Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of March 28, 2018 No. ZR-194

About official statistics

Accepted by National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia on March 21, 2018

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation of the Law

1. This Law governs the relations connected with forming of national statistical system of the Republic of Armenia, development, production and distribution of official statistics, carrying out universal accounting.

Article 2. Legislation on official statistics

1. The relations connected with official statistics are regulated by this Law, other laws and legal acts, and also international treaties of the Republic of Armenia.

Article 3. Official statistics

1. The official statistics is the statistics developed, made and extended by the bodies authorized by the law, according to requirements of the fundamental principles of official statistics, in numerical expression of the essential and commensurable phenomena of public life, reflected only in statistical programs which on representative basis describes the economic, demographic, social and ecological events of the Republic of Armenia.

2. Provisions of this Law extend to participants of official statistics - producers, respondents and users, to the relations arising between them and to all data which are available at their order.

Article 4. The basic concepts used in this Law

1. In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) use in the statistical purposes - exclusive use of data for the purpose of development and production of official statistics, rendering statistical services, including all activities regulated by this Law;

2) statistical data - the data collected in the statistical purposes and distributed by statistical programs;

3) statistical investigation - the initial charge of personal data with certain combination of respondents on the basis of regular application of official statistics of statistical methodology by the producer;

4) administrative data - the data collected by bodies of the state or local self-government, the Central bank of the Republic of Armenia or from their name in the administrative purposes other than these producers of official statistics and with other legal basis, than the statistical legislation;

5) statistical unit - the carrier of statistical characteristics;

6) personal data - any data characterizing statistical units, allowing or which is able to afford to identify it directly or indirectly;

7) the identifier - the sequence of symbols providing identification of uniqueness of statistical unit based on her name, the locations and activities or identification number. The identifier can provide direct identification, that is identification of separate statistical unit on the basis of only one identifier or combination of identifiers. The identification performed by other means is indirect identification. Identification is considered indirect if it is possible to determine identity of statistical unit in the absence of personal data, however by means of additional data, in reasonable conditions of application of expenses and human resources;

8) aggregative data - cumulative personal data more than on one resident, including average aggregated data;

9) production - all necessary actions for the purpose of creation of official statistics connected with collection, storage, processing and data analysis;

10) development - the activities directed to creation, improvement and enhancement of the statistical techniques, concepts, standards and procedures applied to production and distribution of official statistics;

11) metadata - the methodological documents describing statistical data and statistical processes in the standardized form - by provision of information on data sources, methodologies, determinations, classifications and quality of data;

12) distribution - ensuring availability of statistical data, statistical services and metadata for users;

13) the reviewed statistics - review of widespread official statistics as a result of the amendments made by respondents, additional actions for the purpose of creation of official statistics, methodological changes, including determinations, classifications and sources of information;

14) release - the first public distribution of the official statistical data including reviewed.

Article 5. National statistical system and other participants of the relations connected with official statistics

1. The national statistical system consisting of producers of official statistics of the Republic of Armenia includes:

1) the statistical committee of the Republic of Armenia (further - statistical committee) which is the principal state body of national statistical system of the Republic of Armenia;

2) the Central bank of the Republic of Armenia performing the activities connected with the relations on official statistics according to the Law of the Republic of Armenia "About the Central bank of the Republic of Armenia" and to other regulatory legal acts adopted on its basis;


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