of December 22, 2017 No. 251
About approval of the Standard chart of accounts of financial accounting for the insurance (reinsurance) organizations, the Islamic insurance (reinsurance) organizations, societies of mutual insurance and branches of the insurance (reinsurance) organizations - nonresidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Instruction for conducting financial accounting by the insurance (reinsurance) organizations, the Islamic insurance (reinsurance) organizations, societies of mutual insurance and branches of the insurance (reinsurance) organizations - nonresidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan and modification and amendments in some regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan concerning conducting financial accounting
According to the subitem 63) of part two of article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan", subitems 1) and 3-4) Items 6 of article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About financial accounting and the financial reporting" and the subitem 2) of Item 3 of article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the state statistics" the Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan DECIDES:
1. Approve:
1) the Standard chart of accounts of financial accounting for the insurance (reinsurance) organizations, the Islamic insurance (reinsurance) organizations, societies of mutual insurance and branches of the insurance (reinsurance) organizations - nonresidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 1 to this resolution;
2) the Instruction for conducting financial accounting by the insurance (reinsurance) organizations, the Islamic insurance (reinsurance) organizations, societies of mutual insurance and branches of the insurance (reinsurance) organizations - nonresidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 2 to this resolution;
3) the List of some regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan to which changes and additions concerning conducting financial accounting, according to appendix 3 to this resolution are made.
2. To accounting department (Rakhmetova S. K.) in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan to provide:
1) together with Legal department (Sarsenov N. V.) state registration of this resolution in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this resolution the direction it the copy in paper and electronic type in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
3) placement of this resolution on official Internet resource of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan after its official publication;
4) within ten working days after state registration of this resolution submission to Legal department of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 2), 3) of this Item and Item 3 of this resolution.
3. To management on consumer protection of financial services and external communications (Terentyev A. L.) provide within ten calendar days after state registration of this resolution the direction it to the copy on official publication in periodic printing editions.
4. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the vice-chairman of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of Galiyeva D. T.
5. This resolution becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.
Chairman of National Bank
D. Akishev
It is approved Chairman of Committee according to the statistics Ministries of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan 2018 |
N. Aydapkelov |
Appendix 1
to the Resolution of Board of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 22, 2017 No. 251
1. This Standard chart of accounts of financial accounting - nonresidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan (further – the Chart of accounts) is developed for the insurance (reinsurance) organizations, the Islamic insurance (reinsurance) organizations, societies of mutual insurance and branches of the insurance (reinsurance) organizations according to the subitem 63) of part two of article 15 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan", subitems 1) and 3-4) Items 6 of article 20 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About financial accounting and the financial reporting", the subitem 2) of Item 3 of article 16 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About the state statistics" and intended for group and the current reflection of financial statement elements in value term by the insurance (reinsurance) organizations, Islamic insurance (reinsurance) organizations, societies of mutual insurance (further – the organizations) on accounts of financial accounting for creation of the financial reporting and the current reflection of elements of the reporting under accounting data in value term by branches of the insurance (reinsurance) organizations - nonresidents of the Republic of Kazakhstan on accounts of financial accounting for creation of the reporting under accounting data.
2. In the Chart of accounts the concepts provided by the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About financial accounting and the financial reporting" and international accounting standards are used.
3. The chart of accounts represents the scheme of group of financial and economic activities in financial accounting.
Numbers of synthetic accounts of financial accounting contain four and (or) six signs in the Chart of accounts. The first figure of number specifies belonging to paragraphs of Chapter 2 of the Chart of accounts, the second - belonging to groups, the third and fourth - belonging to subgroups of synthetic accounts, the fifth and sixth figures disaggregate the applied subgroups.
4. The procedure for conducting analytics of transactions and events is established by officials of the organization who according to legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan and constituent documents perform the current management and business management, proceeding from requirements of the organization.
5. The accounts provided by paragraphs 1, of 2, of 3, of the 4 and 5 Chapter 2 of the Chart of accounts are reflected in the balance sheet of the organization.
The accounts provided by paragraphs 6 and 7 of Chapter 2 of the Chart of accounts are reflected in the profit and loss statement of the organization.
The accounts provided by paragraph 8 of Chapter 2 of the Chart of accounts belong to off-balance accounts and are intended for accounting of conditional and possible requirements and obligations of the organization.
The accounts provided by paragraph 9 of Chapter 2 of the Chart of accounts belong to off-balance accounts and are accounts of the memorandum.
The accounts provided by paragraph 10 of Chapter 2 of the Chart of accounts belong to off-balance accounts and are intended for accounting of assets of the clients who are in investment management.
