of November 25, 1992 No. 764
About approval of Rules of conducting cash transactions in the national economy of the Republic of Moldova
According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Moldova of April 30, 1992 "About immediate measures on normalization of cash currency circulation in the Republic of Moldova" the Government of the Republic of Moldova DECIDES:
1. Approve Rules of conducting cash transactions in the national economy of the Republic of Moldova (are applied).
2. Recommend to National Bank of Moldova together with the Ministry of Finance in three-months time to develop projects of forms of primary accounting for conducting cash transactions at all companies, irrespective of their departmental accessory and patterns of ownership and to submit them for approval to State department according to the statistics.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova
Andrey Sangeli
1. All state, cooperative, joint-stock, rent, collective, joint, public and other entities, associations, the organizations and organizations (further the companies) irrespective of their form of business shall store the money in financial institutions.
2. Calculations of the companies for the obligations with other companies are made, as a rule, via bank transfer through financial institutions.
3. The cash received by the companies from financial institutions is spent for those purposes on which they were issued.
5. The companies, as a rule, receive in financial institutions of the republic cash on compensation, pension payment and benefits, purchase of agricultural products, acquisition of container and things at the population, on the expenses connected with official journeys and on other purposes according to the existing Instruction of National Bank of Moldova about procedure for creation of the statistic report about cash transactions of financial institutions of the Republic of Moldova.
The companies having permanent cash revenue can spend cash from the cash desks for the above-stated purposes, except for expenses on official journeys.
7. The companies shall hand over in financial institutions which serve them, all surplus of cash over the minimum requirement for implementation of calculations at the beginning of the next day for their transfer on current accounts.
8. The companies have the right to store in the cash desks cash for compensation, allowance payment on social insurance, grants, pensions no more than 3 working days, including day of receipt of money in financial institution, except for in cash, held for use in special search activities and extradition of persons.
9. Cash disbursement of money is on receipt made from cash desks of the companies. In case of absence at the companies of the cash desk they are allowed to issue to the cashiers of the companies or persons replacing them checks for receipt of cash directly from cash desk of financial institution.
10. The companies issue cash on receipt on operating and household expenses in sizes and for the terms determined by heads of the companies but no more than for month, except for in cash, held for use in special search activities.
Cash disbursement of money on receipt for the expenses connected with official journeys is made within the amounts which are due to the sent persons on these purposes according to the Provision operating in the territory of the Republic of Moldova.
The unspent cash issued on receipt shall be returned in cash desk of the company not later than in 3 days after the term for which they were issued.
Persons who received cash on receipt with appendix of supporting documents shall show the report on the spent amounts of accounts department of the company.
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The document ceased to be valid since December 19, 2021 according to Item 3 of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of November 10, 2021 No. 326