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of October 11, 2017

About the Concept of state cooperation – members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in anti-corruption

Council of heads of states of the Commonwealth of Independent States


approve the Concept of state cooperation – members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in anti-corruption it (is applied).

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V. Putin

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S. Sargsyan

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E. Rahmon

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A. Lukashenko

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Prime Minister S. Isakov

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From the Republic of Moldova

I. Dodon


Approved by the Decision of Council of heads of states of the Commonwealth of Independent States on the Concept of state cooperation – members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in anti-corruption of October 11, 2017

The concept of state cooperation – members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in anti-corruption

This Concept of state cooperation – members of the Commonwealth of Independent States in anti-corruption (further – the Concept) is developed according to item of the Interstate program of joint efforts of the fight against crime for 2014-2018 approved by the Decision of Council of heads of states of the CIS of October 25, 2013.

Adoption of the Concept is caused by need of the further system and approved state cooperation development – members of the CIS for the purpose of ensuring the coordinated actions in the field of anti-corruption.

The State Parties of the CIS, accepting the Concept, are based on the conventional principles and rules of international law, provisions of the national legal system of the State Parties of the CIS, are guided by the international legal acts of the CIS in the field of anti-corruption, including:

The convention on legal assistance and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases of January 22, 1993;

The convention on legal assistance and legal relations on civil, family and criminal cases of October 7, 2002;

The agreement on formation of Interstate council on anti-corruption of October 25, 2013;

take into account:

the model law "Bases of the Legislation on Anti-corruption Policy" of November 15, 2003;

the model law "About Anti-corruption" of November 25, 2008;

the model law "About Anti-corruption Examination of Regulatory Legal Acts and Projects of Regulatory Legal Acts" of May 17, 2012;

the model law "About Anti-corruption Monitoring" of November 29, 2013.

I. General provisions

The purpose of the Concept is further expansion, strengthening and enhancement of state cooperation – members of the CIS in the field of anti-corruption.

The concept is aimed at the development of legal and organizational basis of cooperation in anti-corruption, and also determines the principles, the purposes and tasks, the main directions and forms of cooperation.

Enhancement of interaction in the field of the prevention of corruption between the State Parties of the CIS is one of the most important directions of further building-up of efforts of the international community on counteraction to this dangerous phenomenon.

Anti-corruption in the Concept is understood as the complex, system activities of the State Parties of the CIS, public authorities and local self-government providing development and realization in close interaction with institutes of civil society and the population of the social and economic, political, legal, organizational and other measures directed to the prevention, identification, suppression, disclosure of corruption crimes and offenses, stimulation of activity of officials, employees and citizens in unacceptance of the specified phenomena and also timely identification and elimination of the circumstances promoting these crimes and offenses.

Provisions of the Concept are basis for development within the CIS of international treaties, and also interstate programs in the field of anti-corruption.

II. Principles and purposes of cooperation

State cooperation – members of the CIS in the field of anti-corruption is performed on the basis of the principles:

respect of sovereignty of the State Parties of the CIS and their national legal system, conventional principles and rules of international law;

equality of participants;

priority of protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

the cross liability for accomplishment of undertaken obligations.

The state cooperation purposes – members of the CIS in the field of anti-corruption are:

enforcement of trust between competent authorities of the State Parties of the CIS;

creation according to international law and the national legal system of the State Parties of the CIS of favorable conditions for common efforts in this direction;

deepening and expansion of international cooperation;

partnership of subjects of forming and implementation of measures of anti-corruption policy;

establishment of anti-corruption standards in the State Parties of the CIS taking into account the level determined by the international legal acts concluded within the CIS;

information access about the corruption facts, corruptogenic factors and realization of anti-corruption policy, taking into account respect for the principle of nondisclosure of data of preliminary inquiry within international treaties and the national legal system;

use in the field of anti-corruption of the system of measures including measures for the prevention of corruption, including for identification and the subsequent elimination of the reasons of corruption, identification, the prevention, suppression, disclosure of corruption crimes and offenses and minimization and (or) liquidation of their effects.

III. Cooperation tasks

State cooperation tasks – members of the CIS in the field of anti-corruption are:

harmonization of the concepts and categories used in the course of anti-corruption, creation of conditions for effective state cooperation – members of the CIS in legal regulation of interaction in this sphere;


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