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of April 26, 1999 No. 70

About some regulatory legal acts on forestry

(as amended on 12-01-2024)

Due to the execution of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of March 30, 1998 No. 693 "About application of the Forest code of the Azerbaijan Republic approved by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 30, 1997" the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:

1. Approve "Procedure for reference of the woods to categories of zashchitnost, transfer of the woods from one category of zashchitnost in other category of zashchitnost", "Rules of tree felling", "The list of indicators of the state accounting of forest fund" and the document form of the state forest fund (are attached).

2. Consider invalid the resolution of Council of Ministers of the Azerbaijani SSR of February 8, 1979 No. 58 "About procedure for reference of the woods to antierosion, especially valuable forests and other categories of zashchitnost".

3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of signing.

Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic

A. Rasi-Zade

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of April 26, 1999, No. 70

Procedure for reference of the woods to categories of zashchitnost, transfer of the woods from one category of zashchitnost in other category of zashchitnost

1. Reference of forest fund to categories of zashchitnost, transfer of the woods from one category of zashchitnost in other category of zashchitnost are regulated by this Procedure taking into account soil-protective, water-retaining, klimatoreguliruyushchy, resort and other functions of the woods.

2. The forest fund of the Azerbaijan Republic consists of the mountain and flat woods. On economic and ecological value, placement and the carried-out functions the forest fund of the republic treats the first group of the woods and is divided into the following categories of zashchitnost:

- reserved woods;

- resort woods;

- especially valuable forests;

- the woods of green zones around the cities and other settlements;

- dikoplodovy woods;

- state protective forest strips;

- other woods.

The reserved woods - as component of forest fund represent the timberland having specific mode of protection and housekeeping, providing the preserving, reproduction and protection of rare plant and animal life and other natural complexes which are at the same time created for the purpose of studying of evidence-based dynamics of these factors.

The resort woods - the timberland providing the protection and improvement of natural factors around the centers of health and vacation spots preventing the pollution and premature failure of the environment creating favorable microclimatic conditions for treatment of the population.

Especially valuable forests - the rare woods having in structure the relic and local breeds of trees and bushes, the timberland differing in high productivity and genetic quality and also from the esthetic party rare landscape and the special soil-protective, water-retaining, water clearing and other protective value.

The Dikoplodovy woods - include the woods which are naturally growing or artificially created in the territory of forest fund, woodland gardens, gardens as a part of which there are valuable fruit, berry and nut trees and bushes, and also plantations on which the specified breeds are cultivated. This timberland is used also in forest seed farming and the food industry.

The state protective forest strips - belong to this category the woods spread artificially in linear procedure and performing klimatoreguliruyushchy, soil-protective and water-retaining functions. The protective timberland protects crops from wind and water erosion, creates opportunities for increase in productivity.

The other woods - enter these woods the timberland which is not belonging to the above-stated categories. On this timberland reforestation actions are applied, plantations are spread, cabins of leaving and sanitary cabins, and also other forestry and landscape actions are conducted.

3. Reference of forest fund to categories of zashchitnost, their border are determined by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Azerbaijan Republic based on the forest management works performed in the territories of the companies of forestry, observations of forest monitoring and research works taking into account the changes happening in forest ecosystem and will in the appropriate order be approved with Academy of Sciences of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also other concerning organizations and are represented to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic.


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