Accepted at the forty seventh plenary session of Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the State Parties of the CIS
(The resolution of April 13, 2018 No. 47-9)
About preschool education (new edition)
This Law determines legal, organizational and financial basis of functioning of system of preschool education which provides development, education and training of the child, is based on combination of family and public education, achievements of modern science, property of international pedagogical experience, promotes forming of values of democratic legal society.
For the purposes of this Law the following concepts are used:
children of preschool age are the pupils who are under supervision and leaving and (or) mastering the educational program of preschool education;
the documents regulating preschool education - standards, rules, requirements, programs, other acts of the national legal system governing the public relations in the field of preschool education;
the individual entrepreneur in the field of preschool education - person performing educational activities, supervision and leaving on legal causes according to the national legal system;
quality of preschool education - the complex characteristic of educational activities expressing degree of its compliance to the documents regulating preschool education and to requirements of physical person or legal entity for the benefit of which educational activities, including extent of achievement of the planned results of the educational program of preschool education are performed;
educational activities in the field of preschool education - sales activity of educational programs of preschool education;
the educational program of preschool education - the program which distinguishes the preschool educational organization and for which quality of realization the head bears responsibility and the child and the parent (legal representative) have the right to choose them;
mandatory requirements to preschool education - requirements to sales terms of educational programs of preschool education according to the national legal system;
the organizations (organization) performing educational activities in the field of preschool education - the state, non-state educational organizations (organizations) realizing the educational program of preschool education;
pedagogical competences - the competences causing quality of training, education, development and socialization of the child;
the pedagogical worker - physical person with relevant requirements of the national legal system the level of professional education which consists in the employment, office relationships with the organization (organization) realizing the educational program and performing supervision and care of children;
supervision and care of children - package of measures for catering services and economic consumer services of children of preschool age, ensuring compliance by them with personal hygiene and day regimen, implementation of the educational program of preschool education by the educational organizations (organizations);
development, training, education - processes and labor functions which are performed by the teacher and for which he bears responsibility together with parents (legal representatives);
family preschool education - the process of preschool education performed by parents (legal representatives) who have the right to consulting support of the special organizations authorized according to the national legal system;
system of preschool education - primary component of system of life-long education, the complete process directed to forming of general culture, development of physical, intellectual, moral, esthetic and personal qualities, forming of premises of educational activities, preservation and promotion of health of children of preschool age;
labor functions - the labor actions designated by professional requirements or in the professional standard of the teacher according to the national legal system;
participants of the relations in the field of preschool education, or subjects of preschool education, - children of preschool age, their parents (legal representatives), pedagogical workers and their representatives, the organizations and individual entrepreneurs performing educational activities in the field of preschool education, state bodies and other participants (public authorities of subjects, local government bodies, employers and their associations).
This Law is designed to govern the relations of the subjects of preschool education participating in process of preschool education:
- the children of preschool age getting preschool education, supervision and leaving;
- parents (legal representatives) of children of preschool age;
- the pedagogical, health and other workers participating in process of preschool education;
- state bodies of the power and local government bodies, non-state and other organizations, their officials participating in realization of preschool education.
1. Preschool education is performed for the purpose of realization of the right of children of preschool age to education by creation of necessary conditions for receipt of quality education, social adaptation, forming at them national and regional valuable orientations on the basis of use of pedagogical approaches, methods and methods of communication, the conditions which are most promoting education.
2. Tasks of preschool education are:
- protection and strengthening of physical and mental health of children of preschool age, including their emotional wellbeing;
- providing equal opportunities for full development of children of preschool age irrespective of the residence, floor, the nation, language, the social status, psychophysiological and other features (including limited opportunities of health);
- creating favorable conditions of development of children of preschool age according to their age and specific features, tendencies, developments of capabilities and creative potential of each child as subject of the relations with, other children, adults and the world;
- forming of general culture of the identity of children of preschool age, including values of healthy lifestyle, development of their social, moral, esthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility, forming of premises of educational activities;
- ensuring psychology and pedagogical family support and increase in competence of parents (legal representatives) in children of questions of development, education, socialization, protection and strengthening of health of children of preschool age;
- the prevention, early identification and correction of variations in development of the child.
1. The state provides sustainable development and variability of the educational organizations (organizations) for the purpose of the maximum realization of potential of children of preschool age, regardless of their starting opportunities and (or) limited opportunities of health.
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