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of December 13, 2005 No. 93-III ZRK

About compulsory ecological insurance

(as amended on 12-07-2022)

This Law governs the public relations arising in the field of compulsory ecological insurance and establishes legal, economic and organizational basis of its carrying out.

Article 1. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) it is excluded;

1-1) accidents - destruction of buildings, constructions and (or) technical devices, uncontrollable explosion and (or) emission of dangerous (harmful) substances;

2) it is excluded;

3) compulsory ecological insurance - complex of the relations on property protection of legitimate interests of the physical and (or) legal entities (insured) in case of approach of civil responsibility according to the obligations arising owing to causing ecological damage as a result of accident;

4) the agreement of compulsory ecological insurance - the agreement signed between the insurer and the insurer on the conditions determined by this Law;

5) the beneficiary - person who according to this Law is receiver insurance payment;

6) insured event - event with which approach the agreement of compulsory ecological insurance provides implementation of insurance payment;

6-1) insurance омбудсман - the independent physical person in the activities performing settlement of disagreements between participants of the insurance market according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About insurance activity";

7) insurance sum - amount of money for which object of compulsory ecological insurance is insured and which represents limiting scope of responsibility of the insurer in case of loss occurrence;

8) insurance premium - amount of money which the insurer shall pay to the insurer for adoption by the last of the obligation to make insurance payment to the beneficiary in the amount of, defined by the agreement of compulsory ecological insurance;

9) insurance payment - the amount of money paid by the insurer to the beneficiary within insurance sum in case of loss occurrence;

10) the insurer - the legal entity registered as insurance company and having the license for the right of implementation of insurance activity obliged to make in case of loss occurrence insurance payment to the beneficiary within the insurance sum defined by the agreement;

11) insured - person concerning whom compulsory ecological insurance is performed;

12) the insurer - the physical and (or) legal entity who is performing ecologically dangerous types of economic and other activity, signed the agreement of compulsory ecological insurance with the insurer;

13) the third parties - the subjects of legal relationship involved in the procedures following from compulsory ecological insurance;

14) authorized body - the central executive body in the field of environmental protection and its territorial subdivisions;

15) civil responsibility of the physical and (or) legal entities performing ecologically dangerous types of economic and other activity - obligation of the physical and (or) legal entities performing ecologically dangerous types of economic and other activity on elimination of the ecological damage caused as a result of accident;

16) ecologically dangerous type of economic and other activity - activities of physical and (or) legal entities as a result of which the ecological damage in case of accident can be caused.

Article 2. Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on compulsory ecological insurance

1. The legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on compulsory ecological insurance is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan and consists of the Ecological code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Civil code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, this Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


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