1000 |
Money |
1010 |
Cash on hand |
1020 |
Money in transit |
1030 |
Money on current accounts |
1060 |
Other money |
1060 01 |
Other money |
1100 |
Short-term financial investments |
1110 |
The short-term granted loans |
1110 21 |
The short-term loans granted clients |
1110 22 |
Overdue debt of clients on the granted loans |
1110 23 |
Discount on the short-term granted loans |
1110 24 |
Award on the short-term granted loans |
1120 |
The current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss |
1120 01 |
The current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss |
1120 02 |
Discount on the acquired current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss |
1120 03 |
Award on the acquired current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss |
1120 04 |
Positive fair value adjustment of the current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss |
1120 05 |
Negative fair value adjustment of the current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss |
1130 |
The current financial assets considered on depreciated cost |
1130 01 |
The current financial assets considered on depreciated cost |
1130 02 |
Discount on the acquired current financial assets considered on depreciated cost |
1130 03 |
Award on the acquired current financial assets considered on depreciated cost |
1140 |
The current financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
1140 01 |
The current financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
1140 02 |
Discount on the acquired financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
1140 03 |
Award on the acquired financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
1140 04 |
Positive fair value adjustment of the financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
1140 05 |
Negative fair value adjustment of the financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
1150 |
Other short-term financial investments |
1150 01 |
Transactions "the return repo" with securities |
1150 02 |
The short-term deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities for one night |
1150 03 |
The short-term on-demand deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
1150 04 |
The short-term deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
1150 05 |
The short-term conditional deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
1150 06 |
The short-term savings deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities (up to one year) |
1150 09 |
The affined precious metals placed on metal accounts |
1150 10 |
Overdue debt on other short-term financial investments |
1150 11 |
Discount on the placed short-term deposits |
1150 12 |
Award on the placed short-term deposits |
1160 |
Overdue debt on securities |
1200 |
Short-term receivables |
1210 |
Short-term receivables of buyers and customers |
1220 |
Short-term receivables of the affiliated organizations |
1230 |
Short-term receivables of the associated and joint organizations |
1240 |
Short-term receivables of branches and structural divisions |
1250 |
Short-term receivables of workers |
1260 |
Short-term receivables on lease |
1270 |
Short-term remunerations to obtaining |
1270 01 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the acquired securities |
1270 02 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on transactions "the return repo" with securities |
1270 03 |
Imputed incomes on investments into affiliated, joint and associated organizations |
1270 04 |
The remuneration added by the previous holders on securities |
1270 21 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration according to current accounts |
1270 22 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the on-demand deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
1270 23 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration according to the term deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
1270 24 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the conditional deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
1270 25 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the loans granted clients |
1270 26 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the finance lease provided to clients |
1270 28 |
Other imputed incomes in the form of remuneration |
1270 29 |
Overdue income in remuneration type |
1270 30 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the short-term savings deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
1270 41 |
The added commission income on reinsurance |
1270 42 |
The other commission incomes connected with insurance (reinsurance) activity |
1270 44 |
The overdue commission income connected with insurance (reinsurance) activity |
1270 45 |
Overdue insurance premium to obtaining from insurers |
1270 46 |
Overdue insurance premium to obtaining from reinsurers |
1270 91 |
Imputed incomes from property leasing |
1280 |
Other short-term receivables |
1280 01 |
The financial assets delivered in trust management |
1280 02 |
Requirements for the transaction future |
1280 03 |
Requirements for the transaction forward |
1280 04 |
Requirements for the transaction option |
1280 05 |
Requirements for the transaction spot |
1280 06 |
Requirements for the transaction swap |
1280 07 |
Requirements for transactions with other derivative financial instruments |
1280 08 |
The bills of exchange received |
1280 09 |
Accrued penalty (penalty, penalty fee) |
1280 10 |
Other receivables |
1280 21 |
Finance lease |
1280 22 |
Overdue debt of clients on finance lease |
1280 41 |
Insurance premiums to obtaining from insurers |
1280 42 |
Insurance premiums to obtaining from reinsurers |
1280 43 |
Insurance premiums to obtaining from intermediaries |
1280 44 |
Requirements to person responsible for damage suffered |
1280 45 |
Requirements to insurers |
1280 46 |
Requirements to overcautious persons |
1280 47 |
Reinsurance assets on not earned premiums |
1280 48 |
Reinsurance assets on occurred, but to unclaimed losses |
1280 49 |
Reinsurance assets on not event to losses on |
1280 50 |
Reinsurance assets on not event to losses under agreements of annuity |
1280 51 |
Reinsurance assets on the declared, but not settled losses |
1280 53 |
The other receivables connected with insurance (reinsurance) activity |
1280 54 |
The requirement to the responsible insurer on direct settlement |
1280 55 |
Insurance premiums to obtaining under the accepted agreements of Islamic insurance |
1280 56 |
The requirement of Islamic insurance company to Islamic insurance fund for management of fund |
1280 57 |
The requirement to Islamic insurance company in connection with insufficiency of means of Islamic insurance fund for obligation fulfillment for agreements of Islamic insurance |
1290 |
Reserve according to doubtful requirements |
1290 01 |
Reserves (provisions) on receivables |
1290 21 |
Reserves (provisions) on the loans granted clients |
1290 22 |
Reserves (provisions) on the finance lease provided to clients |
1290 23 |
Reserves (provisions) on the financial assets considered on depreciated cost |
1290 24 |
Reserves (provisions) on the deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
1290 25 |
