of January 16, 2018 No. 3
About structure and format of adjustment of the declaration on goods
According to item 4 of Article 112 of the Customs code of the Eurasian Economic Union the Board of the Eurasian economic commission solved:
1. Approve the enclosed structure and format of adjustment of the declaration on goods.
2. Ask state members of the Eurasian Economic Union to provide application of structure and the format approved by this Decision since February 1, 2019.
3. Declare invalid the paragraph third Item 1 of the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of November 12, 2013 No. 254 "About structures and formats of electronic copies of customs papers" since February 1, 2019.
4. This Decision becomes effective after 30 calendar days from the date of its official publication.
Acting Chairman of Board of the Eurasian economic commission
K. Minasyan
Approved by the Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of January 16, 2018 No. 3
1. This document determines structure and format of adjustment of the declaration on goods in the form of the electronic document (further - electronic adjustment of the declaration) and electronic type of adjustment of the declaration on goods in document type on paper (further - electronic type of adjustment of the declaration).
2. Electronic adjustment of the declaration is signed by the digital signature (digital signature).
For the purposes of cross-border exchange electronic adjustment of the declaration is signed by the digital signature (digital signature) according to Regulations on exchange of electronic documents in case of cross-border interaction of public authorities of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union among themselves and with the Eurasian economic commission, the approved Decision of Board of the Eurasian economic commission of September 28, 2015 No. 125, and for use in the territory of one state member of the Eurasian Economic Union - according to the legislation of this state.
3. The concepts used hereunder are applied in the values defined by the international treaties and acts constituting the right of the Eurasian Economic Union.
The reducings used hereunder mean the following:
"XML" - the extensible markup language recommended by Consortium of the World wide web (W3C);
"state member" - the state which is the member of the Eurasian Economic Union;
"Code" - Customs code of the Eurasian Economic Union;
"the register of NSI of the Union" - the register of normative reference information of the Eurasian Economic Union;
"Union" - the Eurasian Economic Union;
"CN FEA EEU" - the single Commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity of the Eurasian Economic Union.
4. Electronic adjustment of the declaration and electronic type of adjustment of the declaration are created according to structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods determined by the this document in XML format taking into account requirements of the following standards:
"Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition)" - is published on the Internet to the address: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml;
"Namespaces i№XML" - is published on the Internet to the address: http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml-names;
"XML Schema Part 1: Structures" and "XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes" - are published on the Internet to addresses: http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-1/ and http://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema-2/.
5. The structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods is given in tabular form with indication of general information of structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods, the imported namespaces (namespaces which objects are used when designing objects of namespace of structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods), rekvizitny structure of structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods taking into account hierarchy levels up to simple (atomic) details.
6. General information about structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods is given in table 1.
Table 1
General information about structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods
N of payment order |
Designation of element |
Description |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
Name |
adjustment of the declaration on goods |
2 |
Identifier |
R.037 |
3 |
Version |
1.4.0 |
4 |
Determination |
adjustment of the declaration on goods |
5 |
Use |
- |
6 |
Namespace identifier |
urn:EEC:R:037:GoodsDeclarationCorrection:v1.4.0 |
7 |
Root element of the XML document |
GoodsDeclarationCorrection |
8 |
Name of the file of the XML scheme |
EEC_R_037_GoodsDeclarationCorrection_v1.4.0.xsd |
7. The imported namespaces are given in table 2.
Table 2
The imported namespaces
N of payment order |
Namespace identifier |
Prefix |
1 |
2 |
3 |
1 |
urn:EEC:M:CA:ComplexDataObjects:vX.X.X |
cacdo |
2 |
urn:EEC:M:CA:SimpleDataObjects:vX.X.X |
casdo |
3 |
urn:EEC:M:ComplexDataObjects:vX.X.X |
ccdo |
4 |
urn:EEC:M:SimpleDataObjects:vX.X.X |
csdo |
X.X.X symbols in the imported namespaces correspond to numbers of versions of components of model of the data used in case of development of structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods.
8. The Rekvizitny structure of structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods is brought in table 3.
In the table the following fields (graphs) are created:
"detail name" - the settled or official verbal designation of detail;
"the description of detail" - the text explaining sense (semantics) of detail;
"identifier" - the identifier of the element of the data this in model corresponding to detail;
"type of data" - data on the object of model of data setting area of values of detail;
"¼¡". - plurality of details (obligation (optionality) and the number of possible repeatings of detail);
"note" - the text explaining filling of detail.
