Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 3, 2018 No. PP-3693

About measures for further stimulation of development and growth of the export potential of tanning and shoe and fur and fur industries

(as amended on 27-12-2024)


In the country efforts on expansion of amounts and the nomenclature of release of finished export-oriented goods on the basis of deep conversion of rawhide, and also to providing the population with high-quality and available shoe and leather haberdashery products of national production are accepted.

As a result of practical realization of the taken measures amounts of conversion of skins, productions of skin and leather haberdashery products for the period grew 2012 - 2017 more than in time 1,3, modern technologies of processing and dressing take root, the range of the made shoe products extends.

At the same time the developed management system tanning and shoe industry does not allow to increase efficiency of use of the available resources and potential of the republic in this sphere, to provide competitiveness of the made finished goods in the internal and external markets.

Slowly market mechanisms of procurement and modern technologies of storage of skins large and small cattle, and also fur and fur raw materials and wool take root. Low is rawhide conversion level, the considerable share in production and export of products of industry is constituted by tanning semifinished product. The attention is not paid to development of release of a number of the directions of tanning and shoe goods, such as fashion women's shoes and leather clothes, modern leather products and accessories.

Work on training of qualified personnel for industry, to training in their modern methods and innovative approaches to production, involvement of foreign specialists, including technologists and designers for high-quality achievement of production is poorly organized.

For the purpose of increase in system effectiveness of management of tanning and shoe and fur and fur industries, creation of conditions for their dynamic development on the basis of deepening of conversion of raw materials, implementation of advanced technologies, diversification of the nomenclature of the made products and expansion of export deliveries, and also consecutive realization of the tasks determined by the Strategy of actions by five priority directions of development of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2017 - 2021:

1. Take into consideration that according to the decision of general meeting of members of Uzbekcharmpoyabzali Association with participation of the organizations which are engaged in procurement, the storage and conversion of wool automated by slaughter of the cattle, production of products from wool and astrakhan fur:

a) The Uzbekcharmpoyabzali association is transformed to Uzcharmsanoat Association (further - Association) with voluntary entry into its structure of the organizations which are engaged in procurement, the storage and conversion of tanning, fur and fur raw materials and wool automated by slaughter of the cattle, production of products from wool, astrakhan fur and imitation leather, leather haberdashery products, footwear, and also other organizations;

b) The association is legal successor by the rights and obligations of Uzbekcharmpoyabzali Association;

c) are determined by the main objectives of activities of Association:

assistance in economic activity to the organizations - to members of Association at all stages of production cycle: from slaughter of the cattle and procurement of skins before deep conversion of raw materials and production of finished tanning and shoe, leather haberdashery, fur and fur, karakulevodchesky goods and products from wool;

stimulation of implementation at the companies of advanced technologies, quality management system according to requirements of international standards, comprehensive assistance in upgrade and technical retrofitting of the organizations - members of Association;

creation of conditions for growth in volumes and expansion of the range of production of demanded high-quality products, saturation of the domestic market by import-substituting and competitive goods of national production;

development inside - and cross-industry cooperation, including between the organizations specializing in deep conversion of tanning, fur and fur raw materials and wool and also livestock farms, producers of fitment and components;

carrying out on system basis of marketing researches internal and the foreign markets in segments of tanning and shoe, fur and fur, karakulevodchesky products and products from wool, support in expansion of the export potential of industries, widespread introduction of modern methods of conversion of raw materials and production of finished goods with use of the latest innovative developments on modeling and branding, and also the advanced information technologies and automated control systems;

forming of favorable conditions for integration of production, science and education for the purpose of training of qualified personnel and increase in scientific potential of industries, and also the organization of productions with use of new environmentally friendly types of raw materials and materials;

protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the organizations - members of Association, including in case of relations with bodies of the public and economic board, public authorities on places, in the course of conducting checks by monitoring bodies, and also by hearing of cases in courts.

2. Determine that the Association is part of the Complex concerning investments, innovative development, coordination of activities of free economic and small industrial zones of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

3. Approve:

organizational structure of Uzcharmsanoat Association and structure of its executive office with extreme number of managerial personnel in number of 54 units according to appendices No. No. 1 and 2;

standard structure of territorial department of Uzcharmsanoat Association with extreme number of managerial personnel in number of 4 units according to appendix No. 3.

Take into consideration that:

the chairman of Association has the right to make, if necessary, changes to structure of executive office and territorial departments in coordination with general meeting of members of Association;

content and financing of activities of Association are performed due to voluntary assignments of the organizations which are its part and other sources which are not prohibited by the legislation.

4. Cancel since June 1, 2018 the requirement for provision of the document confirming origin of self-produced products for application of privilege on income tax in case of realization to legal entities large and small cattle, tanning, fur and fur, astrakhan raw materials and wool.

5. Determine that:

export through customs border of the Republic of Uzbekistan of rawhide (including non-standard), fur and fur raw materials, including astrakhan (including non-standard) (the Commodity Nomenclatures of Foreign Economic Activity codes 4101 - 4107, 4112 00 000 0 - 4114, 4301-4302) it is performed based on decisions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan;


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