It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Tajikistan
On May 22, 2018 No. 63
of May 17, 2018 No. 1533
About traffic
Accepted by the Resolution MH MOPT of April 25, 2018, No. 1069
Approved by the Resolution MM MORT of May 11, 2018, No. 542
This Law determines organizational, legal, economic and social basis of traffic and is directed to traffic safety.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
- traffic safety - complex of the actions aimed at safety control of participants of traffic;
- vehicles - the means intended for transportation through roads of people, loads or the equipment mounted on them;
- means of the organization of traffic - complex of the regulating means, objects and marking on the roads used for traffic safety control (signs and indexes of roads, traffic lights, barriers of roads and means of the direction);
- users highways - persons, in being participants of traffic, and also occupied on highways with the permitted activities, except for road-building works;
- participants of traffic - persons using the highways or other places intended for public conveyance (people) and load by means of vehicles, which are directly involved in process of movement as the driver, the pedestrian, the passenger, the cyclist, the driver of animals, the moving man and other persons;
- the road - part of the earth or level of the artificial arranged well or approved object used for movement of vehicles and pedestrians;
- traffic safety control - complex legal, social, educational, control, agitatsionno - propaganda, inzhenerno - the technical and other measures directed to the prevention of the reasons dorozhno - transport incidents and decrease in weight of their effects;
- traffic - set of the relations arising in the course of movement of people and load by means of vehicles or without those within highways.
The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on traffic is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan and the international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan.
1. In the Republic of Tajikistan right-hand traffic of vehicles is established.
2. The procedure for start of motion, direction reversal, arrangement of vehicles and pedestrians, the choice of motion speed and distance, journey of intersections, crosswalks and railroad crossings, stops of vehicles public, use of external light devices, rules of movement of pedestrians, journey of cyclists, transition of drivers of animals, moving men, and also questions of the organization of movement and its safety are regulated by the Traffic regulations approved by the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan.
3. The vehicles of special purpose having special luminous and (or) sound signals and coloring take advantage in case of the movement on roads according to the procedure provided by Traffic regulations.
4. The procedure for movement of full track vehicles, and also vehicles, dimensions which mass and axial loads exceed the established regulations is determined according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Public administration traffic safety is exercised of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, local actuators of the government and the relevant state bodies.
On traffic safety is within the competence of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan:
- carrying out state policy about traffic safety;
- approval of rules, standards, technical standard rates and other regulatory legal acts in the field of traffic safety control;
- determination of authorized state body in the field of traffic safety;
- approval of state programs of safety control of traffic;
- coordination of activities of the central and local actuators of the government, the organizations and organizations in the field of traffic safety;
- establishment of single procedure for the organization of traffic and its safety;
- establishment of requirements for reconstruction and technical condition of the vehicles operated in the Republic of Tajikistan;
- creation of Government Commission on Traffic Safety;
- determination of the state customer on preparation of official acts (forms);
- determination of procedure for issue of licenses and certificates for implementation of the activities connected with production, repair and operation cargo and passenger vehicles, training of the drivers and other types of activity influencing traffic safety;
- determination of general regulations of compulsory insurance of vehicles, drivers and passengers;
- implementation of other powers determined by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.
In the field of traffic safety (further - authorized state body) enters powers of authorized state body:
- implementation of state policy about traffic safety;
- obtaining from state bodies, legal entities, irrespective of their form of business, the corresponding data about dorozhno - the transport incidents, condition of road maintenance and other data connected with traffic safety;
- cooperation with relevant organs of foreign states in the field of traffic safety in accordance with the established procedure;
- execution of functions of the state customer on preparation of certificates on the termination of training courses on training of transport drivers, driver's and registration documents (forms of the car driver license, temporary permissions, the international car driver licenses, coupons of obligatory state technical inspection, coupons about abuse of regulations to the car driver license, registration certificates, registration coupons), the serial numbers and other documents determined by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- issue of permissions and licenses according to the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;
- traffic regulation of vehicles on roads;
- maintaining single system of accounting of statistical data about traffic safety;
- implementation of the current technologies on control of traffic safety;
- studying and assessment of the road accidents;
- maintaining information retrieval system, registration of drivers, vehicles, administrative offenses of industry, road accidents and their effects;
- control of activities of users by highways, vehicles according to requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan;
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