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of April 25, 2018 No. 322

About approval of sample, the technical description on the form and the Procedure for registration, issue, exchange, cancellation, transfer, withdrawal, return to the state, recognitions invalid and destructions of the residence permit

(as amended on 12-09-2023)

According to part two of article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "About the Unified state demographic registers and documents confirming citizenship of Ukraine, proving the identity or her special status" and the eighteenth article 5 of the Law of Ukraine "About legal status of foreigners and stateless persons" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve:

sample and the technical description on the form of the residence permit with the contactless electronic medium according to appendices 1 and 2;

Procedure for registration, issue, exchange, cancellation, transfer, withdrawal, return to the state, recognitions invalid and destructions of the residence permit which is attached.

2. Enter since June 1, 2018 using means of the Unified state demographic register registration and issue of the residence permit which sample of the form is approved by this resolution, to foreigners and stateless persons according to Procedure for registration, issue, exchange, cancellation, transfer, withdrawal, return to the state, recognitions invalid and destructions of the residence permit approved by this resolution.

3. Determine that:

before completion of work on providing in full territorial authorities and territorial subdivisions of the Public migratory service the residence permit can be drawn up by the material resources necessary for registration and issue of the residence permit which sample of the form is approved by this resolution with use of the form of type on accommodation in the form of book;

the residence permit which does not contain the contactless electronic medium, drawn up and issued based on the documents submitted till June 1, 2018 is effective during the term for which it was issued.

Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman

Appendix 1

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 25, 2018 No. 322

Sample of the form of the residence permit with the contactless electronic medium


рис. 1 к Пост.КМ от 25.04.2018 №322

Reverse side

рис.2 к Пост.КМ от 25.04.2018 №322

Appendix 2

to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 25, 2018 No. 322

The technical description on the form of the residence permit with the contactless electronic medium

1. The form of the residence permit with the contactless electronic medium (further - the form of the certificate) is made in the form of the plastic card of the ID-1 type by the 53,98 x 85,6 size of millimeter and can have acceptable deviations according to the ISO/IEC 7810 standard: 2008.

2. The contactless electronic medium which conforms to requirements of regulating documents in the sphere of technical and cryptographic information security is implanted into the form of the certificate. The contactless electronic medium conforms to requirements of the ISO/IEC 14443 standard concerning record and data read-out.

In the contactless electronic medium information which is specified on front and reverse side of the certificate, biometric data, parameters of person (the digitized image of person, the digitized signature), and also data on ensuring the information security brought in the contactless electronic medium according to requirements of the Law Ukraine "About the Unified state demographic register and documents confirming citizenship of Ukraine, proving the identity or her special status" (further - the Law) is entered.

In the contactless electronic medium the additional variable information provided by the Law is entered.

3. For production of the form of type multilayered polymeric material (polycarbonate) which on physical characteristics conforms to requirements of the ISO/IEC 7810 standard is used: 2008 is also subject to personalisation by laser engraving.

4. The design of the form of the certificate is reproduced with use of offset, toffee offset and stencil process.

The design of type is created with use of special protective background grids of regular structure; ornamental drawings in national style; the elements executed by gilyoshirovaniye method.

For seal of the form of the certificate paints of blue, blue and violet colors, and also paints which acquire luminescence under the influence of ultra-violet radiation are used: pink - blue color, yellow - yellow color.

The text on both sides of the form of the certificate is printed in the Ukrainian and English languages by paint of black color which becomes invisible under the influence of source of infrared radiation.

5. On the face of the form of the certificate three protective grids creating the image in the form of the ornamental drawing in national style and gilyoshirovanny images which ray from the stylized image of the small State Emblem of Ukraine are printed. In beams two lines of the positive microtext "The public migratory service UKRAINY" are executed.

One of grids is executed by method of toffee offset printing, creates smooth transition of pink color which acquires blue luminescence under the influence of ultra-violet radiation, in blue.

The paint invisible in case of daylight which under the influence of ultra-violet radiation acquires luminescence of red color prints the image of the ornamental drawing.

6. On the face of the form of the certificate five obligatory zones of visual check (IV) which are placed in such sequence contain:

zone I. In grids the stylized image of National Flag of Ukraine is executed. The name of the state "UKRAINE UKRAINE", the name of the document "residence permit of TEMPORARY RESIDENCE PERMIT", the stylized image of the small State Emblem of Ukraine which repeats twice is printed.

In the left part of zone optiko-variable paint prints the special symbol testimonial of availability of the contactless electronic medium.

The zone is divided by the line of the negative microtext "The public migratory service UKRAINY";

zone II. Consistently names of fields are from top to down printed:



"Floor/Sex"; "Nationality/Nationality;

"Datarozhdeniya/Date of birth"; "Record No./Record No.";

zone III. Continuation of names of fields which are printed from top to down:

"Type No./Permit No."; "The body which issued / Authority";

"End date of term of action/Date of expiry";

zone IV. It is intended for placement of the digitized signature of person;

zone V. It is intended for placement of the digitized image of human face.

7. On the face of the form of the certificate the implanted transparent diffraction protective element with optically - dynamic effects which are observed at different viewing angles is placed.

The protective element consists of the stylized images of the small State Emblem of Ukraine and National Flag of Ukraine.

The stylized image of the small State Emblem of Ukraine consists of such elements:

kinetic effect of expansion against the background of board of the small State Emblem of Ukraine;

color microtext UKRAINE of "UKRAINE" 150 micrometers high;

the hidden image with the coded symbols of "UA" in inking of the small State Emblem of Ukraine.

The stylized image of National Flag of Ukraine consists of such elements:

rotational kinetic effect in inking of National Flag of Ukraine;

linear kinetic effect on National Flag of Ukraine;

change of relative positioning of flowers on National Flag of Ukraine during rotation on 90 °;

effect of the sculptural image in ears;

lens effect in text of UKR;

not diffraction nanotext with variable height from 20 to 120 micrometers;

protective element with high resolution: the image of trident who has high brightness at an angle 90 ° in ring is completed with texture which is formed by the letters "UA" 9 micrometers high.

8. On reverse side of the form of the certificate three protective grids creating the image in the form of the ornamental drawing in national style and the white field intended for introduction of machine-readable information are printed.

The paint invisible in case of daylight which under the influence of ultra-violet radiation acquires luminescence of red color prints the image of the ornamental drawing.

On the back the form of the certificate the zone of visual check (VI) and machine-readable zone (VII) contain:

zone VI. With one line the text "the CERTIFICATE is printed CERTIFICATE IS THE PROPERTY OF UKRAINE is PROPERTY of UKRAINE", below names of fields consistently are from top to down printed:

"Basis of issue/Basis for issue"; "Datavydachi/Date of issue";

"Place of birth/Place of birth".

In the bottom right corner of zone in one line the name of manufacturer - "Is printed with the Ukraine personal computer;

zone VII. It is intended for introduction of machine-readable information. The machine-readable zone is created according to recommendations of ICAO of Doc 9303.


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