Reserves (provisions) according to the current accounts placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
1290 26 |
Reserve (provisions) on impairment of the loans issued by Islamic insurance companies |
1290 41 |
It is excluded |
1290 42 |
Reserves (provisions) according to requirements for acquisition cash flows |
1300 |
Inventories |
1310 |
Raw materials and materials |
1320 |
Finished goods |
1330 |
Goods |
1340 |
Work in progress |
1350 |
Other inventories |
1360 |
Reserve on write-off of inventories |
1370 |
The affined precious metals |
1380 |
The affined precious metals in transit |
1400 |
Current tax assets |
1410 01 |
Corporate income tax |
1420 |
The value added tax to compensation |
1430 |
Other taxes and other obligatory payments in the budget |
1430 01 |
Social tax |
1430 02 |
Land tax |
1430 03 |
Tax on vehicles |
1430 04 |
Property tax |
1430 05 |
Other taxes and obligatory payments in the budget |
1430 06 |
Obligatory social assignments |
1500 |
Non-current assets, held for sale |
1510 |
Non-current assets, held for sale |
1520 |
Group on disposal, held for sale |
1600 |
Other current assets |
1610 01 |
The short-term advance payments issued |
1610 02 |
Settlings with brokers |
1610 03 |
The other advance payments issued |
1610 04 |
Remuneration advance payment on the obtained loans |
1610 05 |
Settlings with shareholders (according to dividends) |
1620 |
Deferred expenses |
1620 01 |
The insurance premiums paid to insurance companies |
1620 02 |
Rent |
1620 03 |
Other expenses of future periods |
1620 04 |
Acquisition expenses |
1620 05 |
Asset on the other cash flows relating to group of insurance contracts |
1620 06 |
Assessment of future cash flows on reinsurance asset |
1630 |
Other current assets |
2000 |
Long-term financial investments |
2010 |
The long-term granted loans |
2010 21 |
The long-term loans granted clients |
2010 22 |
Discount on the long-term granted loans |
2010 23 |
Award on the long-term granted loans |
2020 |
The non-current financial assets considered on depreciated cost |
2020 01 |
The non-current financial assets considered on depreciated cost |
2020 02 |
Discount on the acquired non-current financial assets considered on depreciated cost |
2020 03 |
Award on the acquired non-current financial assets considered on depreciated cost |
2030 |
The non-current financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
2030 01 |
The non-current financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
2030 02 |
Discount on the acquired non-current financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
2030 03 |
Award on the acquired non-current financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
2030 04 |
Positive fair value adjustment of the non-current financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
2030 05 |
Negative fair value adjustment of the non-current financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
2040 |
Other long-term financial investments |
2040 01 |
The long-term deposits placed in the banks and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
2040 02 |
The long-term conditional deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
2040 03 |
The long-term savings deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
2040 06 |
The affined precious metals placed on metal accounts |
2040 07 |
Overdue debt on other long-term financial investments |
2040 08 |
Discount on the placed long-term deposits |
2040 09 |
Award on the placed long-term deposits |
2040 10 |
Investments into the affiliated organizations |
2050 |
Overdue debt on financial investments |
2060 01 |
The best assessment of the expected cash flows on reinsurance asset |
2060 02 |
Margin under agreements of reinsurance |
2060 03 |
Reinsurance asset under the risk amendment on non-financial risk |
2060 04 |
Margin indemnification component under agreements of reinsurance |
2060 05 |
Assessment of future cash flows on reinsurance asset |
2100 |
Long-term receivables |
2110 |
Long-term receivables of buyers and customers |
2120 |
Long-term receivables of the affiliated organizations |
2130 |
Long-term receivables of the associated and joint organizations |
2140 |
Long-term receivables of branches and structural divisions |
2150 |
Long-term receivables of workers |
2170 |
Long-term remunerations to obtaining |
2170 01 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the acquired securities |
2170 03 |
The remuneration added by the previous holders |
2170 22 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the long-term savings deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
2170 23 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration according to the term deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
2170 24 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the conditional deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
2170 25 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the loans granted clients |
2170 26 |
Imputed incomes in the form of remuneration on the finance lease provided to clients |
2170 28 |
Other imputed incomes in the form of remuneration |
2170 29 |
Overdue income in remuneration type |
2180 |
Other long-term receivables |
2180 01 |
Requirements for the transaction future |
2180 02 |
Requirements for the transaction forward |
2180 03 |
Requirements for the transaction option |
2180 04 |
Requirements for the transaction swap |
2180 05 |
Requirements for transactions with other derivative financial instruments |
2200 |
The investments considered by equity method |
2210 |
The investments considered by equity method |
2300 |
Real estate investments |
2310 |
Real estate investments |
2320 |
Depreciation of real estate investments |
2330 |
Impairment loss of real estate investments |
2400 |
Fixed assets |
2410 |
Fixed assets |
2420 |
Fixed asset depreciation |
2430 |
Impairment loss of fixed assets |
2440 |
Assets in the form of right to use |
2450 |
Charged depreciation on assets in the form of right to use |
2460 |
Capital costs on assets in the form of right to use |
2470 |
Charged depreciation on capital costs on assets in the form of right to use |
2600 |
Prospecting and estimative assets |
2610 |
Prospecting and estimative assets |
2620 |
Depreciation of prospecting and estimative assets |
2630 |
Impairment loss of prospecting and estimative assets |
2700 |
Intangible assets |
2710 |
Goodwill |
2720 |
Impairment of goodwill |
2730 |
Other intangible assets |
2740 |
Depreciation of other intangible assets |
2750 |
Impairment loss of other intangible assets |
2800 |
Deferred tax assets |
2810 |
Deferred tax assets on the corporate income tax |
2900 |
Other non-current assets |
2910 |
The long-term advance payments issued |
2920 |
Deferred expenses |
2930 |
Construction in progress |
2940 |
Other non-current assets |
2940 21 |
Finance lease |
2940 22 |
Overdue debt of clients on finance lease |
3000 Short-term financial liabilities
3010 Short-term bank loans
3020 The short-term loans obtained from legal entities except for of banks of the second level
3030 Short-term accounts payable according to dividends and the income of participants
3040 Current part of long-term financial liabilities
3050 Other short-term financial liabilities
