of January 12, 2018 No. 22
About additional measures for enhancement of procedure for use of electrical energy and natural gas
According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 29, 2017 No. UP-5059 "About Measures for Further Strengthening of Payment Discipline in the field of Delivery and Consumption of Electrical Energy and Natural Gas, and also to Radical Enhancement of System of Enforcement Proceeding" and the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 30, 2017 "About the organization of activities of Bureau of forced execution under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan" the Cabinet of Ministers decides No. PP-3016:
1. Approve:
Instructions for use electrical energy according to appendix No. 1;
Instructions for use natural gas according to appendix No. 2.
2. Determine that:
acquisition, installation, registration, periodic state checking and sealing of modern metering devices of consumption of electrical energy and natural gas to residential customers are performed at the expense of means, respectively, the companies of territorial power networks and the gas supplying organizations;
responsibility for the organization of timely and high-quality carrying out periodic state checking of metering devices of consumption of electrical energy and natural gas of residential customers is assigned, respectively, to the companies of territorial power networks and the gas supplying organizations;
connection of subjects of entrepreneurship to power and gas networks is on a turnkey basis performed at will.
3. JSC Uzbekneftegaz, JSC Uztransgaz, JSC Uzbekenergo, GI "Uzgosneftegazinspektion" and GI "Uzgosenergonadzor" ovmestno with National broadcasting company of Uzbekistan, the Agency of information and mass communications, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and the city of Tashkent to organize extended coverage in mass media of contents of the instructions for use approved by this resolution electrical energy and natural gas.
4. In a month to provide to the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with JSC Uzbekenergo approval of updated rates for electrical energy taking into account optimization of tariff customer groups according to the Instructions for use electrical energy approved by this resolution.
5. Recognize invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 3.
6. GI "Uzgosneftegazinspektion", GI "Uzgosenergonadzor" together with JSC Uzbekneftegaz, JSC Uztransgaz, JSC Uzbekenergo and the interested ministries and departments to bring the regulatory legal acts adopted by them into accord with this resolution in a month.
7. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the chairman of the board of JSC Uzbekneftegaz A. S. Sultanov, the chairman of the board of JSC Uzbekenergo U. M. Mustafoyev, the chairman of the board of JSC Uztransgaz A. S. Mustafayev, the chief of GI "Uzgosneftegazinspektion" N. T. Agzamov and the chief of GI "Uzgosenergonadzor" D. O. Isakulov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abdullah Aripov
Appendix № 1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of January 12, 2018 No. 22
1. These rules according to the Civil code of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About power industry", "About rational energy use", "About the contractual legal base of activities of business entities", "About natural monopolies", "About consumer protection" and other regulatory legal acts govern the relations in the field of delivery and consumption of electrical energy.
2. These rules are obligatory for execution of territorial power networks by the companies, consumers of electrical energy, the private operators performing functions on collection of payment for electrical energy, and also Bureau of forced execution under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Bureau).
3. In these rules the following basic concepts are applied:
emergency reservation of electric utility service - the smallest level of electric power or amount of electrical energy in case of partial or complete stop of activities of consumers for safety of the equipment, safety of life of people, preserving emergency and security lighting, ventilation, water disposal, water supply, heating, means of fire safety;
emergency operation - inadmissible variation of technology parameters of work of power generation facilities which can lead to violation of reliable functioning of single electric utility system and restriction of delivery of electrical energy to consumers;
block stations - the power plants of consumers connected directly or through power networks of consumers to single electric utility system and which are logging in supervisory control;
limit of the Section of balance sheet accessory of power network - the point of the Section of power network between the company of territorial power networks and the consumer determined by balance sheet accessory of power network;
the agreement of electric utility service - the agreement according to which the company of territorial power networks shall deliver to the consumer through the attached power network electrical energy in the presence at the consumer of the necessary equipment and metering devices of consumption of electrical energy and the consumer shall make payment for electrical energy, and also perform the relevant activities, including observance of the electric utility service of the mode of consumption of electrical energy provided by the agreement, safety of operation of the power networks which are under its authority and operability of the equipments and devices connected with consumption of electrical energy used by it;
the contractual size of consumption of electrical energy - established in the agreement of electric utility service I will eat around electrical energy (active, reactive), calculated proceeding from the capacity permitted by specifications, number of hours of use of electroinstallations and number of the working days during the corresponding settlement period;
single electric utility system - set of the companies for production of electrical energy, the high-level power networks, territorial power networks and supervisory control of them;
quality of electrical energy - compliance of parameters of electrical energy to the requirements established by state standards;
the survey meter of accounting of electrical energy - the metering device based on which indications the expense of electrical energy of certain workshops, processing lines, the power-intensive equipment, etc. used for control is determined;
