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of December 30, 2016 No. ZR-232

About approval of the Set of rules of the Rescue service

(as amended on 01-03-2024)

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on December 16, 2016

Article 1. Approve the Set of rules of the Rescue service according to Appendix.

Article 2. This Law becomes effective for the tenth day after official publication.


to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About approval of the Set of rules of the Rescue service"

Set of rules of the Rescue service

Section 1. General provisions

Article 1. Set of rules of the Rescue service

1. This Set of rules regulates procedure for the organization and carrying out rescue operations, managements and realization of rescue operations of fighting tasks, information transfers, the rights and obligations of rescuers, the encouragement, the relations connected with disciplinary both financial responsibility and their application and also other relations connected with service.

2. Provisions of this Set of rules are applied to all rescue divisions operating in system of authorized body (further - Authorized body) or public administration in the field of internal affairs, including to the state non-profit organizations and rescue divisions.

3. Except the rescue services specified in part 2 of this Article, requirements of this Set of rules to accomplishment of rescue operations extend to the specialized and voluntary rescue forces performing rescue operations together with rescue units of authorized body.

4. The procedure for cooperation between the Rescue service and divisions of armed forces of the Republic of Armenia located in the territory of the same garrison is established by the joint order of authorized body of the head and Minister of Defence.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Set of rules

1. In this Set of rules the following basic concepts are used:

1) divisions - structural and territorial subdivisions of Authorized body, the centers, groups, educational and other institutions of authorized body, other divisions in which the rescue service passes according to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About rescue service";

2) commanders (chiefs) - the chief of the Rescue service, deputy chief of the Rescue service, the chiefs of the department, rectors of Academy, and also commanders (chiefs) of rescue units and the structural units entering into these divisions and their deputies;

3) property of divisions (further - property) - the tangible assets and property which are considered as state-owned property and transferred to the order, use of divisions expressed as clothes, the equipment, materials, other fixed assets, and also money and their equivalents;

4) the actual damage (further - damage) - loss or damage of property, and also expenses which will be or will made by rescue unit of authorized body for recovery (acquisition) of the lost or damaged property;

5) the site - the place of centralization of forces and means on liquidation of emergency situation having one head and specific objectives;

6) the headquarters - the governing body which is temporarily created for the purpose of management of forces and resources on site of emergency situation;

7) assessment of the situation - the analysis and generalization of the investigations made in the place of emergency situation, the received data;

8) the plan of participation of forces and means - the document which establishes quantity and procedure for forces and means which are engaged in prevention, reducing and mitigation of consequences of emergency situations;

9) the plan - the document approved by the relevant competent authority which governs the relations on the organization of protection of the population, civil defense and territorial protection;

10) inspection - check and research of discipline of divisions, the organizations of service and other questions connected with internal service;

11) execution of authority punishments - the announcement (consideration) to the employee and personnel about imposing of authority punishment (the reasons and the phenomena leading to violation) before structure of Rescue service or during the meetings.

Section 2. Internal service

Article 3. Internal service

1. The internal service establishes the rights and obligations of employees, their relations, responsibility, obligations of the main officials of structural and territorial subdivisions, internal rules and procedures and other questions concerning internal service.

Article 4. Purpose of internal servicing

1. The service and labor activity serving in divisions shall be performed according to requirements imposed to internal service.

2. The internal service is intended for maintenance of internal procedure and maintenance of office discipline of division which provide its permanent readiness, training of members of personnel, organized accomplishment of their obligations during change and protection of health of employees.

Article 5. Fulfillment of requirements to internal service

1. The internal service requires organized actions, irrespective of personal desires of each employee. Execution of requirements imposed to internal service shall develop in serving sense of responsibility, cultivate in them punctuality, conscientiousness and independence.

2. Mutual understanding, goodwill and readiness to help each other shall promote strengthening of office friendship and consolidation of employees, to give the chance not only to the problem resolution of daily activities, but also to resist difficult testing in emergency situations.

Article 6. Rescuer's oath

1. The citizens entering the Rescue service for the first time take the oath according to article 30 of the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About rescue service".

2. The citizens entering the Rescue service take the oath before national flag of the Republic of Armenia and flag of Authorized body.

3. Each employee says oath individually and confirms it with the signature.

4. Form of the text of oath for persons reciting the oath of the Rescue service:

1) shall be in advance prepared in the Rescue service of Authorized body;

2) prove to be true according to article 31 of the Law "About Rescue Service" and the signature of the employee swearing oath:

and. in the cases provided in parts 2-4, by signatures of the head of authorized body

. in the case provided in part 5, by the signature of the chief of the Rescue service of Authorized body.