3050 01 The short-term loans obtained from the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3050 02 The short-term loans obtained from local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3050 03 Transactions of "repo" with securities
3050 05 Award on the short-term obtained loans
3050 06 Discount on the short-term obtained loans
3100 Obligations on taxes
3110 01 The corporate income tax which is subject to payment
3120 Individual income tax
3130 Value added tax
3140 Excises
3150 Social tax
3160 Land tax
3170 Tax on vehicles
3180 Property tax
3190 Other taxes
3200 Obligations on other obligatory and voluntary payments according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3210 Obligations on social insurance
3220 Obligations on pension assignments
3230 Other obligations on other obligatory payments according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3240 Other obligations on other voluntary payments according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
3250 Obligations on compulsory pension contributions of the employer
3300 Short-term accounts payable
3310 Short-term accounts payable to suppliers and contractors
3320 Short-term accounts payable to the affiliated organizations
3330 Short-term accounts payable to the associated and joint organizations
3340 Short-term accounts payable to branches and structural divisions
3350 Short-term debt on compensation
3360 Short-term debt on lease
3370 Current part of long-term accounts payable
3380 Short-term remunerations to payment
3380 01 Accrued expenses in the form of remuneration on the securities released
3380 02 Accrued expenses in the form of remuneration on transactions of "repo" with securities
3380 24 The added interest expenses according to obligations on lease
3380 25 Accrued expenses in the form of remuneration on the obtained loans
3380 26 Accrued expenses in the form of remuneration on the received finance lease
3380 27 Other accrued expenses in the form of remuneration
3380 82 The added commission expenses for services in broker and dealer activities
3380 83 The added commission expenses for services in custodial servicing
3380 84 The added commission expenses of other professional participants of the security market
3390 Other short-term accounts payable
3390 01 Obligations according to the transaction the future
3390 02 Obligations according to the transaction the forward
3390 03 Obligations according to the transaction the option
3390 04 Obligations according to the transaction spot
3390 05 Obligations according to the transaction swap
3390 06 Obligations according to transactions with other derivative financial instruments
3390 07 Obligations on payment of penalty (penalty, penalty fee)
3390 11 Obligations on cash flows according to insurance contracts (reinsurance)
3390 12 The risk amendment on non-financial risk
3390 13 Loss component (according to obligations on cash flows according to insurance contracts (reinsurance)
3390 14 Loss component (under the risk amendment on non-financial risk)
3390 15 Obligations on the acquisition cash flows relating to group of insurance contracts
3390 16 Obligations on the other cash flows relating to group of insurance contracts
3390 17 Obligations on the arisen losses
3390 18 Insurance premiums according to insurance contracts
3390 19 Insurance premiums under the issued agreements of reinsurance
3390 20 Obligations according to Islamic insurance contracts
3390 41 Settlings with intermediaries in insurance (reinsurance) activity
3390 42 Settlings with overcautious persons
3390 43 Settlings with reinsurers
3390 44 Settlings with insurers
3390 45 Accrued expenses on compensation to the overcautious person of recourse requirements and losses (subrogation)
3390 46 Obligations on payment of compulsory contributions in Fund of guaranteeing insurance payments
3390 47 Obligations on payment of extraordinary fees in Fund of guaranteeing insurance payments
3390 48 It is excluded
3390 49 It is excluded
3390 50 It is excluded
3390 51 It is excluded
3390 52 It is excluded
3390 53 Settlings of the direct insurer with the beneficiary on direct settlement
3390 54 The other accounts payable connected with insurance (reinsurance) activity
3400 Short-term estimative obligations
3410 Short-term warranty obligations
3420 Short-term obligations on claim and claim work
3430 Short-term estimative obligations on employee benefits
3440 Other short-term estimative obligations
3500 Other short-term obligations
3510 The short-term advance payments received
3510 01 Remuneration advance payment on the granted loans and the placed deposits
3510 41 The advance payments received on insurance (reinsurance) activity
3520 Deferred revenues
3530 Obligations of group on disposal, held for sale
3540 Other short-term obligations
4000 |
Long-term financial liabilities |
4010 |
Long-term bank loans |
4020 |
The long-term loans obtained from legal entities except for of banks of the second level |
4030 |
Other long-term financial liabilities |
4030 01 |
The long-term loans obtained from the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
4030 02 |
The long-term loans obtained from local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
4030 04 |
The finance lease received from banks of the second level |
4030 05 |
The finance lease received from other legal entities |
4030 07 |
The released securities |
4030 08 |
Discount on the released securities |
4030 09 |
Premium to the released securities |
4030 10 |
The redeemed securities |
4030 11 |
Award on the long-term obtained loans |
4030 12 |
Discount on the long-term obtained loans |
4030 13 |
The long-term loans obtained from national managing holding |
4030 96 |
Reserve fund on Islamic securities |
4040 11 |
The best assessment of the expected cash flows |
4040 12 |
Margin according to insurance contracts (reinsurance) |
4040 13 |
The risk amendment on non-financial risk |
4040 14 |
Loss component (by the best assessment of the expected cash flows) |
4040 15 |
Loss component (under the risk amendment on non-financial risk) |
4040 16 |
Margin under agreements of reinsurance |
4040 17 |
Insurance premiums according to insurance contracts |
4040 18 |
Insurance premiums under the issued agreements of reinsurance |
4040 19 |
Obligations according to Islamic insurance contracts |
4100 |
Long-term accounts payable |
4110 |
Long-term accounts payable to suppliers and contractors |
4120 |
Long-term accounts payable to the affiliated organizations |
4130 |
Long-term accounts payable to the associated and joint organizations |
4140 |
Long-term accounts payable to branches and structural divisions |
4150 |
Obligations on lease |
4160 |
Long-term remunerations to payment |
4160 01 |
Accrued expenses in the form of remuneration on the securities released |
4170 |
Other long-term accounts payable |
4170 01 |
Obligations according to the transaction the future |
4170 02 |
Obligations according to the transaction the forward |
4170 03 |
Obligations according to the transaction the option |
4170 04 |
Obligations according to the transaction swap |
4170 05 |
Obligations according to transactions with other derivative financial instruments |
4200 |
Long-term estimative obligations |
4210 |
