of October 25, 2017 No. 4
About the Procedure for study of initiatives within implementation of the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union
In pursuance of the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of October 11, 2017 Eurasian intergovernmental council solved No. 12:
1. Approve the enclosed Procedure for study of initiatives within implementation of the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union.
2. To submit to the Eurasian economic commission together with the governments of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union for consideration of Eurasian intergovernmental council:
information on the course of study of initiatives within implementation of the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union;
offers on development of mechanisms of projects implementation within the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union.
Members of the Eurasian intergovernmental council: |
From the Republic of Armenia |
From the Republic of Belarus |
From the Republic of Kazakhstan |
From the Kyrgyz Republic |
From the Russian Federation |
Approved by the Decision of Eurasian intergovernmental council of October 25, 2017, No. 4
1. This Procedure is developed for the purpose of:
ensuring realization of the Main directions of implementation of the digital agenda of the Eurasian Economic Union approved by the Decision of the Supreme Eurasian economic council of October 11, 2017 No. 12 (further - the Main directions);
ensuring the transparent, effective and accelerated study of initiative from forming of request (receipt of the offer) for its study before initiation of the project (projects) (further respectively - request, initiation);
forming of network of the centers of competences of digital transformation of the Eurasian Economic Union (further - the Union);
creating favorable conditions for implementation of the digital agenda of the Union.
2. This Procedure determines roles, mechanisms, content, results and the sequence of actions of all participants of process of study of initiatives within implementation of the digital agenda of the Union.
3. The business process model of management of initiatives within implementation of the digital agenda of the Union is given in appendix to this Procedure.
4. For effective study of initiatives in the Eurasian economic commission (further - the Commission) the office of management of initiatives which is under direct supervision of the Chairman of Board of the Commission with preserving the list and the number of independent structural divisions of the Commission is created. The office of management of initiatives performs coordination, monitoring and control of the activities connected with study of initiatives (management of initiatives). The regulations on activities of office of management of initiatives affirm the Chairman of Board of the Commission.
5. For the purposes of this Procedure concepts which mean the following are used:
"initiative" - the offer on the interconnected projects directed to realization of the purposes and tasks of the digital agenda;
"initiator" - the representative of business community, including business consolidation (consortium, etc.), public authority of state member of the Union (further - state member) or the Commission, the studies of initiative offering initiative for study, interested in project implementation (projects) within initiative and participating in all lifecycle from forming of request before initiation of the project (projects) within initiative;
"research" - the research work performed for the purpose of study of initiative and forming of document package for initiation of the project (projects) within initiative (reasons for initiation of the project (projects));
"office" - the office of management of initiatives representing the group of experts of the state members meeting qualification requirements regarding questions of implementation of the digital agenda of the Union created taking into account the principle of equal representation;
"study of initiative" - set of the actions connected with evaluating, the analysis and research for the purpose of detection of feasibility of initiation of the project (projects) within initiative;
"the register of competences" - the register of data on digital competences and specialization of the centers of competences created as by voluntary provision by owners of digital competences of the corresponding data in the Commission for inclusion in the register, and on the basis of the official request of the Commission for provision of such data sent to the address of state members;
"management of initiatives" - complex of actions for realization of functions of coordination, monitoring and control of the activities connected with study of initiative;
"the center of competences" - the organization or the group of experts having necessary digital competences for conducting examination and project activities;
"digital competence" - set of knowledge and the practician allowing their owner to solve problems in the field of digital transformations and digital transformation, and also to represent qualified line item in external communications;
"the expert platform" - the format of joint operation of the initiator, office, representatives of public authorities of state members, structural divisions of the Commission, business communities of state members with participation of the centers of competences, the scientific organizations, companies, international organizations and other experts organized by the Commission for discussion and detailed study of initiative.
6. The initiator creates request for study of initiative.
7. The initiative offered by the initiator for study shall correspond to the directions of development of digital economy determined by the Main directions (digital transformation of industries of economy and cross-industry transformation, digital transformation of commodity markets, services, the capital and labor power, digital transformation of processes of management of integration processes, development of digital infrastructure and ensuring security of digital processes) and to promote the solution of the questions entering the specified directions.
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