5. Forms with the text of oath for persons swearing oath of the Rescue service are stored in personnel department of the Rescue service of Authorized body in appendix to the personal record, and in the office accounting card of the employee the record "Oath of the Rescue Service" (day, month, year) is made.

6. Text of oath of the Rescuer:

"Oath of the employee of Rescue service

I __________________________________________, entering service of rescuing in the Rescue service, solemnly I swear faithfully to serve the Republic of Armenia, to fulfill requirements of the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Armenia, to honesty carry out the service duties. I swear.

Signature _______________".

Article 7. Flag symbol of rescue units (standard)

1. Rescue units, depending on types of activity, can have flag symbol (standards) which description and procedure for use are established by the head of Authorized body.

Article 8. Symbol of the Rescue service

1. The Rescue service has symbol which description and procedure for use are established by the head of Authorized body.

Article 9. State awards to rescuers

1. Rescuers can receive the state awards according to the procedure, established by the law.

Chapter 1. Rights, obligations and responsibility of employees of Rescue service

Article 10. Employee of Rescue service

1. The employee of Rescue service (further - the employee) is the government (public) employee, and the state guarantees its social and legal protection, takes measures for providing social guarantees.

2. To the employee the office certificate, procedure and form of issue which use and return the head of authorized body establishes is granted.

Article 11. Common laws and employee's obligations

1. Common laws of the employee are established by the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About rescue service".

2. General obligations of the employee are established by the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About rescue service".

3. Implementation of the rights by employees shall not cause damage to the rights and legitimate interests of society, state, other employees and other persons.

Article 12. The right of the weapon serving on carrying

1. The employee has the right to store, carry, use and use weapon during execution of the obligations and, if necessary, also out of service.

2. The employee is granted the right to storage, carrying, use and use of weapons by order of the head of authorized body.

3. About the right to store, carry, use and use weapon according to the procedure, provided by part 2 of this Article:

1) the corresponding entry in the official ID of the employee is made;

2) in the cases established by the head of authorized body, the personal card about carrying weapon and card of replacement of weapon in the form established by the order of the head of Authorized body is provided to the employee.

Article 13. Employee's right to use of physical force

1. In case of prevention of crimes the employee has the right to use physical force when overcoming resistance undertaken against its demands made within the powers if otherwise cannot fulfill the duties.

Article 14. Use of weapons by the employee

1. The employee has the right to use weapon personally or as a part of division:

1) reflecting alone attacks on employees, other personnel of Authorized body, the location of the protected objects and divisions, buildings and constructions, echelons, automobile columns and vehicles and protection if their life and health are threatened by real danger, and it is impossible to protect them by other methods and means;

2) in case of prevention of attempts of capture of the weapon or the equipment;

3) in case of neutralization of mad or wild animals, life-threatening and to human health;

4) in case of vehicle stop in accordance with the established procedure in case of failure to carry out by the driver of the requirements established by the relevant authorized bodies in the conditions of legal regime of warlike situation or emergency situation;

5) without the prevention, in case of accomplishment of the tasks directed to protection of the Republic of Armenia.

2. In the cases provided in Items 1, 2 and 4 parts of 1 this Article, weapon is used if after the sign "Stop!" and shot in air violators do not submit.

3. Without the prevention weapon can be used in case of sudden or armed attack, or attack with use of military equipment, vehicles, the flying devices.

4. The employee also has the right to use weapon in case of the fulfillment of duties according to the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

5. The employee is forbidden to use weapon against women with strong indications of pregnancy, persons with limited opportunities and minors, except as specified life-threatening citizens of the armed or group attack by them and armed resistance.

6. In case of application and use of weapon, the employee shall take all feasible measures for safety of surrounding citizens and, in case of need, provide emergency medical service by the victim.

7. The employee shall report on each case of application or use of weapon on the commander (chief).

8. The commander (chief) has the right to use weapon personally or to give the order on use of weapons in case of obvious disobedience of the subordinate for the purpose of recovery of discipline and procedure when non-obedience is obviously directed to treachery to the homeland or failure of fighting task in the conditions of fight.

9. Carrying and use of weapons by the employee outside the Republic of Armenia is regulated by international treaties.

Article 15. Service and special duties of the employee

1. Each employee has the job responsibilities which determine its full compliance of the position held by it, and also amounts and borders of practical realization of the tasks set for them. These obligations are established by the charter of division, the passport of position or functional obligations, written orders of immediate superiors and other legal acts.