For specifying of plurality of details the following designations are used:
1 - the detail is obligatory, repeatings are not allowed;
n - the detail is obligatory, n of times (n> 1) shall repeat;
1.* - the detail is obligatory, can repeat without restrictions;
n.* - the detail is obligatory, at least n of times (n> 1) shall repeat;
n. m - the detail is obligatory, at least n of times of no more m of times (n> 1, of m> n shall repeat);
0. 1 - props are optional, repeatings are not allowed;
0.* - the props are optional, can repeat without restrictions;
0. m - the props are optional, can repeat no more m of times (m> 1).
Table 3
Rekvizitny structure of structure of adjustment of the declaration on goods
Detail name |
Description of detail |
Identifier |
Type of data |
Мн. |
Note <*> | ||||||||
1. Code of the electronic document (data) (csdo:EDocCode) |
specification symbol of the electronic document (data) according to the register of structures of electronic documents and data |
M.SDE.90001 |
csdo:EDocCodeType (M.SDT.90001) Code value according to the register of structures of electronic documents and data. Template: R (\. [A-Z] { 2}\\. [A-Z] { 2}\\. [0-9] {2})? \. [0-9] {3} |
1 |
the detail shall contain R.037 value | ||||||||
2. Identifier of the electronic document (data) (csdo:EDocId) |
the line of symbols which is unambiguously identifying the electronic document (data) |
M.SDE.90007 |
csdo:UniversallyUniqueIdType (M.SDT.90003) Value of the identifier according to ISO/IEC 9834-8. Template: [0-9a-fA-F] {8} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {12} |
1 |
value of detail shall correspond to template: [0-9a-fA-F] {8} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {12} | ||||||||
3. Identifier of the initial electronic document (data) (csdo:EDocRefId) |
the identifier of the electronic document (data) in response to which this electronic document (data) was created |
M.SDE.90008 |
csdo:UniversallyUniqueIdType (M.SDT.90003) Value of the identifier according to ISO/IEC 9834-8. Template: [0-9a-fA-F] {8} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {12} |
0. 1 |
value of detail in case of its filling shall correspond to template: [0-9a-fA-F] {8} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {4} - [0-9a-fA-F] {12} | ||||||||
4. Date and time of the electronic document (data) (csdo:EDocDateTime) |
date and time of creation of the electronic document (data) |
M.SDE.90002 |
bdt:DateTimeType (M.BDT.00006) Designation of date and time according to GOST ISO 8601-2001 |
1 |
value of detail shall contain date of forming of the electronic document (data) in the form of value of the local time with indication of difference with the World time given according to template: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.ccc+/-hh:mm, where ccc - the symbols designating value of milliseconds (can be absent) | ||||||||
5. Sequence number (csdo:ObjectOrdinal) |
sequence number of adjustment of the declaration on goods |
M.SDE.00148 |
csdo:Ordinal3Type (M.SDT.00105) The whole non-negative number in decimal numeral system. Max. number of figures: 3 |
1 |
6. Registration number of the customs paper (cacdo:CustomsDeclarationIdDetails) |
registration number of the declaration on goods |
M.CA.CDE.00291 |
cacdo:CustomsDocumentIdDetailsType (M.CA.CDT.00258) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
1 |
6.1. Code of customs authority (csdo:CustomsOfficeCode) |
specification symbol of customs authority |
M.SDE.00255 |
csdo:CustomsOfficeCodeType (M.SDT.00184) Code value according to the qualifier of customs authorities of state members of the Eurasian Economic Union. Template: [0-9] {2} | [0-9] {5} | [0-9] {8} |
1 |
6.2. Document date (csdo:DocCreationDate) |
registration date of the document |
M.SDE.00045 |
bdt:DateType (M.BDT.00005) Designation of date according to GOST ISO 8601-2001 |
1 |
value of detail shall be given according to template: YYYY-MM-DD | ||||||||
6.3. Number of the customs paper according to the magazine of registration (casdo:CustomsDocumentId) |
number of the customs paper according to the magazine of registration |
M.CA.SDE.00478 |
casdo:CustomsDocumentIdType (M.CA.SDT.00118) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 5. Max. length: 7 |
1 |
7. Declaration type (casdo:DeclarationKindCode) |
declaration type |
M.CA.SDE.00687 |
csdo:Code2Type (M.SDT.00170) The normalized line of symbols. Length: 2 |
1 |
the detail shall contain one of the following values: "IT", "EK" | ||||||||
8. Code of customs procedure (casdo:CustomsProcedureCode) |
specification symbol of the declared customs procedure |
M.CA.SDE.00086 |
casdo:CustomsProcedureCodeType (M.CA.SDT.00043) Code value of type of customs procedure according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Length: 2 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall contain code value according to the qualifier of types of customs procedures or 00 value - in case of customs declaring of supplies | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
