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The document ceased to be valid since  November 7, 2018 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of  October 10, 2018 No. 821


of October 28, 2004 No. 1454

About approval of the Procedure for obligatory transfer of documentary information

(as amended of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 02.11.2011 No. 1122)

According to article 14 of the Law of Ukraine "About the electronic digital signature" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

Approve the Procedure for obligatory transfer of documentary information which is applied.


Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Yanukovych

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 28, 2004, No. 1454

Procedure for obligatory transfer of documentary information

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of obligatory transfer on storage to the central certifying body or certification center of the strengthened certificates of public keys (further - certificates), documentary information the accredited center of certification of keys (further - the accredited center) in case of the termination of its activities.

The purpose of the specified transfer is the possibility of verification of the electronic digital signature imposed on the electronic document by podpisyvatel whose public key is certified in the accredited center stopping activities.

2. The accredited center which certified the public key in the central zaveritelny body or the zaveritelny center performs transfer of paper and electronic documents (further - documentary information) to the central zaveritelny body or the zaveritelny center.

Electronic documents - the certificates created by the accredited center, the electronic register of certificates, electronic documents based on which certificates of podpisyvatel (if such method is provided by regulations of work of the accredited center), the certificate revocation list were created, cancelled, blocked and updated.

Paper documents - agreements based on which services of the electronic digital signature, documents based on which certificates of podpisyvatel, and also copies of decisions (determinations) of the courts concerning indemnification put as a result of inadequate accomplishment of the obligations by the accredited center certified in accordance with the established procedure were created, cancelled, blocked and updated were rendered to podpisyvatel.

3. Electronic documents are transferred in duplicate.

4. The electronic register of certificates contains the following data:

unique registration number of the certificate;

specification (details) of podpisyvatel which is entered to the certificate;

date and start and end time of effective period of the certificate;

date, time and reason of canceling, blocking and renewal of the certificate.

5. On the electronic register of certificates by means of personal key of the accredited center the electronic digital signature is imposed.

6. Format of the electronic register of certificates, requirements to information mediums and procedure for record on them electronic documents are determined by the central certifying body or certification center to which documentary information is transferred.

7. Documents on paper which are transferred to the central certifying body or certification center shall be stitched. On the back the last leaf the number of pages is noted, the signature of the head of the accredited center which is sealed is appended.

8. Accredited center:

reports in three months prior to the termination of the activities to the central zaveritelny body or the zaveritelny center about the decision concerning the activities termination;

approves not later than in 30 days prior to the termination of activities with the central zaveritelny body or the zaveritelny center of condition of transfer of documentary information.

9. The accredited center shall give in 15 days prior to the termination of the activities together with the statement in which the bases and date of its termination, on approval to the central zaveritelny body or the zaveritelny center the delivery-acceptance certificate of documentary information are noted.

The delivery-acceptance certificate in which are noted date of transfer, numbers and names of documents, the number of sheets in the document, types and numbers of information mediums is created in triplicate.

10. Documentary information is transferred to the central certifying body or certification center by the courier or the registered mail.

11. Consideration of the application by the central zaveritelny body or zaveritelny center is performed not later than in five days prior to the termination of activities of the accredited center.

Establishment of compliance of documentary information to the list in the act of acceptance - transfers, acceptance by its central zaveritelny body or zaveritelny center, and also signing of the act by his head are performed within a day, determined as date of the termination of activities of the accredited center.

In transmission time of documentary information on storage the first copy of the act of acceptance - transfer remains to the central zaveritelny body or the zaveritelny center in the central zaveritelny body or the zaveritelny center, the second is issued to the head of the accredited center, third is sent to monitoring body.

12. The works connected with transfer of documentary information, acquisition of information mediums, record of electronic documents on the information medium, packing and transportation are carried out at the expense of the accredited center which transfers documentary information.

13. Acceptance of documentary information is carried out by the central certifying body or certification center free of charge.

14. Data on acceptance from the accredited center on storage of documentary information are published on the website of the central certifying body.

Certification center to which documentary information not later than in three days after signing of the delivery-acceptance certificate submits to the central certifying body for the publication on its website data on acceptance on storage of documentary information of the relevant accredited center is transferred.

15. In case of bankruptcy of the accredited center the liquidator performs transfer of documentary information to the central certifying body or certification center in connection therewith Rather.

15-1. In case of accreditation canceling the accredited center transfers under the delivery-acceptance certificate to the central zaveritelny body:

electronic documents within 10 working days from the moment of decision making about accreditation canceling;

paper documents within 20 working days from the moment of decision making about accreditation canceling.

The delivery-acceptance certificate in which are specified date of transfer, number and the name of the document, the number of sheets in the document, type and number of the information medium is constituted in triplicate.


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