of December 19, 2017 No. 1748
About ensuring activities of the State agency of highways of Azerbaijan
Being guided by Item 32 of article 109 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, according to the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About creation of the State agency of highways of Azerbaijan" of October 18, 2017 1638, I decide No.:
1. Approve "The charter of the State agency of highways of Azerbaijan" it (is applied).
2. Approve "Structure of the State agency of highways of Azerbaijan" it (is applied).
3. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic:
3.1.v three-months term to develop and provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic offers on reduction of the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic to compliance in connection with ensuring activities of the State agency of highways of Azerbaijan (further - the Agency);
3.2. in three-months time to develop and provide to the President of the Azerbaijan Republic offers on reduction of acts of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic to compliance with this Decree;
3.3. in a month from the date of state registration to provide transfer on balance of the Agency of the property which is on balance of Azeravtoyol Open joint stock company;
3.4. in three-months time to provide reduction of regulatory legal acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic in compliance with this Decree and to inform on it the President of the Azerbaijan Republic;
3.5. check reduction of regulatory legal acts of the central executive bodies in compliance with this Decree and in five-months time to inform the President of the Azerbaijan Republic on execution;
3.6.reshit other questions following from this Decree.
4. To the agency:
4.1. within three days from the effective date of this Decree to address to the Ministry of Taxes of the Azerbaijan Republic for state registration according to the procedure, established by the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About state registration and the state register of legal entities";
4.2. within three days from the date of state registration to inform on it the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic;
4.3. in a month to approve the extreme number and the salary of workers.
5. To provide to the Ministry of Justice of the Azerbaijan Republic reduction of regulatory legal acts of the central executive bodies and acts of normative nature in compliance with this Decree and to inform the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic.
President of the Azerbaijan Republic
Ilham Aliyev
Approved by the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic of December 19, 2017 No. 1748
1.1. The state Agency of Highways of Azerbaijan (further - the Agency) - the public legal entity who is engaged in activities in the sphere of ensuring rendering services in the field of road economy of the Azerbaijan Republic, designing, construction, operation, restoration, repair, reconstruction of the highways which are on its balance (further - highways), and also bridges, tunnels and other road constructions, preserving highways and road constructions and control of their condition, and also complex conducting other works on development of road infrastructure (further - the respective area).
1.2. The agency is guided in the activities by the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, the laws of the Azerbaijan Republic, this Charter, other decrees, orders of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic, other regulatory legal acts.
1.3. The agency in case of accomplishment of the obligations interacts with state and municipalities of domicile, the international and non-governmental organizations, other legal entities and physical persons.
1.4. The agency is engaged in activities of nation-wide value. For achievement of the objects set by this Charter the Agency can be engaged in business activity.
1.5. The agency has separate balance, property, treasurer and bank accounts, seal with the image of own name, the corresponding stamps and forms, logo (emblem).
1.6. According to the law Agency has the right to conclude bargains, to acquire and perform on its own behalf the property and non-property rights, to perform duties, to appear in court as the claimant or the defendant.
1.7. The agency is located in the city of Baku.
2.1. The purpose of the Agency consists in rendering services in the sphere of road economy of the Azerbaijan Republic, designing construction, operation, restoration, repair, reconstruction of highways, and also bridges, tunnels and other road constructions (transitions, constructions, structures and the equipment), preserving highways and road constructions and control of their condition, and also complex accomplishment of other works on development of road infrastructure.
2.2. Activities of the Agency are:
2.2.1. ensuring development of the respective area;
2.2.2. participation in forming of state policy in the respective area and ensuring realization of this policy;
2.2.3. the organization of works on forecasting and planning in the respective area.
3.1. The agency carries out the following obligations according to the activities established by this Charter:
3.1.1. participates in development and implementation of state programs, strategy and concepts of development in the respective area;
3.1.2. participates in development of fundamentals of single technical, financial, credit and target investment policy in road economy;
3.1.3. organizes and provides tendering process (tenders) on purchase of goods (works and services) in connection with implementation of economic activity according to the procedure, stipulated by the legislation;
3.1.4. develops and represents to the relevant state bodies of the offer on development of the respective area;
3.1.5. analyzes economic and financial condition of the Agency, its managements, branches and representations, and also economic societies and takes measures for the purpose of increase in efficiency of their activities;
3.1.6. provides observance when implementing economic activity of requirements of regulations of ecological safety, and also fulfillment of requirements of protection of ecology and health of the population;
3.1.7. takes measures for the purpose of landing, recovery, protection of protective forest belts and other green plantings on the parcel of land of highways;
3.1.8. according to the legislation on town-planning and construction takes measures for prevention of construction of the highways of illegal structures and constructions constructed on the parcels of land;
3.1.9. provides creation and maintaining the register of highways;
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