the attribute shall contain 2002 value | ||||||||
9. Code of feature of customs declaring (casdo:DeclarationFeatureCode) |
specification symbol of feature of customs declaration of goods |
M.CA.SDE.00136 |
casdo:DeclarationFeatureCodeType (M.CA.SDT.00192) Code value of feature of customs declaration of goods according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Length: 3 |
0. 1 |
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
in case of filling of the detail "Code of Feature of Customs Declaring (Casdo:DeclarationFeatureCode)" the attribute shall contain 2007 value | ||||||||
10. Sign of the electronic document (casdo:EDocIndicatorCode) |
sign of the electronic document |
M.CA.SDE.00135 |
casdo:EDocIndicatorCodeType (M.CA.SDT.00201) Specification symbol of sign of submission of the electronic document. Template: (ED) | (OO) |
1 |
the detail shall contain one of the following values: ED - if adjustment of the declaration on goods is created in the form of the electronic document; OO - in other cases | ||||||||
11. Code of use of documents as the customs declaration (casdo:DocUsageCode) |
specification symbol of use of transport (transportation), business and (or) other documents as the declaration on goods or the transit declaration |
M.CA.SDE.00558 |
csdo:Code1to3Type (M.SDT.00314) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 3 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall contain SD value - when using as the declaration on goods of transport (transportation), business and (or) other documents. In other cases the detail is not filled | ||||||||
12. Number of sheets (csdo:PageQuantity) |
total quantity of sheets in the document |
M.SDE.00018 |
csdo:Quantity4Type (M.SDT.00097) The whole non-negative number in decimal numeral system. Max. number of figures: 4 |
0. 1 |
13. Number of shipping specifications (casdo:LoadingListsQuantity) |
number of shipping specifications or transport (transportation), business and (or) other documents |
M.CA.SDE.00200 |
csdo:Quantity5Type (M.SDT.00155) The whole non-negative number in decimal numeral system. Max. number of figures: 5 |
0. 1 |
14. Number of sheets of shipping specifications (casdo:LoadingListsPageQuantity) |
number of sheets of shipping specifications or transport (transportation), business and (or) other documents |
M.CA.SDE.00137 |
csdo:Quantity5Type (M.SDT.00155) The whole non-negative number in decimal numeral system. Max. number of figures: 5 |
0. 1 |
15. Goods quantity (casdo:GoodsQuantity) |
quantity (number) of the declared goods in the declaration on goods |
M.CA.SDE.00705 |
csdo:Quantity5Type (M.SDT.00155) The whole non-negative number in decimal numeral system. Max. number of figures: 5 |
0. 1 |
16. Goods quantity in adjustment of the declaration on goods (casdo:GDCGoodsQuantity) |
quantity (number) of goods in adjustment of the declaration on goods |
M.CA.SDE.01199 |
csdo:Quantity5Type (M.SDT.00155) The whole non-negative number in decimal numeral system. Max. number of figures: 5 |
0. 1 |
the detail is used in the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation | ||||||||
17. Quantity of cargo pieces (casdo:CargoQuantity) |
total quantity of cargo pieces |
M.CA.SDE.00707 |
csdo:Quantity8Type (M.SDT.00156) The whole non-negative number in decimal numeral system. Max. number of figures: 8 |
0. 1 |
18. Customs applicant (applicant) (cacdo:DeclarantDetails) |
information about the customs applicant (applicant) |
M.CA.CDE.00140 |
cacdo:DeclarantDetailsType (M.CA.CDT.00457) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
1 |
for specifying of the name of the subject one of details shall be filled: "Name of subject (csdo:SubjectName)" or "The short name of subject (csdo:SubjectBriefName)" | ||||||||
18.1. Country code (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode) |
specification symbol of country of incorporation of the subject |
M.SDE.00162 |
csdo:UnifiedCountryCodeType (M.SDT.00112) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Template: [A-Z]{2} |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
18.2. Name of the subject (csdo:SubjectName) |
full name of business entity or surname, name and middle name of physical person |
M.SDE.00224 |
csdo:Name300Type (M.SDT.00056) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 300 |
0. 1 |
value of detail in case of its filling shall include data on form of business of the subject (in case of their availability) | ||||||||
18.3. Short name of the subject (csdo:SubjectBriefName) |
abbreviated name of business entity or surname, name and middle name of physical person |
M.SDE.00225 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
value of detail in case of its filling shall include data on form of business of the subject (in case of their availability) | ||||||||
