of March 2, 2018 No. 215
About approval of Rules of provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the organizations of air transport for the purpose of ensuring availability of airborne transportations to the population and about recognition voided some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation
The government of the Russian Federation decides:
1. Approve the enclosed Rules of provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the organizations of air transport for the purpose of ensuring availability of airborne transportations to the population.
2. Recognize invalid acts of the Government of the Russian Federation according to the list according to appendix.
Russian Prime Minister
D. Medvedev
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 2, 2018 No. 215
1. These rules establish the purposes, conditions and procedure for provision of subsidies from the federal budget to the organizations of air transport for the purpose of ensuring availability of airborne transportations to the population (further - subsidies).
Data on subsidy are placed on the single portal of the budget system of the Russian Federation on the Internet (further respectively - Internet network, the single portal) in the Section "Budget" no later than the 15th working day following behind day of adoption of the Federal Law on the federal budget (the Federal Law on introduction of amendments to the Federal Law on the federal budget).
2. Subsidies are provided by results of carrying out in the state integrated management information system by public finance "The electronic budget" (further - the Electronic Budget system) selection of the organizations of air transport which is performed by request for proposals method, based on requests (offers) for compensation of the income from implementation of airborne transportations of the population half-received by the organizations of air transport on the specific tariff by aircrafts in salons of economy class regular flights from January 1 to December 31 the current year inclusive for the purpose of implementation of actions of the direction (subprogramme) "Civil aviation and aeronautical servicing of" the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of transport system", approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 20, 2017 No. 1596 "About approval of the state program of the Russian Federation "Development of transport system".
3. The concepts used in these rules mean the following:
"the organization of air transport" - the Russian organization of air transport performing regular airborne transportations of passengers within the territory of the Russian Federation;
the citizen of the Russian Federation aged up to 23 years, the citizen of the Russian Federation - the woman at the age of over 55 years, the citizen of the Russian Federation - the man at the age of over 60 years, the citizen of the Russian Federation - the disabled person of the I group of any age and the accompanying his face, the handicapped child, person accompanying the handicapped child, and the disabled person since the childhood II or III groups, and also person having the certificate of large family or other documents confirming the status of large family according to the procedure, established by regulatory legal acts of subjects of the Russian Federation, - concerning the routes provided by appendices No. 1, 3 and 4 to these rules;
the citizen of the Russian Federation aged up to 18 years addressed to which for certain period of the current year the permit in federal state-funded educational institution "The All-Russian children's center "Okean" is drawn up, - concerning the routes provided by appendix No. 2 to these rules;
the citizen of the Russian Federation registered at the place of residence in the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation which is part of the Far Eastern Federal District - concerning the routes provided by appendix No. 5 to these rules;
"specific tariff" - the transportation payment for airborne transportation of the passenger by the aircraft established according to article 64 of the Air code of the Russian Federation the organization of air transport in salon of economy class along the routes provided by appendices No. 1 - 5 to these rules (further - routes) which size including tax on value added does not exceed the size of the specific tariff on transportation of one passenger in one direction provided by appendices No. 1 - 5 to these rules.
4. Ceased to be valid according to the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 30.01.2021 No. 84
5. For the purpose of carrying out selection the Federal Air Transport Agency till October 1 of the year preceding year in which provision of subsidy is planned posts on the single portal and if necessary on the website http://favt.ru/ in Internet network the announcement of carrying out selection with indication of:
terms of carrying out selection with indication of start date of giving or the end of order taking for participation in selection which cannot be before the 10th calendar day following behind day of placement of the announcement of carrying out selection;
names, locations, postal address, e-mail address of Federal Air Transport Agency;
result of provision of subsidy according to Item 29 of these rules;
domain name and indexes of pages of the Electronic Budget system in which carrying out selection is provided;
requirements to participants of selection according to Item 11 of these rules and the list of the documents submitted by participants of selection for confirmation of their compliance to the specified requirements according to Item 6 of these rules;
requisition procedure participants of selection and requirements imposed to form and content of the applications submitted by participants of selection according to Item 6 of these rules;
procedure for withdrawal of requests of participants of selection, procedure for return of requests of participants of the selection determining including the basis for return of requests of participants of selection, procedure for modification of requests of participants of selection;
procedure for consideration and assessment of requests of participants of selection according to Items 12 (1) - 12(3) these rules;
procedure for provision to participants of selection of explanations of provisions of the announcement of carrying out selection, start and end date of term of such provision;
the term during which winners of selection shall sign the agreement on provision of subsidy;
conditions of recognition of winners of selection evaded from the conclusion of the agreement;
dates of placement of results of selection on the single portal and on the website http://favt.ru/ in Internet network which cannot be later than the 14th calendar day following behind day of determination of the winner of selection (decision making about the conclusion of the agreement on provision of subsidy or about refusal in the conclusion of the agreement).
In case of formation of unused limits of the budget obligations brought in accordance with the established procedure to Federal Air Transport Agency as the receiver of funds of the federal budget for the purposes, stipulated in Item 1 these rules, the specified announcement is placed no later than one working day about day of consideration of the requests submitted by the organizations of air transport.
6. For participation in selection the organization of air transport in the terms established by the announcement of carrying out selection places on the single portal the request signed by the strengthened qualified digital signature of the head of the organization or person authorized by it (with submission of the documents confirming powers of the specified person), including following documents and information:
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