Long-term warranty obligations |
4220 |
Long-term estimative obligations on claim and claim work |
4230 |
Long-term estimative obligations on employee benefits |
4240 |
Other long-term estimative obligations |
4300 |
Deferred tax liabilities |
4310 |
Deferred tax liabilities on the corporate income tax |
4400 |
Other long-term obligations |
4410 |
The long-term advance payments received |
4420 |
Deferred revenues |
4430 |
Other long-term obligations |
4440 |
Obligations according to preferred shares |
5000 |
Authorized capital |
5010 |
Preferred shares |
5020 |
Common shares |
5030 |
Deposits and shares |
5200 |
The redeemed own equity instruments |
5210 |
The redeemed own equity instruments |
5300 |
Share premium |
5310 |
Share premium |
5320 |
Supplementary paid-in capital |
5400 |
Reserves |
5410 |
The reserve capital established by constituent documents |
5420 |
Reserve on revaluation of fixed assets and assets in the form of right to use |
5430 |
Reserve on revaluation of intangible assets |
5440 |
Reserve on revaluation of the financial assets carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
5450 |
Reserve on revaluation of other assets |
5460 |
Other reserves |
5470 |
Reserve on revaluation of the loans carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
5480 |
Provisions (provisions) under the expected and available credit losses on the securities carried at fair value through other comprehensive income
5490 |
Provisions under the expected and available credit losses on the loans carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
5490 40 |
Reserve of unforeseen risks |
5490 41 |
Stabilization reserve |
5500 |
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) |
5520 |
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) of previous years |
5610 |
Retained earnings (uncovered loss) of accounting year |
6000 |
Income from sales of products and rendering services |
6010 |
Income from sales of products and rendering services |
6020 |
Return of the sold products |
6030 |
Price discount and sales |
6100 |
Income from financing |
6110 |
Income on remunerations |
6110 01 |
The income connected with receipt of remuneration on the acquired securities |
6110 02 |
The income connected with depreciation of premium to the securities released |
6110 03 |
The income connected with depreciation of discount on the acquired securities |
6110 04 |
The income connected with receipt of remuneration on transactions "the return repo" with securities |
6110 05 |
Income on depreciation of discount on the placed deposits |
6110 07 |
Income on depreciation of discount on the granted loans |
6110 08 |
Income on depreciation of award on the obtained loans |
6110 28 |
The income connected with receipt of remuneration according to current accounts |
6110 29 |
The income connected with receipt of remuneration on on-demand deposits |
6110 30 |
The income connected with receipt of remuneration according to term deposits |
6110 31 |
The income connected with receipt of remuneration on conditional deposits |
6110 32 |
The income connected with receipt of remuneration on loans |
6110 34 |
The other incomes connected with receipt of remuneration |
6110 35 |
The income connected with receipt of remuneration on savings deposits |
6110 41 |
Commission income under agreements of reinsurance |
6120 |
Income according to dividends |
6130 |
Income from finance lease |
6140 |
Income from transactions with real estate investments |
6150 |
Income from change of fair value of financial instruments |
6150 01 |
Income from change in value of the securities carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss |
6150 03 |
Income on the securities carried at fair value through other comprehensive income |
6150 04 |
Income from change of fair value of other financial instruments |
6160 |
Other incomes from financing |
6200 |
Other incomes |
6210 |
Income from asset retirement |
6220 |
Income from gratuitously the received assets |
6230 |
Income from government subsidies |
6240 |
Income from recovery of impairment loss |
6240 01 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserves (provisions) created on the securities carried at fair value through other comprehensive income and considered on depreciated cost |
6240 02 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserves (provisions) created on the deposits placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
6240 03 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserves (provisions) created on other receivables |
6240 04 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserves (provisions) created according to the current accounts placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities |
6240 21 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserves (provisions) created on the loans granted clients |
6240 22 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserves (provisions) created on the finance lease provided to clients |
6240 23 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserves (provisions) created on contingent obligations |
6240 42 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserves (provisions) on impairment of acquisition cash flows |
6240 91 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserve fund on Islamic securities |
6250 |
Income from exchange difference |
6250 02 |
Income from revaluation of foreign currency |
6260 |
Income from operating lease |
6280 |
Other incomes |
6280 01 |
Income from sale of the affined precious metals |
6280 02 |
Income from purchase sale of foreign currency |
6280 05 |
Income from revaluation of the affined precious metals |
6280 06 |
Income from other revaluation |
6280 07 |
Other incomes |
6280 08 |
Penalty (penalty, penalty fee) |
6280 09 |
Income from purchase - security sale |
6280 31 |
Expense adjustment on loss component |
6280 32 |
Financial incomes on reinsurance |
6280 33 |
Income from reduction of the risk amendment by non-financial risk |
6280 34 |
The income from depreciation of margin according to insurance contracts (reinsurance) |
6280 40 |
The income connected with insurance (reinsurance) activity |
6280 41 |
Insurance revenue (income from insurance) |
6280 55 |
Income from reinsurance |
6280 56 |
Income on forming of asset of reinsurance under the risk amendment on non-financial risk |
6280 42 |
The income connected with compensation by the overcautious person of insurance payments |
6280 43 |
The income connected with compensation of recourse requirements and losses (subrogation) |
6280 44 |
Other incomes from insurance activity |
6280 45 |
Commission income of Islamic insurance company from management of Islamic insurance fund |
6280 45 |
It is excluded |
6280 46 |
It is excluded |
6280 47 |
It is excluded |
6280 48 |
It is excluded |
6280 49 |
It is excluded |
6280 50 |
It is excluded |
6280 51 |
It is excluded |
6280 52 |
It is excluded |
6280 53 |
It is excluded |
6280 54 |
It is excluded |
6290 |
Income according to transactions with derivative financial instruments |
6290 09 |
Income according to transactions the future |
6290 10 |
Income according to transactions the forward |
6290 11 |
Income according to transactions the option |
6290 13 |
