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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Moldova

On April 2, 2018 No. 1309


of February 21, 2018 No. 2

About approval of the Regulations on replacement on competitive basis of position of the inspector on integrity

(as amended of National authority on integrity of the Republic of Moldova of 13.08.2018 No. 5)

Based on Article 18 parts (3) the Law No. 132 of June 17, 2016 on National authority on integrity (it is published in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, No. 245-246/511), Council for integrity DECIDES:

Approve Regulations on replacement on competitive basis of position of the inspector on integrity according to appendix.

Chairman Zasedaniya of Council for integrity

Dumitra Tsyr

Approved by the Resolution of Council for integrity of the Republic of Moldova of February 21, 2018 No. 2

Regulations on replacement on competitive basis of position of the inspector on integrity

I. General provisions

1. The regulations on replacement on competitive basis of position of the inspector on integrity (further - the Provision) determine appointment procedure to position of the inspector on integrity (further - tender), procedure for forming, structure and competence of the contest committee, and also obligation of other parties participating in process of the organization and carrying out tender.

2. Competition will be organized for the purpose of selection and position assignment of the inspector on integrity of National Authority on integrity (further – Body) the most suitable candidate from among all candidates for replacement of vacant state position with special status.

3. Competition will be organized by Body by means of the contest committee.

4. Carrying out tests within tender is followed by observation and video. The corresponding records are stored at Body for one year of signature date of the protocol on appointment of the winner of tender.

5. Competition will be organized and carried out on the basis of the following principles:

1) open competition - providing open entry to participation in tender of any person answering to conditions of carrying out tender;

2) attraction taking into account merits - selection of the most competent and incorruptible persons based on the received results;

3) equal access - ensuring access to position of any person answering to conditions without discrimination;

4) ensuring transparency - informing the population on vacant positions and provision of information on procedure for the organization and carrying out tender to all interested persons.

6. Person who answers in total the main conditions, the stipulated in Article 18 Laws on National Authority on integrity No. 132 of June 17, 2016 can be the integrity inspector.

II. Forming and structure of the contest committee

7. For carrying out tenders on replacement of vacant positions of the inspector on integrity with the chairman Organa is created the contest committee.

8. The contest committee is created by the order of the chairman Organa and consists of 5 members: the chairman or the vice-chairman Organa, 2 representatives of Council for integrity and 2 employees of the office of Body holding executive positions. The chairman Organa also appoints 2 replacement members from among government employees Organa.

9. As the member of the contest committee there can be nominated person which:

a) Organa has knowledge and experience in the field of public management, management and in other spheres of activity;

c) has the higher education;

c) has high professional competence.

10. The chairman of the contest committee is the chairman or the vice-chairman Organa. In case of absence of the chairman of the contest committee the representative of Council for integrity directs activities of the commission, and in case of absence of this representative the commission is headed by one of members of the commission of number of persons employed Organa elected by ad-hoc.

11. Meetings are competent with participation in them of at least 4 members.

12. Resolutions of the contest committee are accepted by a majority vote the appointed members expressed to pros and cons.

13. The clerical work of the commission is provided with personnel division Organa.

14. The contest committee has the following powers:


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