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of March 21, 2018 No. 190

Some questions of appointment of heads of subjects of managing of public sector of economy and members of their supervisory boards

Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Make changes which are applied to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.

2. Determine that:

1) the competitive selections of heads of subjects of managing of public sector of economy and members of their supervisory boards, especially important for economy, begun before entry into force of this resolution are subject to the termination;

2) the committee to destination of heads especially important for business economics determines applicants for positions of heads of subjects of managing of public sector of economy, the candidate of winners of candidate screen for position of the independent member of the supervisory board of the company of public sector of economy, especially important for economy, especially important for economy, and expresses line item on the candidate for the representative of the state in structure of such supervisory board after carrying out the corresponding selections taking into account the changes approved by this resolution;

3) subjects of management of objects of state-owned property submit to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine information on the termination of powers of the member of the supervisory board of the company of public sector of economy, especially important for economy, not later than in five days after their termination.

Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 21, 2018 No. 190

Changes which are made to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

1. In the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 3, 2008 No. 777 "About carrying out competitive selection of heads of subjects of managing of public sector of economy" (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2008, No. 68, Art. 2266; 2015, No. 15, Art. 383, No. 59, Art. 1945, No. 62, Art. 2034, No. 69, Art. 2277; 2016, No. 5, Art. 274, No. 94, Art. 3080; 2017, No. 57, Art. 1697, No. 60, Art. 1828):

1) to add the resolution with Item 4-2 - the following content:

"4-2. To submit to subjects of management of objects of state-owned property to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine information relatively:

discoveries of vacancy of the head of the company, especially important for economy, - not later than in five days after its opening;

the term of the contract with the head of the company, especially important for economy, - not later than month before its termination;

announcements of selection to position of the head of the company, especially important for economy, together with the relevant documents - not later than in three days after adoption of the relevant decision;

temporary assignment of fulfillment of duties or appointment of the acting as the head of the company, especially important for economy, - not later than in five days after adoption of the relevant decision.";

2) according to the procedure of carrying out competitive selection of heads of subjects of managing of public sector of economy, approved by the specified resolution:

to state paragraph two of Item 1 in the following edition:


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