Income according to transactions swap |
6290 14 |
Income according to transactions with other derivative financial instruments |
6300 |
The income connected with the stopped activities |
6310 |
The income connected with the stopped activities |
6400 |
Profit share of the organizations considered on equity method |
6410 |
Profit share of associated organizations |
6420 |
Profit share of the joint organizations |
7000 Cost of sales and the rendered services
7010 Cost of sales and the rendered services
7100 Selling expenses of products and to rendering services
7110 Selling expenses of products and to rendering services
7200 Administrative expenses
7210 Administrative expenses
7220 Tax expenses
7220 01 Expenses on the social tax and social payments
7220 02 Expenses on the land tax
7220 03 Tax expenses on property
7220 04 Tax expenses on vehicles
7220 05 Expenses on other taxes, charges and obligatory payments in the budget
7300 Financing expenses
7310 Expenses on remunerations
7310 01 The expenses connected with payment of remuneration for the securities released
7310 02 The expenses connected with depreciation of premium to the acquired securities
7310 03 The expenses connected with depreciation of discount on the securities released
7310 04 The expenses connected with payment of remuneration for transactions of "repo" with securities
7310 05 Penalty (penalty, penalty fee)
7310 07 Discount depreciation expenses on the obtained loans
7310 09 Award depreciation expenses on the granted loans
7310 10 Award depreciation expenses on the placed deposits
7310 11 Expenses on reduction of the risk amendment by non-financial risk
7310 12 Expenses in the form of component of loss of obligations on cash flows according to insurance contracts
7310 24 The expenses connected with payment of remuneration for the obtained loans
7310 25 The other expenses connected with remuneration payment
7320 Expenses on interest payment on finance lease
7330 Expenses from change of fair value of financial instruments
7340 Other expenses for financing
7350 Interest expenses according to obligations on lease
7400 Other expenses
7410 Expenses on asset retirement
7420 Expenses from asset impairment
7430 Expenses on exchange difference
7430 02 Expenses from revaluation of foreign currency
7440 Expenses on creation of reserve and write-off of hopeless requirements
7440 01 Expenses on forming of reserves (provisions) on the securities carried at fair value through other comprehensive income and considered on depreciated cost
7440 02 Expenses on forming of reserves (provisions) on the placed deposits
7440 03 Expenses on forming of reserves (provisions) on other receivables
7440 04 Expenses on forming of reserves (provisions) according to the current accounts placed in the banks of the second level and the organizations performing separate types of banking activities
7440 21 Expenses on forming of reserves (provisions) on the granted loans
7440 22 Expenses on forming of reserves (provisions) on the provided finance lease
7440 23 Expenses on forming of reserves (provisions) on contingent obligations
7440 24 Expenses on forming of reserves (provisions) on impairment of acquisition cash flows
7440 41 It is excluded
7440 42 It is excluded
7440 43 It is excluded
7440 44 It is excluded
7440 45 It is excluded
7440 47 It is excluded
7440 48 It is excluded
7440 49 It is excluded
7440 50 It is excluded
7440 51 It is excluded
7440 52 It is excluded
7440 91 Expenses on forming of reserve fund on Islamic securities
7450 Expenses on operating lease
7470 Other expenses
7470 01 Book value of the affined precious metals
7470 02 Expenses on purchase sale of foreign currency
7470 03 Expenses from change in value of the securities carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss
7470 06 Expenses on the securities carried at fair value through other comprehensive income
7470 07 Expenses from revaluation of the affined precious metals
7470 08 Expenses from other revaluation
7470 09 Other expenses
7470 10 Expenses from purchase - security sale
7470 31 Insurance expenses in the form of loss component
7470 32 Financial expenses on insurance (reinsurance)
7470 33 Expenses on reduction of the risk amendment by non-financial risk
7470 34 Insurance expenses in the form of the risk amendment on non-financial risk
7470 35 Acquisition expenses
7470 36 Expenses in the form of depreciation of margin under agreements of reinsurance
7470 37 Depreciation expenses of the best assessment of the expected cash flows on reinsurance asset
7470 40 The expenses connected with insurance (reinsurance) activity
7470 41 Insurance expenses on payment
7470 42 Expenses on implementation of insurance payments for reinsurance
7470 43 Expenses on claim settlement
7470 44 Expenses on compensation to the overcautious person of recourse requirements and losses (subrogation)
7470 45 Expenses on payment of commission fee on reinsurance
7470 46 Expenses on payment of compulsory contributions in Fund of guaranteeing insurance payments
7470 47 Expenses on payment of extraordinary fees in Fund of guaranteeing insurance payments
7470 48 Expenses on fee of insurance brokers
7470 49 Expenses on fee of actuaries
7470 50 Other expenses
7470 81 Commission expenses for services of stock exchange
7470 82 Commission expenses for services in broker and dealer activities
7470 83 Commission expenses for services in custodial servicing
7470 84 Commission expenses of other professional participants of the security market
7480 Expenses on transactions with derivative financial instruments
7480 09 Expenses according to transactions the future
7480 10 Expenses according to transactions the forward
7480 11 Expenses according to transactions the option
7480 13 Expenses according to transactions swap
7480 14 Expenses according to transactions with other derivative financial instruments
7490 Depreciation expenses
7490 01 Depreciation expenses of fixed assets and assets in the form of right to use
7490 02 Depreciation expenses of capital costs on assets in the form of right to use
7490 03 Depreciation expenses of real estate investments
7490 04 Depreciation expenses of prospecting and estimative assets
7490 05 Depreciation expenses of other intangible assets
7500 The expenses connected with the stopped activities
7510 The expenses connected with the stopped activities
7600 Share at a loss the organizations considered by equity method
7610 Share at a loss associated organizations
7620 Share at a loss joint organizations
7700 Expenses on the corporate income tax
7710 Expenses on the corporate income tax
8100 |
Accounts of requirements for guarantees |
8120 |
Possible requirements for the accepted guarantees |
8130 |
Conditional extraordinary fees according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on guaranteeing insurance payments |
8210 |
Conditional requirements for the granted loans |
8220 |
Conditional requirements for receipt of loans in the future |
8300 |
Accounts of requirements for derivative financial instruments |
8300 01 |
Conditional requirements for purchase of financial assets |
8300 02 |
Conditional requirements for purchase of financial futures |
8300 03 |
Conditional requirements for sale of financial futures |
8300 04 |
