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The document ceased to be valid since January 2, 2021 according to Item 5 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2020 No. 2204


of March 31, 2018 No. 392

About approval of Rules of efficiency evaluation, features of determination of special-purpose character of use of the budgetary funds allocated for the state support of innovative activities, and also means from non-budgetary sources which return is provided with the state guarantees, and the criteria applied when carrying out such assessment

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 01.10.2018 No. 1168)

According to Item 3 of article 16.5 of the Federal law "About Science and the State Scientific and Technical Policy" Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the enclosed Rules of efficiency evaluation, features of determination of special-purpose character of use of the budgetary funds allocated for the state support of innovative activities, and also means from non-budgetary sources which return is provided with the state guarantees, and the criteria applied when carrying out such assessment.

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2018 No. 392

Rules of efficiency evaluation, features of determination of special-purpose character of use of the budgetary funds allocated for the state support of innovative activities, and also means from non-budgetary sources which return is provided with the state guarantees, and the criteria applied when carrying out such assessment

I. General provisions

1. These rules establish evaluation procedure of efficiency of use of the budgetary funds allocated for the state support of innovative activities, means from non-budgetary sources which return is provided with the state guarantees (further respectively - efficiency evaluation of use of means of the state support, means of the state support), features of determination of special-purpose character of their use and also the criteria applied when evaluating efficiency of use of means of the state support.

2. The efficiency evaluation of use of means of the state support is performed by federal executive body within the powers conferred to it by the Government of the Russian Federation and taking into account the requirements established by these rules (further - the body authorized on evaluating).

Action of these rules does not extend to the powers of state bodies when implementing of functions by them on control and supervision in the established field of activity determined in other regulatory legal acts.

3. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:

"institute of innovative development" - created (including by reorganization) and (or) the performing activities based on the Federal Law, the decree or the order of the President of the Russian Federation, the act of the Government of the Russian Federation, the law or other regulatory legal act of the subject of the Russian Federation commercial or non-profit organization (her legal successor), being the receiver of means of the state support in the form allowed by the legislation of the Russian Federation and independently performing innovative activities and (or) being the subject of innovative activities to which the Russian Federation or subjects of the Russian Federation provide funds for support of the legal entities and physical persons performing innovative activities;

"the project company" - being the legal entity the Russian or foreign organization, and also not being the legal entity investment fund, including the mutual investment fund, investment partnership, foreign structure without formation of legal entity performing one or several innovative projects with financial and (or) organizational participation (financial support) of institute of innovative development or its subsidiary;

"the partner in the innovative project" - the Russian or foreign commercial or non-profit organization or foreign structure without formation of legal entity, including management company, the managing companion, the managing partner of the Russian or foreign investment fund, mutual investment fund, investment partnership or foreign structure without formation of legal entity, together with institute of innovative development or its subsidiary participating in creation and (or) in activities of the project company or in implementation of one or several innovative projects without creation of the project company;

"the investment (commercial) innovative project" - the innovative project determined according to article 2 of the Federal law "About Science and the State Scientific and Technical Policy" which financing on the terms of recoverability of investments independently or in partnership with the other person (persons) is performed by institute of innovative development by either its subsidiary or the project company share in the authorized (share) capital or in property of which belongs to institute of innovative development or its subsidiary;


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