of March 29, 2018 No. 169
About approval of General regulations of legislative metrology of RGML 02:2018
On the basis lit.s) and f), the item (3), the item (4) the Art. 5, the item (2) Art. 6 and Art. 16 of the Law on metrology No. 19 of March 4, 2016. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 100-105, the Art. 190) for ensuring unity, legality and accuracy of measurements in areas of public interest in the territory of the Republic of Moldova PRIKAZYVAYU:
1. Approve General regulations of legislative metrology of RGML 02:2018 "Conditions for registration of the physical persons and legal entities occupied in the sphere of legislative metrology" according to appendix.
2. Declare invalid the Order of the Ministry of Economics No. 143 of July 8, 2016. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2015, No. 185-189, the Art. 1283) about approval of General regulations on legislative metrology of RGML 02:2016 "Issue of the technical conclusion about registration".
3. Publish this order in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova and on the website of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure.
4. PU "National Institute of Metrology" post this order on the website and publish in the specialized magazine "Metrologie".
Minister of Economy and Infrastructure
Kirill Gaburich
to the Order of the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure of the Republic of Moldova of March 29, 2018 No. 169
1. These general regulations on legislative metrology (further - regulations) are developed on the basis of the Law about metrologiya No. 19 of March 4 2016, with subsequent changes and amendments, and establish order of registration of the physical persons and legal entities which are carrying out the following types of activity:
1) repair, installation and commissioning of the gages used in areas of public interest;
2) accomplishment of packing of products, production and/or import of the bottles used as measuring vessels
and also method of submission of the notification for the purpose of registration, suspension of registration and removal from the Register of the physical persons and legal entities performing repair, commissioning and installation of gages, and also the legal entities performing packing of products, production and/or import of the bottles used as measuring vessels (further - the Register).
2. These regulations are intended for application by the legal entities and physical persons authorized on business activity which perform the types of activity specified in Item 1, and also National institute of metrology (further - NIM).
3. For right interpretation of these regulations terms according to the Law on metrology No. 19 of March 4, 2016 and to the Law on registers No. 71-XVI of March 22, 2007 are used.
4. Physical persons or legal entities which repair mount and enact the gages which are subject to legislative metrological control, and also legal entities who perform packing of products, production and/or import of the bottles used as measuring vessels prior to implementation of the related activity shall be registered in NIM, having submitted the notification on fulfillment of requirements, established in Items 8-10, containing also the declaration under own responsibility.
5. The physical person or legal entity which submits the notification for one or several types of activity shall be registered in the Republic of Moldova.
6. The applicant confirms with declaring under own responsibility legal, organizational and technical competence for accomplishment of the required metrological activities which are object of legislative metrological control of the legal entity or physical person authorized to be engaged in business activity.
7. As a result of consideration received notifications and declarations under own responsibility of NIM, according to requirements of these regulations, will register the applicant in the Register which manages, and also manages the corresponding database.
8. For implementation of activities for repair of the gages which are subject to legislative metrological control the physical person or legal entity shall meet the following requirements:
1) to have the corresponding organizational specifications, namely:
a) the rooms conforming to requirements to the organization of repair of the gages which are subject to legislative metrological control and conditions of their storage;
b) necessary processing equipment, gages and repair documentation;
c) qualified personnel for accomplishment of repair work;
2) to have the arrangement with the producer or his authorized representative on providing with spare parts for the period equal to, at least, a useful life of gages declared by the producer;
3) to provide and carry out repair of the gages which are subject to legislative metrological control;
4) to provide warranty repair;
5) to provide accomplishment of postrepair checking in accordance with the terms, provided in applicable regulating documents;
To represent 6) at the request of the metrological laboratory which is carrying out postrepair checking, repair leaf with the description of the carried-out works;
7) to carry out records about the repaired measuring instruments;
8) accomplishment listed in subitems 1) - 7) requirements is confirmed by the applicant submission of notifications with the declaration under own responsibility.
9. For implementation of activities for installation and commissioning of the gages which are subject to legislative metrological control the physical person or legal entity shall meet the following requirements:
1) to have necessary processing equipment, gages and documentation on installation and commissioning;
2) to have qualified personnel for performance of works on installation and commissioning;
3) to provide and carry out installation and commissioning only of the confided gages in accordance with the terms, provided in applicable regulating documents;
4) to provide guarantee of the performed works for each mounted or enacted gage in accordance with the terms, provided in documents of the producer;
5) to provide fulfillment of requirements of the producer and, as required, the requirement of the certificate of approval of type for the mounted and/or enacted measuring instruments;
6) to carry out registration about the mounted and/or enacted measuring instruments;
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