18.4. Code of form of business (csdo:BusinessEntityTypeCode) |
specification symbol of form of business in which the business entity is registered |
M.SDE.00023 |
csdo:UnifiedCode20Type (M.SDT.00140) Code value according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
18.5. Name of form of business (csdo:BusinessEntityTypeName) |
the name of form of business in which the business entity is registered |
M.SDE.00090 |
csdo:Name300Type (M.SDT.00056) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 300 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
18.6. Identifier of business entity (csdo:BusinessEntityId) |
number (code) of record according to the register (register) assigned in case of state registration |
M.SDE.00189 |
csdo:BusinessEntityIdType (M.SDT.00157) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail is used in the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. The detail is intended for specifying of the following data: in the Kyrgyz Republic - code of the All-republican qualifier of the companies and organizations (RCBO); in the Russian Federation - the primary state registration number (PSRN) or the primary state registration number of the individual entrepreneur (PSRNIE) | ||||||||
a) identification method (kindId attribute) |
method of identification of business entities |
- |
csdo:BusinessEntityIdKindIdType (M.SDT.00158) Value of the identifier from the reference book of methods of identification of business entities |
1 |
in case of filling of the detail "Identifier of Business Entity (Csdo:BusinessEntityId)" the attribute shall contain specification symbol of type of number (code) of record according to the state register (register) according to the reference book of methods of identification of business entities in case of their state registration in state members of the Eurasian Economic Union | ||||||||
18.7. Unique identification customs number (casdo:CAUniqueCustomsNumberId) |
data about identification (unique identification) customs number |
M.CA.SDE.00626 |
casdo:CAUniqueCustomsNumberIdType (M.CA.SDT.00188) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 40 |
0. 1 |
the detail is used in the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation. In the Republic of Armenia and the Russian Federation the detail is intended for specifying of data according to paragraphs to the fifth and sixth (after the table) the subitem 12 of Item 15 of the Procedure for filling of the declaration on goods. In the Republic of Kazakhstan the detail is intended for specifying of the identification customs number (ICN) according to the qualifier of forming of identification customs number | ||||||||
a) country code (countryCode attribute) |
specification symbol of the country by which rules the specified identification number is created |
- |
csdo:UnqualifiedCountryCodeType (M.SDT.00159) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Template: [A-Z]{2} |
0. 1 |
in case of filling of the detail "Unique Identification Customs Number (Casdo:CAUniqueCustomsNumberId)" the attribute shall contain: in the Republic of Armenia AM value; in the Republic of Kazakhstan KZ value; in the Russian Federation RU value | ||||||||
b) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (countryCodeListId attribute) |
identifier of the qualifier of the countries of the world |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
in case of filling of Country Code (CountryCode Attribute) attribute the attribute shall contain 2021 value | ||||||||
18.8. Identifier of the taxpayer (csdo:TaxpayerId) |
the subject's identifier in the register of taxpayers of country of incorporation of the taxpayer |
M.SDE.00025 |
csdo:TaxpayerIdType (M.SDT.00025) Value of the identifier according to the rules accepted in country of incorporation of the taxpayer. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail is intended for specifying of the following data: in the Republic of Armenia - the accounting taxpayer number (ATN); in the Republic of Belarus - the accounting number of the payer (ANP); in the Republic of Kazakhstan - the business and identification number (BIN); in the Kyrgyz Republic - the tax ID number (TIN); in the Russian Federation - the identification taxpayer number (ITN) | ||||||||
18.9. Reason code of registration (csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode) |
the code identifying the reason of statement of the subject on tax accounting in the Russian Federation |
M.SDE.00030 |
csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCodeType (M.SDT.00030) The normalized line of symbols. Template: \d {9} |
0. 1 |
18:10. Identifier of physical person (casdo:PersonId) |
unique identifier of physical person |
M.CA.SDE.00129 |
