asset construction (in cases when state examination of the project documentation is not obligatory, – in the presence of identification number of the capital construction project registered in the information system "Unified Register of Capital Construction Projects" and the approved project documentation on construction of facilities) legal entities and individual entrepreneurs send to body of the state construction supervision respectively the notification on the beginning of production of building and construction works in form according to appendix 1, the notification on renewal of production of building and construction works in form according to appendix 2.

The notification can be directed by the customer, the builder, the prime contractor in case of "turnkey" construction of facilities, the engineer (the engineering organization) in case of the conclusion of the contract for rendering engineering services in integrated management of construction activities (further, unless otherwise specified, - the informer).

The notification goes one of the following methods:

the registered mail with the assurance of receipt;

in the form of the electronic document signed by the digital signature of the head of the legal entity or the other person authorized according to the charter (the foundation agreement - for the commercial organization which is acting on the basis of the only the foundation agreement) to act on behalf the organizations, or the individual entrepreneur, including via the website of bodies of the state construction supervision or through system of interdepartmental electronic document management of state bodies.

Notifications go on:

to construction objects according to appendix 3 - in specialized inspection of Inspection department and supervision of construction of the State committee on standardization;

to other construction objects - in inspectorate of Inspection department and supervision of construction of the State committee on standardization for areas and Minsk according to territorial placement of objects.

In case of the direction of the notification according to the procedure, misfitting parts four of this Item, the body of the state construction supervision which received such notification directs it according to part four of this Item within three working days after receipt of the notification.


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