the undersupplied electrical energy (underdelivery) - amount of electrical energy which was received less by the consumer during break in electric utility service, including in case of shutdown and restriction of electrical energy;
objects of electric grid economy - power line, transformer substations, distribution points intended for implementation of transfer and delivery of electrical energy;
restriction - decrease in contractual size of delivery of electrical energy to the consumer for certain period owing to implementation of the actions provided in the agreement of electric utility service, and also in case of emergency operation in power networks of the companies of the territorial power networks which arose on force majeur circumstances;
having rummaged in electric utility service (shutdown) - suspension of delivery of electrical energy to the consumer, except for the break caused by successful operation of automatic devices or shutdown of one or several utility lines for the consumers receiving electrical energy at the same time on several power lines, the consumption of electrical energy which is not leading to restriction;
planned shutdown - complete or partial suspension of delivery of electrical energy to the consumer for repair or prevention of electroinstallations of the company of territorial power networks for the schedule of scheduled preventive maintenance with the prior notice (at least in 3 days) the consumer if other is not provided by the agreement of electric utility service;
the payment document - payment request, the payment order or the electronic payment document having the structure established by rules of payment system, format of its details and containing necessary information for implementation of electronic payment, confirmed with the digital signature based on which money is transferred into the bank account of the company of territorial power networks, and also the notification (account) according to which cash payment is made. When implementing clearing settlements by means of electronic payment documents the possibility of their reproduction on paper with preserving the details necessary for implementation of electronic payment shall be provided;
the consumer of electrical energy (consumer) - the legal entity or physical person using electrical energy for production and (or) domestic needs according to the agreement of electric utility service;
the company of territorial power networks - the legal entity who has the right to sell and distribute electrical energy to consumers within area, the city, economic (industrial) zone;
the receiver of electrical energy (electroreceiver) - the installation or the device intended for acceptance and use of electrical energy;
the attached capacity of the consumer - total capacity of the transformers of the consumer attached to power network transforming electrical energy in working (directly feeding electroreceivers) tension, and electric motors over 1000 V. V cases when food of electroinstallations of consumers is made from network transformers or low-voltage power networks of the company of territorial power networks is accepted to the attached capacity of the consumer the capacity permitted to use which size is established by the company of territorial power networks and it is specified in the agreement of electric utility service;
settlement period - period of time (month) for which the expense (amount) of consumption of electrical energy shall be determined settlement between the consumer and the company of territorial power networks for the consumed electrical energy is made;
the settlement metering device of electrical energy - the metering device of electrical energy (further - the metering device) based on which indications the amount of the consumed electrical energy which is subject to payment is determined;
the system operator - the authorized structure exercising supervisory control of the technology mode of functioning of single electric utility system, the high-level power networks, and also providing its interaction with electric utility systems of other states;
the subconsumer - the consumer who is directly attached to power networks of other consumer with the consent of the company of territorial power networks and signed with it the agreement of electric utility service. By transfer of electrical energy to the subconsumer responsibility for observance of these rules is born by the consumer;
technology reservation of electric utility service - the amount of electrical energy or capacity necessary for completion of engineering procedure, production cycle;
accounting point - point of the scheme of electric utility service in which by means of the measuring device (or systems of accounting) the amount of expense of electrical energy is determined;
the electrosupplying company - the division of the company of territorial power networks performing distribution and sale of electrical energy to consumers within the area, the city, economic (industrial) zone;
electroinstallation - set of the machines, devices, power lines and the service equipment (together with constructions and rooms, in which they are established) intended for production, transformation, transfer, distribution of electrical energy and its transformation to other type of energy;
verification of the scheme of connection of the settlement metering device of electrical energy (check) - check by the authorized person of Bureau and (or) company of territorial power networks of correctness of the scheme of connection of the settlement metering device of electrical energy, measuring transformers of the consumer by tool method, with simultaneous execution of the act of the established sample and the subsequent entering of information in the corresponding register of program complex;
control removal of indications (bypass) - removal of indications of the actual expense of electrical energy from settlement metering devices of electrical energy by the authorized person of Bureau with carrying out visual survey of metering devices of electrical energy, measuring transformers, schemes of their connection and integrity of the established seals;
economic value of reactive energy - optimum value of reactive energy which exceeding leads to quality degradation of electrical energy and increase in losses of active energy in networks of the electrosupplying company;
residential customers - the population using electrical energy for domestic needs (lighting of rooms and the territory of households/apartments, use of household and other devices, food preparation, heating and hot water supply).
