of March 13, 2018 No. 40
About approval of the Regulations on return of the amounts of temporary disability benefits to residents of information and technological parks
According to Art. 24 of the Law on the state system of social insurance No. 489 of 8.07.1999 and for the purpose of process regulation about return of the amounts representing the temporary disability benefits paid by residents of information and technological parks to the workers whose source of financing is the budget of the national social insurance, PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve Regulations on return of the amounts of temporary disability benefits to residents of information and technological parks, according to appendix.
2. To Mrs. Alla Koliban, chief of the main thing
managements of accounting of payers to inform specialists of TKSS of provision of this order by means of internal network ACCES DOC within 2 days from signature date.
3. To Mrs. Valentina Fedosenko, the head of department of informing and mass media to inform residents of information and technological parks this order, having posted it on the official site of www.cnas.md and in the Official monitor to the Republic of Moldova.
4. To impose control over execution of this order on Mrs. Tatyana of Popa, the vice-chairman of NKSS.
Chairman of NKSS
Laura Greku
to the Order NKSS of the Republic of Moldova of March 13, 2018 No. 40-A
1. The regulations on return of the amounts of temporary disability benefits to residents of information and technological parks (further - the Provision) are developed according to Art. 24 (4) the Law No. 489 of 8.07.1999 on the state system of social insurance, Art. 4 of the Law No. 289 of 22.07.2004 on temporary disability benefits and other benefits of social insurance, the Order of the Government No. 108 of 3.02.2005 about approval of the Regulations on appointment conditions, procedure for calculation and allowance payment on temporary disability.
2. The provision establishes methodology of return of the amounts representing the temporary disability benefits paid by residents of information and technological parks to the workers from budget funds of the national social insurance (further - BGSS).
3. Regulations of this Provision are subject to execution for territorial structures of National cash desk of social insurance, central office of National cash desk of social insurance and employers, residents of information and technological parks.
4. For the period activities based on the individual employment contract signed with resident of the information and technological park, the monthly insured income of the worker constitutes 60% of the predicted average monthly salary on the economy which is annually approved by the Government regardless of the actual size of the salary, the number of the fulfilled days within a month and operating mode (complete or partial). For the purpose of application of this provision months in which it was fulfilled at least, one day are considered. If the worker within one month worked both in the information and technological park and for other employer, the monthly insured income constitutes the income from which fees of compulsory social insurance and 60% of the predicted average monthly salary on economy for the corresponding year were estimated.
5. The temporary disability benefits paid by residents of information and technological parks:
a) temporary disability benefit, caused by general disease or accident, not work-related;
b) temporary disability benefit, caused by accident or occupational disease;
c) care allowance for a sick child;
d) the temporary disability benefit paid from the first day of disability from means of BGSS (benefit according to the prevention of diseases (quarantine), benefit on working capacity recovery (prosthetics), benefit on recovery of the working capacity in connection with orthopedic prosthetics, temporary disability benefit caused by disease of tuberculosis, AIDS, any oncological disease and also during medical leave of the expectant mothers staying on the registry in medical and sanitary organizations.
6. Allowance payment, 5 lit. A provided in Item) this provision for the first five calendar days of temporary disability is performed from means of the employer, but no more than 15 calendar days totally for each employee in one calendar year, since sixth calendar day of temporary disability, and in case of the numerous periods of temporary disability, since first day of the expiration 15 total days paid from means of the employer, the benefit is paid from budget funds of the national social insurance.
7. Allowance payment, provided in Item 5 lit.b) this provision, for the working days from the first 20 calendar days since the beginning of the first day of disability is performed from means of the employer, and since 21st day - from means of BGSS.
8. Allowance payment, provided in Item 5 lit.s) and d) this provision, is performed completely from means of BGSS since first day of disability;
9. Residents of information and technological parks for the period of application of special tax regime which is applied since the month following after month in which the park resident status was received or, respectively, this status was cancelled, have the right to request return from BGSS of the amounts of the benefits provided in Item 5 of this provision, paid by them, and according to the current legislation are paid from means of BGSS.
10. For the purpose of realization of this provision the following terms are used:
National cash desk of social insurance (further - NKSS) - the independent public institution managing the state system of social insurance;
territorial cash desk of social insurance (further - TKSS) - territorial structure of NKSS;
compulsory contributions of the national social insurance (further - fees) - the amount of obligatory payments of the payer before the budget of the national social insurance;
IS "Protectia Sociala" - information system of the state system of social insurance;
the payer - the employer, the resident of the information and technological park which paid to the workers temporary disability benefits from means of BGSS;
return - transfer of the amount representing the temporary disability benefit paid from means of BGSS by employers, residents of information and technological parks to the workers.
11. The request for return of the amounts from BGSS is performed by filing of application about return of the amounts of temporary disability benefits to residents of information and technological parks (further - the statement) in TKSS in which the payer is registered according to the sample approved in appendix No. 1 to this provision.
12. The following documents are put to the statement:
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