The fixed interest rate swap |
8300 05 |
Floating interest rate swap |
8300 06 |
The acquired transactions the option - "call" |
8300 07 |
The acquired transactions the option - "put" |
8300 08 |
The sold transactions the put option - the contra account |
8300 09 |
The sold transactions the call option - the contra account |
8300 10 |
The acquired agreement on future remuneration - contra account |
8300 11 |
The realized agreement on future remuneration |
8300 12 |
Conditional requirements for other derivative financial instruments |
8400 |
Accounts of obligations on guarantees |
8420 |
Possible reduction of requirements for the accepted guarantees |
8430 |
Contingent obligations by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on guaranteeing insurance payments |
8500 |
Accounts of obligations on representation (obtaining) of loans in the future |
8510 |
Contingent obligations on provision of loans in the future |
8520 |
Contingent obligations on the obtained loans |
8600 |
Accounts of obligations on derivative financial instruments |
8600 01 |
Contingent obligations selling financial assets |
8600 02 |
Contingent obligations on purchase of financial futures |
8600 03 |
Contingent obligations selling financial futures |
8600 04 |
Floating interest rate swap |
8600 05 |
The fixed interest rate swap |
8600 06 |
The acquired transactions the call option - the contra account |
8600 07 |
The acquired transactions the put option - the contra account |
8600 08 |
The sold transactions the put option |
8600 09 |
The sold transactions the call option |
8600 10 |
The acquired agreement on future remuneration |
8600 11 |
The realized agreement on future remuneration - contra account |
8600 12 |
Contingent obligations on other derivative financial instruments |
8700 |
Accounts of the memorandum - assets |
8710 |
The machines, the equipment, transport and other means leased |
8720 |
The fixed assets realized with payment payment by installments |
8740 |
The documents and values sent for collection |
8750 |
The property transferred to providing (pledge) obligations |
8760 |
Shares (share) delivered in trust management to originator |
8770 01 |
The account of money of clients under agreements of Islamic insurance |
8780 01 |
Expenses in the form of component of loss of obligations on cash flows under agreements of Islamic insurance |
8780 02 |
Insurance expenses in the form of loss component for Islamic insurance companies |
8780 03 |
Insurance expenses in the form of the risk amendment on non-financial risk for Islamic insurance companies |
8780 04 |
Acquisition expenses for Islamic insurance companies |
8780 05 |
The expenses connected with insurance activity under agreements of Islamic insurance |
8780 06 |
Insurance expenses on payment |
8780 07 |
Financial expenses on Islamic insurance |
8790 04 |
Commission expenses for managements of Islamic insurance fund |
8800 |
Accounts of the memorandum - liabilities |
8810 |
The machines, the equipment, transport and other means accepted in lease |
8830 |
The property accepted in providing (pledge) obligations of the client |
8840 01 |
Obligations on cash flows under agreements of Islamic insurance |
8840 02 |
The risk amendment on non-financial risk for Islamic insurance companies |
8840 03 |
Loss component (according to obligations on cash flows under agreements of Islamic insurance) |
8840 04 |
Loss component (under the risk amendment on non-financial risk for Islamic insurance companies) |
8840 05 |
Obligations on the acquisition cash flows relating to group of agreements of Islamic insurance |
8840 06 |
Obligations on the other cash flows relating to group of agreements of Islamic insurance |
8840 07 |
Obligations on the arisen losses for Islamic insurance companies |
8840 08 |
Insurance premiums under agreements of Islamic insurance |
8850 01 |
The best assessment of the expected cash flows for Islamic insurance companies |
8850 02 |
Margin under agreements of Islamic insurance |
8850 03 |
The risk amendment on non-financial risk for Islamic insurance companies |
8850 04 |
Loss component (by the best assessment of the expected cash flows) for Islamic insurance companies |
8850 05 |
Loss component (under the risk amendment on non-financial risk) for Islamic insurance companies |
8850 06 |
Insurance premiums under agreements of Islamic insurance |
8860 01 |
Reserve on revaluation of the loans carried at fair value through other comprehensive income for Islamic insurance companies |
8860 02 |
Provisions (provisions) under the expected and available credit losses on the securities carried at fair value through other comprehensive income for Islamic insurance companies |
8860 03 |
Provisions (provisions) under the expected and available credit losses on the loans carried at fair value through other comprehensive income for Islamic insurance companies |
8870 01 |
Income from recovery (cancellation) of reserves (provisions) on impairment of acquisition cash flows for Islamic insurance companies |
8870 02 |
Expense adjustment on loss component for Islamic insurance companies |
8870 03 |
The income from reduction of the risk amendment by non-financial risk for Islamic insurance companies |
8870 04 |
The income from depreciation of margin under agreements of Islamic insurance |
8870 05 |
Insurance revenue (income from Islamic insurance) |
8900 |
Accounts of the memorandum - other |
8920 |
The credit lines opened by foreign states and foreign banks |
8930 |
Different values and documents |
8940 |
The different values and documents sent and issued in the subreport |
8950 |
The affined precious metals stored |
8960 |
Shares and other securities stored |
8970 |
Account of "depot" |
1800 |
Assets |
1800 01 |
Money |
1800 02 |
The affined precious metals |
1800 03 |
Securities |
1800 04 |
The deposits placed |
1800 05 |
Investments into the capital |
1800 06 |
Intangible assets |
1800 07 |
Fixed assets |
1800 08 |
Other assets |
1800 09 |
Accounts to obtaining |
1800 10 |
Dividends |
1800 11 |
Remuneration |
1800 12 |
Other requirements |
1800 13 |
Requirements for transactions with derivative financial instruments |
1800 14 |
Transactions "the return repo" with securities |
1810 |
Capital |
1810 01 |
Capital |
1820 |
Obligations |
1820 01 |
Accounts for payment |
1820 02 |
Other obligations |
1820 03 |
Obligations according to transactions with derivative financial instruments |
1820 04 |
Transactions of "repo" with securities |
1830 |
Income |
1830 01 |
Receipt of assets from the client |
1830 02 |
Income in type of remuneration (dividends) |
1830 03 |
Income from purchase and sale |
1830 04 |
Income from asset revaluation at fair value |
1830 05 |
Income on exchange difference |
1830 08 |
Other incomes |
1830 09 |
Income from revaluation of transactions with derivative financial instruments |
1840 |
Expenses |
1840 01 |
Withdrawal of assets of the client |
1840 02 |
Expenses on payment of commission fees |
1840 03 |
Expenses from purchase and sale |
1840 04 |
Expenses from asset revaluation at fair value |
1840 05 |
Expenses on exchange difference |
1840 08 |
Other expenses |
1840 09 |
Expenses from revaluation of transactions with derivative financial instruments |
1010 "Cash on hand" (active).