casdo:PersonIdType (M.CA.SDT.00190) Value of the identifier according to the rules accepted in country of incorporation of physical person. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail is used in the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic. The detail is intended for specifying of the following data: in the Republic of Armenia - the registration plate of public services (RPPS) or number of the certificate of lack of NZOU; in the Republic of Belarus - identification number; in the Republic of Kazakhstan - the individual identification number (IIN) or the unique identification number (UIN); in the Kyrgyz Republic - the personal identification number (PIN) | ||||||||
18:11. Identity certificate (ccdo:IdentityDocV3Details) |
data on the identity document of physical person |
M.CDE.00056 |
ccdo:IdentityDocDetailsV3Type (M.CDT.00062) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0. 1 |
18.11.1. Country code (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode) |
specification symbol of the country |
M.SDE.00162 |
csdo:UnifiedCountryCodeType (M.SDT.00112) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Template: [A-Z]{2} |
1 |
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
the attribute shall contain 2021 value | ||||||||
18.11.2. Code of the document type proving the identity (csdo:IdentityDocKindCode) |
specification symbol of the document type proving the identity |
M.SDE.00136 |
csdo:IdentityDocKindCodeType (M.SDT.00098) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall be filled | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the attribute shall contain 2053 value | ||||||||
18.11.3. Name of document type (csdo:DocKindName) |
name of document type |
M.SDE.00095 |
csdo:Name500Type (M.SDT.00134) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 500 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
18.11.4. Document series (csdo:DocSeriesId) |
digital or alphanumeric designation of series of the document |
M.SDE.00157 |
csdo:Id20Type (M.SDT.00092) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
18.11.5. Document number (csdo:DocId) |
the digital or alphanumeric designation appropriated to the document in case of its registration |
M.SDE.00044 |
csdo:Id50Type (M.SDT.00093) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 50 |
1 |
18.11.6. Document date (csdo:DocCreationDate) |
date of issue, signings, approvals or registration of the document |
M.SDE.00045 |
bdt:DateType (M.BDT.00005) Designation of date according to GOST ISO 8601-2001 |
0. 1 |
value of detail shall be given according to template: YYYY-MM-DD | ||||||||
18.11.7. Expiry date of the document (csdo:DocValidityDate) |
end date of term during which the document is valid |
M.SDE.00052 |
bdt:DateType (M.BDT.00005) Designation of date according to GOST ISO 8601-2001 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
18.11.8. Identifier of authorized body (csdo:AuthorityId) |
the line identifying public authority or the organization authorized by it which issued the document |
M.SDE.00068 |
csdo:Id20Type (M.SDT.00092) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
18.11.9. Name of authorized body (csdo:AuthorityName) |
full name of public authority or the organization authorized by it which issued the document |
M.SDE.00066 |
csdo:Name300Type (M.SDT.00056) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 300 |
0. 1 |
18:12. Address (ccdo:SubjectAddressDetails) |
address |
M.CDE.00058 |
ccdo:SubjectAddressDetailsType (M.CDT.00064) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0.* |
when filling the detail "Address (Ccdo:SubjectAddressDetails)" only one copy of detail shall be created | ||||||||
18.12.1. Address type code (csdo:AddressKindCode) |
specification symbol of type of the address |
M.SDE.00192 |
csdo:AddressKindCodeType (M.SDT.00162) Code value according to the reference book of types of addresses. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall accept value "1" - registration address | ||||||||
18.12.2. Country code (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode) |
specification symbol of the country |
M.SDE.00162 |
csdo:UnifiedCountryCodeType (M.SDT.00112) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Template: [A-Z]{2} |
0. 1 |
the detail shall be filled | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
the attribute shall contain 2021 value | ||||||||
18.12.3. Territory code (csdo:TerritoryCode) |
code of unit of administrative-territorial division |
M.SDE.00031 |
csdo:TerritoryCodeType (M.SDT.00031) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 17 |
0. 1 |
the detail is used in the Kyrgyz Republic | ||||||||
18.12.4. Region (csdo:RegionName) |
name of unit of administrative-territorial division of the first level |
M.SDE.00007 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
18.12.5. Area (csdo:DistrictName) |
name of unit of administrative-territorial division of the second level |
M.SDE.00008 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
18.12.6. City (csdo:CityName) |
