Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 28, 2018 No. 201

About the organization and functioning of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research

(as amended on 12-06-2024)

Based on part (12) article 115 of the Code of the Republic of Moldova about education No. 152 of July 17, 2014. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2014, Art. No. 319-324, 634), with subsequent changes and amendments, parts (7) article 14 of the Law No. 98 of May 4, 2012 on the central branch public management (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2012, Art. No. 160-164, 537), with subsequent changes and amendments, parts (4) - (7) articles III of the Law No. 190 of September 21, 2017 on modification and amendments in some legal acts (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, Art. No. 364-370, 624) and Item b) article 7 of the Law No. 136 of July 7, 2017 on the Government (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2017, No. 252, the Art. 412) DECIDES: the Government

1. Change the name National quality assurance agency in professional education to the name National quality assurance agency in education and scientific research.

2. National school inspection, administrative authority in subordination of the Ministry of Education, culture and researches and National council on accreditations and certification, administrative authority, autonomous in relation to the Government to reorganize by merging (accession) with the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research.

3. The national quality assurance agency in education and scientific research is successor of the rights and obligations of the attached legal entities.

4. Approve:

1) Regulations on the organization and functioning of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research, according to appendix No. 1;

2) structure of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research, according to appendix No. 2;

3) to organigramm of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research, according to appendix No. 3.

5. Establish the extreme number of the administrative machine of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research in number of 52 units.

6. To perform dismissal of personnel of National school inspectorate and National council for accreditation and certification according to the Law No. 158-XVI of July 4, 2008 on the state position and the status of the government employee and the regulatory base in labor area in case of impossibility of transfer.

7. To perform complete cession of property from the joining legal entities to the accepting legal entity within 2 months according to requirements of the Regulations on procedure for transfer of objects of public property approved by the Order of the Government No. 901 of December 31, 2015.

8. To the Ministry of Education, culture and researches together with National quality assurance agency in education and scientific research in 3-month time from the effective date this resolution:

To submit 1) to the Government for approval drafts of the regulating documents necessary for enforcement of this resolution and ensuring functioning of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research;

2) to approve the departmental acts necessary for enforcement of this resolution and ensuring functioning of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research.

9. To the acting chairman and members of the leading council of the National agency on quality assurance in professional education to fulfill the duties before position assignment by the Government of the new chairman of the leading council of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research and changes of structure of the Leading council.

10. To the agency of the state services upon the demand of the owner to make necessary changes to cadastral and constituent documents.

11. From appendix No. 8 to the Order of the Government No. 743 of June 11, 2002. "About compensation of employees of the self-supporting companies" (2002, Art. No. 79-81, 841), with subsequent changes and amendments, line item 8 to exclude the official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

12. To national quality assurance agency in education and scientific research to consider in priority procedure cases on investment with the right to direct doctoral studies, to give the academic and scientific and pedagogical statuses given to National council on accreditation and certification till February 20, 2018 according to existing rules for date of their giving.

13. Recognize invalid some orders of the Government, according to appendix No. 4.

Prime Minister

Paweê Phillip


Minister of Education, culture and researches


Monica Babuk

Minister of Finance

Octavian to Armash


Appendix №1

to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of February 28, 2018 No. 201

Regulations on the organization and functioning of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research

I. General provisions

1. The regulations on the organization and functioning of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research (further - the Provision) establish legal position, mission, functions, powers and the rights of the National agency on quality assurance in education and scientific research (further - the Agency), and also procedure for the organization of its activities.

2. The agency is the administrative authority in subordination of the Ministry of Education and Research financed from the government budget, including from the gained income.

3. The agency is legal entity of the public law, with the location in municipium of Chisinau, has seal with the State Emblem of the Republic of Moldova, treasurer accounts, and also other specific attributes of state bodies established in regulations.


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