It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Tajikistan
On March 12, 2018 No. 115
of March 1, 2018 No. 81
About the Procedure for carrying out centralized admission examinations in educational institutions of average and higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan
According to article 57 of the Law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About regulatory legal acts" and Item 5 of the decree the President of the Republic of Tajikistan of February 10, 2014 of goal, No. 138 "About creation of the National center of testing in case of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan" decides the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan:
1. Approve the Procedure for carrying out centralized admission examinations in educational institutions of average and higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan it (is applied).
2. To the national center of testing in case of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan to organize and carry out centralized admission examinations in all educational institutions of average and higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan, irrespective of departmental subordination and form of business, except for educational institutions of power and law enforcement agencies, and also public institution "Tajik national conservatory of Talabkhudzha Sattorov" and educational institutions of secondary professional education of the sphere of culture and art, according to requirements of this Procedure.
3. To the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tajikistan, other relevant ministries, departments and local executive bodies of the government to take necessary and timely measures for the solution of the questions connected with carrying out centralized admission examinations.
4. Declare invalid the order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of August 1, 2015, No. 495 "About the Procedure for carrying out centralized admission examinations in educational institutions of average and higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan".
Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan
Emomalii Rahmon
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of March 1, 2018, No. 81
1. The procedure for carrying out centralized admission examinations in educational institutions of average and higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan (further - the Procedure) determines procedure for the organization and conducting testing by the National center in case of the President of the Republic of Tajikistan (further - the Center) centralized admission examinations in educational institutions of average and higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan, except for educational institutions of power and law enforcement agencies, and also public institution "Tajik national conservatory of Talabkhudzha Sattorov" and educational institutions of secondary professional education of the sphere of culture and art.
2. The basic concepts used in this Procedure:
- re-registration - repeated official registration of the entrant who showed willingness to make changes to initial elections and (or) personal data. The re-registration is also carried out in case of carrying out repeated distribution;
- the registrar - person responsible for registration of entrants in registration Item at the workstation fixed to it and (or) in the examination center;
- registration - official registration of persons wishing to take part in centralized admission examinations which is made in registration Item in the presence at the entrant of necessary documents;
- point - the final result on each subtest passed by it and creative examination or examination in special skills received by the entrant (in case of passing that examination) and to additional profile examinations (in case of passing those examinations) which is calculated by scaling of the points gathered by the entrant;
- lowest passing score on specialty combination - the general point got as a result of summing of the points gained in corresponding component(s) and preferential points or coefficient (if those are available), received by the last entrant distributed within the places allocated with the plan of enrollment of students of quantity for certain combination of specialty. The lowest passing score on combination of specialty cannot be established in advance - in each combination of specialty is determined only after distribution of entrants to certain combination of specialty;
- the program of examination - the document where the structure and content of examination in specific educational discipline(s), requirements to the level of knowledge, skills of the entrant are reflected, the examination purposes reveal, the specification (matrix) of the test is explained, the sample of leaf of answers to the test is given, and also other necessary information contains: types and quantity of test tasks, evaluation criteria, time allowed for execution of the test;
- specialty combination priority - importance degree (priority) for the entrant of this or that combination of specialty which is determined in registration leaf proceeding from procedure for arrangement (from the highest to the lowest) the combinations of specialties chosen by the entrant;
- verification - verification process and confirmations of correctness of results of program recognition of sheets of answers (electronic data) by their comparison with the graphical copies (scanned by initial images);
- the registration leaf - the official document which is signed by the entrant and the Center and confirms the right of the entrant to participation in centralized admission examinations. In registration leaf personal data of the entrant, the group of specialties (cluster) chosen by the entrant combination(s) of specialty(specialties), the place and language of examination, control number and the temporary password for logging into the personal account, etc. are specified;
- leaf of answers - special leaf in which the entrant introduces the answers to test tasks according to statutory rules. Forms of sheets of answers for each component (And, B, AB-9) are developed and established by the Center taking into account group of specialties (cluster). The leaf of answers after passing an examination is the single document confirming the result received at examination by the entrant.
