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of April 5, 2018 No. 166

About questions of creation of non-commercial joint-stock company "Kazakh National Medical University of S. D. Asfendiyarov"

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 03.06.2022 No. 361)

The government of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:

1. Create non-commercial joint-stock company "Kazakh National Medical University of S. D. Asfendiyarov" (further - the NAO "KAZNMU") with absolute participation of the state in the authorized capital.

2. Determine core activities of the NAO "KAZNMU" the higher education, activities of hospitals of wide profile and specialized hospitals, activities of other medical institutions having hospitals and general medical practice.

3. Reorganize in the procedure established by the legislation the republican state companies on the right of economic maintaining "The Kazakh research institution of oncology and radiology", "Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology", "Scientific center of pediatrics and children's surgery", the "Research institution of cardiology and internal diseases" which are under authority of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan by transformation to joint-stock companies "Kazakh Research Institution of Oncology and Radiology" (further - JSC KAZNIIOR), "Scientific center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology" (further - JSC NTsAGP), "Scientific center of pediatrics and children's surgery" (further - JSC NTsPDH), "Research institution of cardiology and internal diseases" (further - JSC NIIKVB) with absolute participation of the state in the authorized capital.

4. Reorganize the republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The Kazakh national medical university of S. D. Asfendiyarov" of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan by transformation in the procedure established by the legislation into National Medical University joint-stock company (further - JSC NMU) with absolute participation of the state in the authorized capital.

5. Determine core activities of JSC NMU the higher education, activities of hospitals of wide profile and specialized hospitals, activities of other medical institutions having hospitals and general medical practice.

6. To provide to committee of state-owned property and privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan together with the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation:

1) approval of charters of the NAO "KAZNMU", JSC KAZNIIOR, JSC NTsAGP, JSC NTsDPH, JSC NIIKVB and JSC NMU;

2) election of persons authorized on signing on behalf of the NAO by "KAZNMU", JSC KAZNIIOR, JSC NTsAGP, JSC NTsDPH, JSC NIIKVB and JSC NMU of documents for state registration, implementation of financial and economic activities and representation of their interests before the third parties before formation of governing bodies;

3) state registration of the NAO "KAZNMU", JSC KAZNIIOR, JSC NTsAGP, JSC NTsDPH, JSC NIIKVB and JSC NMU in judicial authorities;

4) transfer to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan of rights of possession and use of the state block of shares of the NAO of "KAZNMU", JSC KAZNIIOR, JSC NTsAGP, JSC NTsDPH, JSC NIIKVB and JSC NMU;

5) acceptance of other measures following from this Item.

7. By "KAZNMU" to transfer to committee of state-owned property and privatization of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan for forming of the authorized capital of the NAO the state blocks of shares of JSC KAZNIIOR, JSC NTsAGP, JSC NTsDPH, JSC NIIKVB and JSC National Scientific Center of Surgery of Name A.N. Syzganova after execution of the actions specified in Items 1, 3 and 6 these resolutions in the procedure established by the legislation.

8. Reorganize the NAO "KAZNMU" by accession of JSC NMU to it after execution of the actions specified in items 4 and 7 these resolutions.

9. Approve the enclosed changes and additions which are made to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

10. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its signing.

Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan

B. Sagintayev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 5, 2018 No. 166

Changes and additions which are made to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan

1. In the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 12, 1999 No. 405 "About types of state-owned property on the state blocks of shares and the state shares in the organizations" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 1999, No. 13, the Art. 124):

in the list of joint-stock companies and economic partnerships which state blocks of shares and shares remain in republican property, approved by the specified resolution:

add the Section Almaty" in the line, sequence number 123-151, of the following content:

"123-151. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Kazakh National Medical University of S. D. Asfendiyarov".

2. In the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 27, 1999 No. 659 "About assignment of rights on ownership and use of the state blocks of shares and the state shares in the organizations which are in republican property":

in the list of the state blocks of shares and the state shares in the organizations of republican property, the right of possession and uses of which is transferred to the industry ministries and other state bodies:

Section "Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan":

add in the line, sequence number 227-20, of the following content:

"227-20. Non-commercial joint-stock company "Kazakh National Medical University of S. D. Asfendiyarov".

3. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of 03.06.2022 No. 361

4. In the order of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 17, 2017 No. 71 "About some questions of the Ministries of Health and national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan" (SAPP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, 2017, No. 6, the Art. 41):

in Regulations on the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan approved by the specified resolution:

in the list of the organizations which are under authority of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its departments:

in the Section "1. The state companies on the right of economic maintaining":

1, of 2, of 3, 8 and 20, to exclude lines, sequence numbers;

Section "4. Joint-stock companies":


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