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of January 9, 2006 No. UP-3709

About measures for deepening of economic reforms in fruit-and-vegetable growing and wine growing

(as amended on 16-08-2024)

1. Consider the most important conditions of further development, increase in efficiency and quality of production and complex conversion, and also creation of necessary base for export of fruit and vegetable products and grapes in the country:

b) expansion of the rights and independence of farmers in production organization of the agricultural products, the order results of the work made by products and the income and also increase in their legal responsibility for accomplishment of contractual commitments and rational use of land and water resources;

c) forming on voluntary basis farms of the agro-industrial firms based on use of flexible, modern mini-technologies of conversion of agricultural products, including with participation of foreign investors, upgrade of the operating processing enterprises, expansion of export of fruit and vegetable products;

d) creation in the territory of the reorganized shirkat of necessary production and market infrastructure - alternative machine fleets of tractors, associations of water consumers, Items on realization of fuels and lubricants and fertilizers, mini-banks, Items on production and realization of container.

2. Establish procedure in case of which:

a) creation of farms on acreage of the reorganized plodoovoshchevodchesky and vinogradarsky shirkat is performed by the special commissions by carrying out open and public tenders by results of which the right of the winner belongs, with other things being equal, to the members of shirkat working on the terms of family contract at this site;

b) gardens and vineyards are implemented to farmers on biddings for participation in which the applicants having certain years of service and skills of work in this sphere are allowed;

c) the parcels of land on which gardens and vineyards are located are leased to winners of auctions without the right of donation, sale, pledge, exchange and transfer to the sublease;

d) the means arriving from realization at auction of gardens and vineyards go, first of all, for repayment of accounts payable of the reorganized shirkat, with distribution of the remained means among unitholders of shirkat is pro rata to their shares.

3. Determine that:

a) the farms created based on the reorganized shirkat perform the activities on the principles of cost accounting and complete self-sufficiency;

b) in case of violation by the farmer of the land legislation, inappropriate and irrational use of land resources, and also failure to meet requirements of the agreement of long-term lease of the parcels of land the agreement can be terminated ahead of schedule through court in accordance with the established procedure;

c) employment relationships in farm with workers, including members of the family of the owner, and also temporarily (seasonally) the hired citizens, are regulated by the conclusion of employment contracts (contracts);

d) relations of plodoovoshchevodchesky and vinogradarsky farms with processing enterprises and the servicing structures are performed on the basis of the signed long-term agreements, including fyyuchersky, without intervention from local authorities of management.

4. To Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokimiyats of areas and areas, business entities during the forming and the organization of activities of agro-industrial firms it is strict to be guided by the following basic principles:

a) agricultural firms are created by farms on voluntary basis, at the same time the companies for conversion of fruit and vegetable and vinogradarsky products having stable economic bonds and advanced technologies of production, and also located in the nearby territory can be part of founders along with farmers;

b) agricultural firms can be created in any form of business, including creation of joint businesses with the foreign investor;

c) relations of farms with the overworking and other companies being part of agricultural firm are performed on the basis of the signed long-term agreements;

d) farms - founders of agricultural firm - sell the agricultural products made over the agreement, at discretion on the domestic market and export.

The republican commission on deepening of economic reforms in agricultural industry (Mirziyoev) with involvement of the interested ministries and departments to develop and bring in the Cabinet of Ministers Regulations on procedure for forming and the organization of activities of agro-industrial firms in the field of fruit-and-vegetable growing and wine growing in a month.

5. Ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of 30.12.2011 No. UP-4399\

6. To the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan to introduce the draft of the resolution and specific organizational actions providing fulfillment of requirements and provisions of this Decree to week time.

At the same time critically to review management structure of HK "Uzplodoovoshvinprom-holding", meaning that behind the company remain management function and coordination of activities of the companies for production of alcohol, alcoholic beverage and wine-making products, and the companies of the canning industry function independently, with possible participation in structure of agricultural firms.

7. To impose control of execution of this Decree on the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Mirziyoev Sh. M.

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan

I. Karimov


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