- group of specialties (cluster) - specialties on which train in educational institutions of average and higher education of the Republic of Tajikistan, united in groups on the directions of training and taking into account requirements to selection (to level of development of the training program on specific discipline) within centralized admission examinations;
- additional session of examinations - the period of examination by the entrants who were absent at examination(s) of substantive session and the entrants who passed re-registration (additional stage) or registration (additional stage);
- the instruction for accomplishment of questions of test tasks - information on types and quantity of test tasks in each of the offered subtests, time allowed for accomplishment of test tasks and rules of filling of leaf of answers, etc.;
- the entrant - the person who is wishing to arrive in educational institution of average or higher education and registered on participation in centralized admission examinations according to established procedure;
- the assistant administrator of the examination center - the second after the head of the examination center person responsible for the organization and holding examination in the examination center assigned to it. In case of need the assistant can replace the head of the examination center;
- the assistant administrator of registration Item - the second after the head of registration Item person responsible for the organization and process control of registration of entrants in the registration Item assigned to it and registration of entrants. In case of need the assistant can replace the head of registration Item;
- general examination (further - component A) - examination on determination of level of functional and social literacy of the entrant necessary for receipt in educational institution of average or higher education based on general secondary, primary professional and secondary professional education;
- examination in the specialty (further - component B) - examination on determination of level of knowledge and skills of the entrant in the directions within the chosen group of specialties for receipt in educational institution of average or higher education based on general secondary, primary professional and secondary professional education;
- general and profile examination (further - the AB-9) component - examination on determination necessary for each entrant of level of functional and social literacy and level of knowledge, skills in the direction of training within the chosen group of specialties for receipt in educational institution of secondary professional education based on general main education;
- creative examination and examination in special skills (further - component B) - the examinations held for the purpose of verification of presence of creative capabilities and (or) special skills and abilities at the entrant and his personal premises to mastering corresponding (corresponding) specialty (specialties) based on general main education or general secondary, primary professional and secondary professional education;
- additional profile examinations (further - component G) - examinations which along with other examinations (components A and B) are taken by the entrants (with general secondary, primary professional and (or) secondary professional education) who chose the specialties offered by branch of Lomonosov Moscow State University in the city of Dushanbe;
- the choice of the entrant - group of specialties, specialty (specialties), educational (educational) organization (organizations) of average and (or) higher education, form (forms) and type (types) of training, language and the place of examination, foreign language (for entrants 2, 3 and 4 groups of specialties), delivery location of invitation leaf, chosen by the entrant from among offered;
- the workstation - set of the specialized equipment (the laptop, the webcam, the scanner of fingerprints, the printer, etc.) and the software in registration Item used by the certain registrar for carrying out electronic registration of entrants;
- the test book - the collection of the test tasks united in subtests on specific educational discipline(s);
- specialty combination - the choice of specialty taking into account one of: 1) educational institution of average or higher education in which study on this specialty, 2) of form of education (day, correspondence, evening, remote) and 3) like training (paid or free) according to the plan of enrollment of students;
- component - component of centralized admission examinations;
- the examination center - the building (room) of educational institution of general average, initial professional, average professional or the higher education with the corresponding organizational and technical infrastructure and service personnel which is selected and prepared for holding examinations;
- the test administrator - person responsible for holding examination in the examination audience assigned to it;
- the senior administrator - person responsible for control over process of examination in the examination audiences assigned to it, and also for escort of entrants to audiences and placement in them;
- scaling - transfer procedure of points in points after complete processing of sheets of answers of entrants and calculation of quantity of the points gathered by each of entrants. Scaling is made by the method developed by the Center. By results of scaling within each group of specialties for each subtest the table of correspondences of points and points is constituted;
- registration Item - the building (room) of educational institution of general average, initial professional, average professional or the higher education with the corresponding organizational and technical infrastructure and service personnel which is selected and prepared for registration of entrants for participation in centralized admission examinations;
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