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of February 3, 2018 No. 19

About National Society of Red Crescent of the Kyrgyz Republic

(as amended of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 04.11.2022 No. 103)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on December 27, 2017

Article 1. Subject of regulation of this Law

This Law determines the organizational and legal basis of activities of National Society of Red Crescent of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - Society of Red Crescent), regulates forms of relation of Society of Red Crescent with state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic and other organizations.

Article 2. The basic concepts used in this Law

In this Law the following basic concepts are used:

1) humanitarian activities - activities for the purpose of rescuing of human lives, relief of sufferings and providing respect of human dignity in the context of anthropogenous crises and natural disasters, and also prevention of such situations and strengthening of preparation for them. It includes protection of the civilians and persons who are not taking part in fighting, and also provision of food, water and the sanitary help, the shelter, medical services and other objects of the help for simplification of their return to usual vital conditions;

2) the volunteer - the physical person acting of own will, but not from material or financial interest or under the influence of external social, economic or political pressure;

3) the International movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (further - Movement) - organizational form of permanent interaction between the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Federation of societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the societies of the Red Cross or Red Crescent recognized by them for the purpose of the most effective implementation of humanitarian activities by them;

4) the International Federation of societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent (further - Federation) - the international non-governmental humanitarian organization created for the purpose of the international coordination of humanitarian activities of societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and consisting of all societies of the Red Cross or Red Crescent.

Article 3. Society of Red Crescent

1. Society of Red Crescent is recognized the single national organization of Movement in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic playing supporting role and performing assistance to state bodies in the field of rendering humanitarian, financial, medical, public, psychological and other assistance.

Society of Red Crescent can also render the help types specified in paragraph one of this part both in peace time, and during emergency situations and armed conflict.

2. Society of Red Crescent is legal successor of the Red Cross Kyrgyz the ASSR formed on October 6, 1926 and the Movement component, and also the full-fledged member of Federation.

Article 4. Legal basis of activities of Society of Red Crescent

Activities of Society of Red Crescent are based on the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, this Law and other corresponding regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, and also international treaties which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 5. Principles of activities of Society of Red Crescent

Society of Red Crescent in the activities is guided by the following fundamental principles of Movement:

1) humanity - the aspiration to give help to all victims without exception or preference, to try under any circumstances, both on international, and on national levels, to prevent or alleviate suffering of the person, to protect life of people and to provide respect of the personality, and also to promote achievement of mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and consolidation of peace between the people;

2) impartiality - freedom from national, racial, religious prejudices and class political convictions;

3) neutrality - rejection of someone's party in armed conflicts and not introduction in disputes of political, racial, religious nature for the purpose of preserving general trust;

4) independence - rendering by Society Red Crescent of humanitarian, financial, medical, public, psychological and other assistance of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Cabinet of Ministers according to the current legislation, based on the fundamental principles of Movement;

5) voluntariness - activities for assistance which are not directed to receipt of benefit;

6) unity - availability only of one Society of Red Crescent in the territory of the country;

7) universality - The movement consisting of the societies having the equal status and bearing identical responsibility is world.

Article 6. Tasks of Society of Red Crescent

Society of Red Crescent as the auxiliary organization for state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic within the competence and according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic carries out the following tasks:

1) participation in carrying out in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic of the actions for public health care including directed to relief of sufferings of the person;

2) the organization in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic of the help to the victims of armed conflicts, other situations of violence, and also to persons injured with emergency situations of natural and technogenic nature;

3) participation in implementation of care of various categories of citizens, rendering humanitarian, financial, medical, public, psychological and other assistance to the needing persons;

4) distribution of knowledge of international humanitarian law;

5) ensuring accomplishment of other tasks following from the principles is also more whole than Society of Red Crescent.

Article 7. Main activities of Society of Red Crescent

For the purpose of accomplishment of the tasks specified in article 6 of this Law, Society of Red Crescent according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic and within the competence:

1) participates in holding actions for prevention of infectious and noninfectious diseases among vulnerable segments of the population in coordination with authorized state body of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of health care;

2) according to international standards and recommendations, and also taking into account recommendations of state bodies in the field of health care of the Kyrgyz Republic will be organized by training in skills of the first pre-medical aid of employees of the private and state organizations and organizations facing by the nature of the activities victims or sharply sick people;

3) together with authorized state body of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of health care participates in the organization of donorship of blood and its components in peace time and during armed conflicts, propagandizes among the population non-paid blood donation and its components for the medical purposes;

4) participates in rendering medical and sanitary, psychological and other medico-public assistance to persons needing it together with state bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic;

5) participates in implementation of care of persons in need at home, assistance to vulnerable segments of the population;


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