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of January 31, 2018 No. 68

About approval of acts in the field of drinking water supply

For the purpose of implementation of article 22-1 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About public health care", the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "The technical regulation "About Safety of Drinking Water", the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About drinking water", according to articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve:

- Sanitary and epidemiologic rules and standard rates "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to zones of sanitary protection of sources of water supply and water supply systems of economic and drinking appointment" according to appendix 1;

- Sanitary and epidemiologic rules and standard rates "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to systems of centralized economic and drinking water supply and water supply systems of drinking appointment" according to appendix 2;

- Sanitary and epidemiologic rules and standard rates "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to sources of not centralized drinking water supply of the population" according to appendix 3.

2. To impose control of execution of this resolution on department of social development of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.

3. This resolution becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication.

Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic

S. Isakov

Appendix 1

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of January 31, 2018 No. 68

Sanitary and epidemiologic rules and standard rates "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to zones of sanitary protection of sources of water supply and water supply systems of economic and drinking appointment"

1. General provisions

1. These sanitary and epidemiologic rules and standard rates "Sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to zones of sanitary protection of sources of water supply and water supply systems of economic and drinking appointment" (further - health regulations) establish sanitary and epidemiologic requirements to the organization and use of zones of sanitary protection (further - ZSO) sources of water supply and water supply systems of economic and drinking appointment.

2. Health regulations extend to the projectible, under construction, reconstructed and operating sources of drinking water supply and water supply systems of economic and drinking appointment (further - objects) irrespective of their subordination and patterns of ownership.

3. On sources of water supply and on the water supply systems directing water to economic and drinking needs from superficial and underground sources ZSO are provided.

4. The organization of the corresponding mode in ZSO is directed to the prevention of pollution of sources of water supply, water supply systems of economic and drinking appointment and their territories.

5. Observance of health regulations is obligatory for the physical/legal entities operating the objects placed in the territory of ZSO.

6. The responsibility for violation of these health regulations is established according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic on the administrative responsibility.

2. Terms and determinations

7. In these health regulations the following terms and determinations are used:

1) the water area - the water space limited to the natural, artificial or imagined (conditional) borders;

2) free-flow interreservoir waters - the underground waters having pressure at the upper surface of the water-bearing horizon at the level of atmospheric pressure;

3) water intaking construction (water intake) - the hydraulic engineering construction for water intake from source of drinking water supply;

4) conduit - the pipeline construction serving for transportation of water from water source to subject to water supply;

5) water supply system - system of pipelines with constructions on them for supply of drinking water to places of its consumption;

6) the water carrying out channel - the channel pumping water to the place of its consumption;

7) hydrogeological conditions - set of the signs characterizing conditions of bedding of underground waters, structure and water properties;

8) hydrological conditions - set of the signs characterizing physical properties of water masses: temperature, salinity, density, transparency, color, their existential variability and processes of forming;

9) hydrogeological calculations - calculation of time of promotion of microbic and chemical pollution of underground waters to water intake depending on hydrogeological parameters of the water-bearing horizon (coefficient of filtering, porosity, capacity of the water-bearing horizon, natural bias of flow of underground waters, etc.) and performance of water intake (the maximum size of water selection);

10) ground waters - the underground water-bearing layer, the first from the Earth's surface, lying above waterproof layer (the clay soil which is not passing water is deeper);

11) drains (horizontal and vertical) - the devices which are selecting water from limits of the water-bearing horizon;

12) the protected underground waters - the interreservoir waters (pressure head and free-flow) having the continuous waterproof roof excluding possibility of local food from the overlying not enough protected water-bearing horizons within all ZSO belts;

13) zone of sanitary protection - the territory and (or) the water area within which the specific mode of economic and other activity for the purpose of protection of source of drinking water supply, water constructions and drinking water against pollution is set;

14) infiltration water intaking constructions - the water intaking constructions which are taking away water from the filtering water-bearing layers of water source;

15) source of drinking water supply - superficial or underground water object (or its part) which waters meet the established requirements for safety and are used or can be used for fence in systems of drinking water supply;

16) interreservoir waters - the underground waters concluded between waterproof layers and which are under hydrostatic pressure;

17) pressure head interreservoir waters - the underground waters moving under pressure exceeding atmospheric pressure at the upper surface of the water-bearing horizon;

18) insufficiently protected underground waters - underground (soil) waters of the free-flow water-bearing horizon, the first from the Earth's surface, receiving food on the area of its distribution;

19) sanitary protection strip - the territory adjacent to conduit of economic and drinking water supply on all its extent and intended for prevention of pollution of water in it;


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