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of May 23, 2018 No. 401

Some questions of use of means in the sphere of water resources management

(as amended on 02-06-2023)

According to part seven of Article 20 and part four of Article 24-4 of the Budget code of Ukraine the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve enclosed:

Procedure for use of the means provided in the government budget for first-priority providing rural settlements with centralized water supply;

Procedure for use of means of the state fund of development of water economy.

2. Make changes which are applied to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 23, 2018 , No. 401

Procedure for use of the means provided in the government budget for first-priority providing rural settlements with centralized water supply

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of use of the means provided in the government budget according to the "First-priority Providing Rural Settlements with Centralized Water Supply" program (further - budgetary funds).

Budgetary funds are allocated for creation of proper social conditions of accommodation of inhabitants of rural settlements, used for drinking and domestic needs imported or low-quality water hazardous to health.

2. The main manager of budgetary funds is the Ministry of the environment.

Executive in charge of the budget program is Gosvodagentstvo.

Managers of budgetary funds of the lowest level are Gosvodagentstvo, the organizations and the organizations relating to the sphere of its management.

Receivers of budgetary funds are the state companies relating to the management sphere Gosvodagentstva.

Receivers of budgetary funds are determined by Gosvodagentstv taking into account the criteria established by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 28, 2002 No. 228 "About approval of the Procedure for creation, consideration, approval and the main requirements to accomplishment of estimates of budgetary institutions" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2002, No. 9, the Art. 414).

Use of budgetary funds by their receivers is performed according to the plan of use of budgetary funds.

3. Budgetary funds are used for the purpose of continuation of implementation of the actions begun according to the tasks determined by the Nation-wide target development program of water economy and ecological improvement of river basin Dnieper for the period till 2021 approved by the Law of Ukraine of May 24, 2012 No. 4836-VI by the "First-priority Providing with Centralized Water Supply the Rural Settlements Using Imported Water" direction and taking into account the requirement of rather priority performance of works on starting objects and objects with the high level of construction readiness.

Budgetary funds are allocated for implementation of actions for construction and reconstruction of group water supply systems (treatment facilities, the main conduits, adjustable networks).

In case of availability of the debt on the budget obligations of last years registered in bodies of Treasury, its repayment is supposed in the current budget period.

4. Distribution (redistribution) of budgetary funds between administrative and territorial units by managers of budgetary funds of the lowest level and receivers of budgetary funds is performed according to the actions plan on first-priority providing rural settlements with centralized water supply (further - the actions plan).

For consideration of offers on forming of the actions plan of Gosvodagentstvo forms the commission with involvement of representatives of the Ministry of the environment and approves its members.

Commission session is competent if at least than at least than two thirds of members of the commission take part in its work.

The decision of the commission is deemed accepted if most of the members of the commission who are present at meeting voted for it. The decision of the commission is drawn up by the protocol.

Gosvodagentstvo within 45 days from the date of entry into force of the law on the Government budget of Ukraine approves the actions plan in coordination with Mindovkolyem and submits to the Ministry of Finance the copy of the actions plan to week time after its approval.

Commission sessions can remotely be held with use of opportunities of information and communication and digital technologies, in particular video conferencings, on condition of ensuring reliable authentication of all members of the commission.

5. Amounts and cost of works on construction and reconstruction of subjects to centralized water supply of rural settlements are determined according to the design estimates developed taking into account requirements of construction regulations and rules, acts of inspections and defective acts and also based on positive experimental testimony according to approval procedure of construction projects and the conducting their examination approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 11, 2011 No. 560 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2011, No. 41, the Art. 1674).

6. The expenses connected with financing of construction and reconstruction of subjects to centralized water supply of rural settlements at the expense of budgetary funds are performed taking into account requirements of the Procedure for public financing of the capital construction approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 27, 2001 No. 1764 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2001, No. 52, the Art. 2374).

7. Purchase of goods, works and services at the expense of budgetary funds is performed in the procedure established by the law.

8. Advance payment of the goods, works and services which are purchased for budgetary funds is carried out taking into account provisions of the budget legislation and No. 1070 "Some questions of implementation by managers (receivers) of budgetary funds of advance payment of the goods, works and services which are purchased for budgetary funds" is performed taking into account requirements of the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of December 4, 2019 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2020, No. 2, the Art. 64).

9. Acceptance in operation of the finished with construction of facilities, separate queues and start-up complexes is performed according to Procedure for acceptance in operation finished with the construction of facilities approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 13, 2011 No. 461 "Questions of acceptance in operation finished with construction of facilities" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2011, No. 32, the Art. 1359).


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