of April 19, 2018 No. 303
About the list of indicators of economic development
1. Approve the enclosed list of the indicators of economic development necessary for designing of the republican budget and local budgets for the next financial year, medium-term financial programs for the next financial year and planning period, introduction of amendments and (or) amendments to the law on the republican budget, the decision of local councils of deputies on the budget for the current financial year (further - the list).
2. Determine that:
2.1. Monthly from April to September to the 22nd represent to the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Economics:
Department of Energy - the indicators of economic development specified in Items 24 and 25 of the list;
Belaruskali open joint stock company - the indicators of economic development specified in Items 26-30 of the list;
The Belarusian state concern on oil and chemistry - the indicators of economic development specified in Items 25, 31-40 lists;
2.2. And till September 22 represent to the Ministry of Finance till April 22 the indicators of economic development specified in Item 41 of the list:
The Belarusian state concern of the food industry Belgospishcheprom - on the organizations which are its part;
regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom - on the organizations which are in the territory of the respective area, Minsk;
2.3. The Ministry of Economics represents to the Ministry of Finance the indicators of economic development specified in the list:
in the terms established by Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus for submission of the draft of the republican budget for the next financial year;
till September 30 for preparation in need of the draft of the legal act about refining of separate indicators of the republican budget for the current financial year;
2.4. The Ministry of Finance represents indicators of economic development to regional executive committees and the Minsk Gorispolkom within five working days from the date of their representation by the Ministry of Economics according to subitem 2.3 of this Item;
2.5. data on indicators of economic development are represented in form according to appendix by the state bodies and organizations specified in subitems 2.1-2.4 of this Item.
3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Belarus
A. Kobyakov
to the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 19, 2018 No. 303
Data on indicators of economic development
№ |
Name of indicator |
Unit of measure |
The fact for |
Assessment |
The forecast on | |||
previous year * |
the expired period of the current year ** |
next year |
next year plus one year |
next year plus two years | ||||
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
* Data can be represented by the Ministry of Economics taking into account the carried-out assessment according to Items 12-16 of the list of the indicators of economic development necessary for designing of the republican budget and local budgets for the next financial year, medium-term financial programs for the next financial year and planning period, introduction of amendments and (or) amendments to the law on the republican budget, the decision of local councils of deputies on the budget for the current financial year approved by this resolution.
** Data are represented taking into account frequency of the publication of statistical data.
Approved by the Resolution of Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of April 19, 2018 , No. 303
Name of indicator |
Unit of measure |
1. GDP |
one million rubles |
2. Growth rate of GDP |
percent |
3. Deflator of GDP |
" |
4. Structure of end use of GDP (in current prices): |
" |
final consumption | |
gross accumulating | |
net export | |
5. Index of growth of consumer prices (inflation): |
" |
on average in year |
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