name of the city |
M.SDE.00009 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
18.12.7. Settlement (csdo:SettlementName) |
name of the settlement |
M.SDE.00057 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
the detail in case of its filling shall contain the name of the settlement other than value of the detail "City (Csdo:CityName)" | ||||||||
18.12.8. Street (csdo:StreetName) |
name of element of street road net of city infrastructure |
M.SDE.00010 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
18.12.9. House number (csdo:BuildingNumberId) |
designation of the house, case, structure |
M.SDE.00011 |
csdo:Id50Type (M.SDT.00093) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 50 |
0. 1 |
18.12.10. Number of the room (csdo:RoomNumberId) |
designation of office or apartment |
M.SDE.00012 |
csdo:Id20Type (M.SDT.00092) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
18.12.11. Postal index (csdo:PostCode) |
postal index of the company of mail service |
M.SDE.00006 |
csdo:PostCodeType (M.SDT.00006) The normalized line of symbols. Template: [A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9-] {1,8}[A-Z0-9] |
0. 1 |
18.12.12. Number of post office box (csdo:PostOfficeBoxId) |
number of post office box at the company of mail service |
M.SDE.00013 |
csdo:Id20Type (M.SDT.00092) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
18:13. Contact detail (ccdo:CommunicationDetails) |
contact detail of the subject |
M.CDE.00003 |
ccdo:CommunicationDetailsType (M.CDT.00003) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0.* |
18.13.1. Communication type code (csdo:CommunicationChannelCode) |
specification symbol of type of means (channel) of communication (phone, fax, e-mail, etc.) |
M.SDE.00014 |
csdo:CommunicationChannelCodeV2Type (M.SDT.00163) Code value according to the reference book of types of communication. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall contain one of the following values: AO - the single index of resource on the Internet (URL); EM - e-mail; FX - the telefax; TE - phone; TG - telegraph; TL - telex | ||||||||
18.13.2. Name of type of communication (csdo:CommunicationChannelName) |
name of type of means (channel) of communication (phone, fax, e-mail, etc.) |
M.SDE.00093 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall be filled | ||||||||
18.13.3. Communication channel identifier (csdo:CommunicationChannelId) |
the sequence of symbols identifying communication channel (specifying of phone number, the fax, the e-mail address, etc.) |
M.SDE.00015 |
csdo:CommunicationChannelIdType (M.SDT.00015) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 1000 |
1.* |
if the detail "Code of Type of Communication (Csdo:CommunicationChannelCode)" contains TE or FX value, the detail "Identifier of Communication Channel (Csdo:CommunicationChannelId)" shall contain the value given according to template: +CCC PP HHHH, where CCC - country code (from 1 to 3 figures), PP - national code of destination (at least 2 figures (code of the city, settlement, etc.)) or code of mobile operator, HHHH - subscriber number (at least 4 figures). Divider between groups of symbols is the space. Length of value of detail shall constitute no more than 15 figures (+ symbol" and spaces are not considered). Other symbols and dividers are not allowed | ||||||||
18:14. Separate division (cacdo:SubjectBranchDetails) |
data on separate division |
M.CA.CDE.00465 |
cacdo:CAOrganizationType (M.CA.CDT.00298) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0. 1 |
for specifying of the name of separate division one of details shall be filled: "Name of subject (csdo:SubjectName)" or "The short name of subject (csdo:SubjectBriefName)" | ||||||||
18.14.1. Country code (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode) |
specification symbol of country of incorporation of the subject |
M.SDE.00162 |
csdo:UnifiedCountryCodeType (M.SDT.00112) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Template: [A-Z]{2} |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
18.14.2. Name of the subject (csdo:SubjectName) |
full name of business entity or surname, name and middle name of physical person |
M.SDE.00224 |
csdo:Name300Type (M.SDT.00056) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 300 |
0. 1 |
value of detail in case of its filling shall include data on form of business of the subject (in case of their availability) | ||||||||
18.14.3. Short name of the subject (csdo:SubjectBriefName) |
abbreviated name of business entity or surname, name and middle name of physical person |
M.SDE.00225 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
value of detail in case of its filling shall include data on form of business of the subject (in case of their availability) | ||||||||
18.14.4. Code of form of business (csdo:BusinessEntityTypeCode) |
specification symbol of form of business in which the business entity is registered |