4. The metering devices compatible to the Automated control system and accounting by electrical energy (ASKUE) registered in the Uzstandart Agency or its territorial subdivisions having the certificate of the Republic of Uzbekistan on approval like measuring instruments are used to accounting of the consumed electrical energy.
Bureaus together with the consumer shall take monthly readings from metering devices at consumers (except residential customers) for determination of the actual amount of consumption of electrical energy and if necessary to check schemes of connection of metering devices. The basis for determination of the actual amount of the consumed electrical energy for legal entities, and also for the physical persons performing business activity is the consumption report of electrical energy of the established form provided by the consumer to the company of territorial power networks and Bureau purposely by means of fax, electronic or mail service.
In process of implementation of ASKUE removal of indications from metering devices of consumers is made according to technical parameters of the automated system, but at least once a month or according to the request of the consumer.
The companies of territorial power networks on permanent basis provide forming and transfer in real time to system of interdepartmental electronic interaction of the disaggregated information on condition of personal account and metering devices.
5. The consumer can attach to the power networks belonging to him additional electroinstallations up to 1000 V within the permitted capacity (except application of electrical energy for needs of heating and hot water supply).
6. The state control of observance of requirements of the regulatory legal acts and technical rules and regulations accepted in the field of production, transfer, distribution and consumption of electrical energy is performed by Uzenergoinspektion according to the legislation.
7. Uzenergoinspektion has the right in accordance with the established procedure to stop delivery of electrical energy in the presence of the facts of its wasteful expenditure and unsatisfactory technical condition of electroinstallations of the consumer menacing with accident or creating threat of life of people.
In case of identification by Uzenergoinspektion at the consumer of the facts of irrational energy use, failure to carry out of organizational and technical actions for economy of electrical energy the company of territorial power networks has the right to reduce the contractual size of consumption of electrical energy, proceeding from the elicited facts of irrational use of electrical energy.
8. The break or restriction in delivery of electrical energy without approval and without the prevention of the consumer, but with its immediate notification in case of need of acceptance of the urgent measures connected with prevention and accident elimination on objects of electric grid economy by the company of territorial power networks is allowed.
9. The suspension of delivery of electrical energy (regardless of the reasons) for the period of automatic implementation of the mutually reserving power supplies or repeated automatic recovery of the main food provided by the project of electric utility service of object is not considered break in electric utility service.
10. Energy supervision of the electroinstallations operated by special rules is performed by authorized state bodies according to the legislation.
11. Implementation of the state energy supervision does not exempt consumers from liability for ensuring proper technical condition and safety of the operated power networks, the equipment and devices, observance of the set mode of consumption of electrical energy, and also from obligation immediately to notify the companies of territorial power networks on the accidents, the fires, defects of the equipment, metering devices and other violations arising when using electrical energy.
12. Requirements to technical condition and operation of power networks, the equipment and devices, and also procedure of control of their observance are determined by the legislation in the field of power industry.
13. Ceased to be valid according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 20.10.2018 No. 838
14. The forecast of consumption of electrical energy of the republic is determined by the companies of territorial power networks on the basis of the amounts of requirement specified in the signed agreements of electric utility service with each consumer taking into account economic development, growth of the population and housing construction.
15. The forecast of intra-branch consumption of electrical energy of power generation facilities (own and production needs of the companies for production of electrical energy, the technology expense of electrical energy on its transfer on objects of electric grid economy approved in accordance with the established procedure) is generalized annually till October 1 and is included balance of production and consumption of electrical energy the forthcoming year.
16. Annually till October 1 of the company for production of electrical energy inform the Department of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Ministry of Energy), JSC Natsionalnye elektricheskiye seti Uzbekistana and JSC Thermal Power Plants on the available capacities and the production forecast of electrical energy the forthcoming year.
17. JSC Natsionalnye elektricheskiye seti Uzbekistana together with JSC Thermal Power Plants, JSC Uzbekgidroenergo and JSC Regionalnye elektricheskiye seti is created by forecast parameters of balance of production and consumption of electrical energy the forthcoming year with breakdown on quarters and represent it to the Ministry of Energy for further introduction till October 15 of the current year into the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
JSC Natsionalnye elektricheskiye seti Uzbekistana, JSC Thermal Power Plants, JSC Uzbekgidroenergo and JSC Regionalnye elektricheskiye seti bring at the scheduled time to jurisdictional enterprises annual forecast figures of production, transfer and distribution of electrical energy with breakdown on quarters for the considered year according to the balance of production and consumption of electrical energy approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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