Appointment: accounting of amounts of money in national and foreign currencies in cash desk of the organization.
On the debit of the account the cash amount of money in the national and foreign currencies which arrived in cash desk of the organization is carried out.
On the credit of the account write-off of cash amounts of money in national and foreign currencies from cash desk of the organization is carried out.
1020 "Money in transit" (active).
Appointment: accounting of amounts of money in national and foreign currencies in transit.
On the debit of the account the amount of money, being en route is carried out.
On the credit of the account write-off of amounts of money after receipt from the receiver of confirmation about receipt of cash and transfer of money for the bank account of the organization is carried out.
1030 "Money on current accounts" (active).
Appointment: accounting of amounts of money in national and the foreign currencies which are on current accounts of the organization.
On the debit of the account the amount of money, being on the current account of the organization is carried out.
On the credit of the account write-off of amounts of money from the current account of the organization in case of their proper use is carried out.
1060 01 "Other money" (active).
Appointment: accounting of the amounts of other money in the national and foreign currencies unaccounted on balance sheet accounts No. 1010, 1020, 1030 and 1050.
On the debit of the account the amount of money, having temporary and accidental nature which at the time of origin are not carried out according to other balance sheet accounts is carried out.
On the credit of the account the amount of money in case of write-off is carried out.
1110 21 "The short-term loans granted clients" (active).
Appointment: accounting of the loan amounts provided to clients from repayment period to one year.
On the debit of the account the amount of the short-term loan granted the client is carried out.
On the credit of the account write-off of the amounts of short-term loan in case of its repayment by the client or delay of payment is carried out.
1110 22 "Overdue debt of clients on the granted loans" (active).
Appointment: accounting of the amounts of overdue debt on the loans provided to the client.
On the debit of the account the overdue debt amount on the loan provided to the client is carried out.
On the credit of the account write-off of the amounts of overdue debt on the granted loan in case of its repayment by the client or write-off from balance of the organization is carried out.
1110 23 "Discount on the short-term granted loans" (counteractive).
Appointment: accounting of the amounts of discount in the form of excess of settled amount of loan over the amount of actually granted short-term loan (taking into account costs according to the transaction), adjustment amounts, connected with recognition of interest incomes with use of effective interest rate method, adjustment amounts, connected with provision of short-term loan, at the non-market rate of percent.
On the credit of the account are carried out the discount amount in the form of excess of the settled amount of loan over the amount of actually granted short-term loan, adjustment amount connected with recognition of interest incomes with use of effective interest rate method, adjustment amount, connected with provision of short-term loan at the non-market rate of percent.
On the debit of the account the depreciation amount and (or) write-off of discount on the granted short-term loan is carried out.
1110 24 "Award on the short-term granted loans" (active).
Appointment: accounting of the amounts of excess of the amount of actually granted short-term loan (taking into account costs according to the transaction) over the settled amount of loan (award), adjustment amounts connected with recognition of interest incomes with use of effective interest rate method.
On the debit of the account are carried out the amount of excess of the amount of actually granted short-term loan (taking into account costs according to the transaction) over the settled amount of loan (award), adjustment amount connected with recognition of interest incomes with use of effective interest rate method.
On the credit of the account the depreciation amount and (or) write-off of award on the granted short-term loan is carried out.
1120 01 "The current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss" (active).
Appointment: accounting of nominal value of the current financial assets acquired for the purpose of further realization and income acquisition.
On the debit of the account nominal value of the current financial asset carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss is carried out.
On the credit of the account write-off of nominal value of current financial asset in case of its realization, transfer to other category, and also payment delay is carried out.
1120 02 "Discount on the acquired current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss" (counteractive).
Appointment: accounting of the amounts of excess of nominal value of the current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss, over the cost their acquisitions (discount), adjustment amounts connected with recognition of interest incomes with use of effective interest rate method, adjustment amounts, connected with acquisition of current financial assets at the non-market rate.
On the credit of the account are carried out the amount of excess of nominal value of the current financial asset carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss, over the cost its acquisitions (discount), adjustment amount connected with recognition of interest incomes with use of effective interest rate method, adjustment amount, connected with acquisition of current financial asset at the non-market rate.
On the debit of the account the depreciation amount and (or) write-off of discount on the current financial asset carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss is carried out.
1120 03 "Award on the acquired current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss" (active).
Appointment: accounting of the amounts of excess of acquisition value of the current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss, over their nominal value (award), adjustment amounts connected with recognition of interest incomes with use of effective interest rate method.
On the debit of the account are carried out the amount of excess of acquisition value of the current financial asset carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss, over its nominal value (award), adjustment amount connected with recognition of interest incomes with use of effective interest rate method.
On the credit of the account the depreciation amount and (or) write-off of award on the acquired current financial asset carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss is carried out.
1120 04 "Positive fair value adjustment of the current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss" (active).
Appointment: accounting of the amounts of positive fair value adjustment of the current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss.
On the debit of the account the amount of positive fair value adjustment of the current financial asset carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss is carried out.
On the credit of the account write-off of the amounts of positive fair value adjustment of the current financial asset carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss is carried out.
1120 05 "Negative fair value adjustment of the current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss" (counteractive).
Appointment: accounting of the amounts of negative fair value adjustment of the current financial assets carried at fair value which changes are reflected in profit or loss.
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