of May 14, 2018 No. 6
About Council for agro-industrial policy of the Eurasian Economic Union
According to the subitem 22 of Item 2 of article 12 of the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 the Supreme Eurasian economic council solved:
1. Create facilitative branch – Council for agro-industrial policy of the Eurasian Economic Union.
2. Approve the enclosed Regulations on Council for agro-industrial policy of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Members of the Supreme Eurasian economic council: |
From the Republic of Armenia |
From the Republic of Belarus |
From the Republic of Kazakhstan |
From the Kyrgyz Republic |
From the Russian Federation |
Approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of May 14, 2018 No. 6
1. Council on agro-industrial policy of the Eurasian Economic Union (further – Council) is created according to the subitem 22 of Item 2 of article 12 of the Agreement on the Eurasian Economic Union of May 29, 2014 (further – the Agreement on the Union) as facilitative branch for realization by state members of the Eurasian Economic Union (further respectively – state members, the Union) the approved (coordinated) agro-industrial policy.
2. Council in the activities is guided by the Agreement on the Union, other international treaties and acts constituting the right of the Union and also this Provision.
3. For the purposes of this provision are understood as authorized bodies of state members:
Ministry of Economics of the Republic of Armenia;
Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic of Belarus;
Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
Ministry of Agriculture, food industry and melioration of the Kyrgyz Republic;
Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation.
4. The main objectives of Council are:
a) preparation for state members of offers on strategy, the directions and perspectives of development of agro-industrial complex and the agrarian market of the Union, and also on deepening of integration of state members in the agro-industrial sphere;
b) comprehensive assistance of realization of the approved (coordinated) agro-industrial policy;
c) coordination of interaction of authorized bodies of state members concerning ensuring development of agro-industrial complex of state members.
5. Council for realization of the tasks assigned to it performs the following functions:
a) prepares offers for state members in the main directions of the approved (coordinated) agro-industrial policy for the purpose of increase in efficiency of interstate interaction;
b) performs assistance in development by authorized bodies of state members of the approved line item:
on project development of international treaties within the Union and acts of bodies of the Union in the field of agro-industrial complex;
on harmonization of the legislation of state members in the agro-industrial sphere;
on removal of obstacles for access to the agrofood markets of state members;
c) prepares offers on ensuring information exchange of authorized bodies of state members on development of agro-industrial complex;
d) performs other functions for the purpose of ensuring development of agro-industrial complex of state members within the main directions of the approved (coordinated) policy defined by the Agreement on the Union.
6. Are part of Council:
heads of authorized bodies of state members;
members of Board of the Eurasian economic commission (further – the Commission) to whose field of activity questions of the industry and agro-industrial complex, technical regulation, sanitary, veterinary and sanitary and quarantine phytosanitary measures are carried.
State members provide timely informing Council and Commission on changes in the list of heads of authorized bodies of state members.
7. Presides over meetings of Council and the chairman of the board performs the common directorship of work of Council.
The chairman of the board is the member of council representing authorized body of the state member presiding in bodies of the Union according to item 4 of article 8 of the Agreement on the Union.
8. Chairman of the board:
a) directs work of Council;
b) approves and approves the agenda of meeting of Council, determines date, time and the place of its carrying out;
c) conducts meetings of Council;
d) signs protocols of meetings of Council.
9. In coordination with members of council officials and the staff of the Commission within whose competence the questions considered at meeting of Council, representatives of state bodies, scientific and educational institutions, public organizations, business communities of state members and the international organizations, and also independent experts are (further – participants of meeting of Council) can participate in meeting of Council.
10. The responsible secretary of Council is the director of the department of the Commission whose competence questions on activities of Council enter.
11. Responsible secretary of Council:
a) prepares the draft of the agenda of meeting of Council and submits it for approval to the chairman of the board;
b) sends to members of council and participants of meeting of Council the approved agenda of meeting of Council and materials to it;
c) informs members of council and participants of meeting of Council on date, time and the venue of the regular meeting of Council;
d) takes the minutes of Council and represents it for the signature to the chairman of the board;
e) sends to members of council of the copy of protocols of meetings of Council;
e) performs monitoring of performance of works on implementation of actions, provided by the minutes of Council, and informs members of council on its results.
12. Meetings of Council are held as required, but at least 1 time a year.
13. The decision on holding meeting of Council is made by the chairman of the board in coordination with members of council.
14. Offers on forming of the draft of the agenda of meeting of Council go members of council to the chairman of the board.
15. Materials to the agenda of meeting of Council include:
a) references on cases in point;
b) drafts of the documents offered to consideration (in the presence);
c) projects of records of sentence on cases in point;
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