2. The employees who are on change who participate in mitigation of consequences of emergency situation, actions of civil defense or territorial protection carry out special obligations. These obligations and procedure for their realization are determined by the law, the Set of rules of the Rescue service, charters, the agreement on service in the Rescue service.

Article 16. Responsibility of the employee

1. Employees, irrespective of their rank and position, are equal before the law and bear responsibility.

2. The employee bears responsibility for the illegal actions (failure to act) in cases and according to the procedure, established by the law.

Chapter 2. Relations of employees

Article 17. Individual management

1. Individual management is one of the principles of the Rescue service of Authorized body, management and relations of employees.

2. Individual management is in giving to the commander (chief) all administrative authority concerning subordinates and to impose on it the personal liability before the state for life and activities of division and each employee.

3. Individual management shall be shown by individual adoption of decisions by the commander (chief), proceeding from comprehensive assessment of the situation, the publication of orders strictly according to the laws and charters and ensuring their accomplishment.

Article 18. Chiefs and subordinates

1. Some of employees according to the official position and rank can be commanders (chiefs) or subordinates concerning others.

2. The commander (chief) has the right to issue orders the subordinate and to require their execution. The commander (chief) shall be example of honor and restraint for the subordinate, shall not degrade its human dignity in case of which can bear responsibility, and the subordinate shall execute unconditionally legal orders and orders of the commander (chief). Chiefs to which employees submit on service at least temporarily, are immediate superiors.

Article 19. Senior and junior employees

1. Employees who according to the official position and rank are not chiefs or subordinates concerning other employees can be senior or younger.

2. The seniority is determined by the employee's rank.

3. Younger on rank shall fulfill legal requirements of seniors unconditionally.

4. If serving, not being under supervision each other, in case of collateral execution of service duties if their office relations are not determined by the chief, the senior by position, and in case of equal positions, the senior on rank becomes head.

5. In case of equal position and rank employees report on the higher chief for decision making.

Article 20. Order (order), procedure for its edition and execution

1. The order is the order of the commander (chief) addressed to subordinates from whom it is required to perform certain operations to follow this or that rule, and the procedure and terms is established.

2. The order can be issued in written, oral form, by means of communication and technical means - to one employee, employee group or to divisions.

3. The written order is the main official administrative document of management (legal act) which by the right of individual management is published by chiefs of divisions.

4. All chiefs publish written orders.

5. The order is form of transfer of tasks the head subordinate on private questions.

6. The order is published in written or oral form.

7. The written order is the official binding document which is published on behalf of the head of Authorized body or the chief of service.

8. The order (order) shall conform to requirements of the legislation of the Republic of Armenia.

9. The commander (chief) before issuing orders, shall give comprehensive assessment of the situation and provide measures for ensuring its accomplishment.

10. The commander (chief) bears responsibility for the issued order and its effects, order compliance to the legislation of the Republic of Armenia, and also for abuse and exceeding of ex-officio or office full powers in the issued order.

11. The order shall be formulated accurately, without allowing ambiguity.

12. Orders are issued according to the procedure of subordination.

13. In case of emergency the senior chief can give the order to the subordinate, passing his immediate superior, and in this case he reports about it to the direct head or orders to the subordinate to report on it on it.

14. The order of the commander (chief) shall be executed unconditionally, precisely and in the specified term, and the employee, having received the order, answers "I obey", and then carries out it.

15. If necessary, to check the correct perception of the issued order, the commander (chief) can demand short repetition of the order, and the employee, having received the order, can appeal to the commander (chief) to repeat it.

16. The employee shall report on the chief who issued the order and the direct head on accomplishment of the order.

17. Orders or orders which state the tasks which are not connected with service cannot be this to employees or contradict requirements of the law.

18. If the employee executing the order receives the new order from the commander (chief) with higher official position or rank that interferes with accomplishment previous, he shall report on it on the chief issuing the second order and in case of repetition of the order to execute the last.

19. The publishing new order shall report about it publishing the first order.

20. Discussion of the legal order or order which does not interfere with execution of the previous order unacceptably, and non-obedience or failure to carry out of the order is considered failure to carry out of service duties and violation of disciplinary rules.

Article 21. Initiative of employees

1. The employee shall show initiative for the purpose of successful accomplishment of the task set for it which is especially necessary when this order is incompatible with suddenly changed situation, and conditions are that that it is impossible to receive the new order timely.

Article 22. Official greeting

1. The official greeting is the proof of friendly cooperation of employees, their mutual respect and friendship.

2. All employees shall welcome each other in case of meeting or passing by each other.


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