M.SDE.00023 |
csdo:UnifiedCode20Type (M.SDT.00140) Code value according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
18.14.5. Name of form of business (csdo:BusinessEntityTypeName) |
the name of form of business in which the business entity is registered |
M.SDE.00090 |
csdo:Name300Type (M.SDT.00056) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 300 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
18.14.6. Identifier of business entity (csdo:BusinessEntityId) |
number (code) of record according to the register (register) assigned in case of state registration |
M.SDE.00189 |
csdo:BusinessEntityIdType (M.SDT.00157) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
a) identification method (kindId attribute) |
method of identification of business entities |
- |
csdo:BusinessEntityIdKindIdType (M.SDT.00158) Value of the identifier from the reference book of methods of identification of business entities |
1 |
18.14.7. Unique identification customs number (casdo:CAUniqueCustomsNumberId) |
data about identification (unique identification) customs number |
M.CA.SDE.00626 |
casdo:CAUniqueCustomsNumberIdType (M.CA.SDT.00188) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 40 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
a) country code (countryCode attribute) |
specification symbol of the country by which rules the specified identification number is created |
- |
csdo:UnqualifiedCountryCodeType (M.SDT.00159) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Template: [A-Z]{2} |
0. 1 |
b) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (countryCodeListId attribute) |
identifier of the qualifier of the countries of the world |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
18.14.8. Identifier of the taxpayer (csdo:TaxpayerId) |
the subject's identifier in the register of taxpayers of country of incorporation of the taxpayer |
M.SDE.00025 |
csdo:TaxpayerIdType (M.SDT.00025) Value of the identifier according to the rules accepted in country of incorporation of the taxpayer. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail is intended for specifying of the following data: in the Republic of Armenia - the accounting taxpayer number (ATN); in the Republic of Belarus - the accounting number of the payer (ANP); in the Republic of Kazakhstan - the business and identification number (BIN); in the Kyrgyz Republic - the tax ID number (TIN); in the Russian Federation - the identification taxpayer number (ITN) | ||||||||
18.14.9. Reason code of registration (csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCode) |
the code identifying the reason of statement of the subject on tax accounting in the Russian Federation |
M.SDE.00030 |
csdo:TaxRegistrationReasonCodeType (M.SDT.00030) The normalized line of symbols. Template: \d {9} |
0. 1 |
18.14.10. Address (ccdo:SubjectAddressDetails) |
address |
M.CDE.00058 |
ccdo:SubjectAddressDetailsType (M.CDT.00064) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0. 1 |
the detail shall be filled | ||||||||
*.1. Address type code (csdo:AddressKindCode) |
specification symbol of type of the address |
M.SDE.00192 |
csdo:AddressKindCodeType (M.SDT.00162) Code value according to the reference book of types of addresses. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall accept value "1" - registration address | ||||||||
*.2. Country code (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode) |
specification symbol of the country |
M.SDE.00162 |
csdo:UnifiedCountryCodeType (M.SDT.00112) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Template: [A-Z]{2} |
0. 1 |
the detail shall be filled | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
the attribute shall contain 2021 value | ||||||||
*.3. Territory code (csdo:TerritoryCode) |
code of unit of administrative-territorial division |
M.SDE.00031 |
csdo:TerritoryCodeType (M.SDT.00031) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 17 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
*.4. Region (csdo:RegionName) |
name of unit of administrative-territorial division of the first level |
M.SDE.00007 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
*.5. Area (csdo:DistrictName) |
name of unit of administrative-territorial division of the second level |
M.SDE.00008 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
*.6. City (csdo:CityName) |
name of the city |
M.SDE.00009 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
*.7. Settlement (csdo:SettlementName) |
name of the settlement |
M.SDE.00057 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
the detail in case of its filling shall contain the name of the settlement other than value of the detail "City (Csdo:CityName)" | ||||||||
*.8. Street (csdo:StreetName) |
name of element of street road net of city infrastructure |
M.SDE.00010 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
*.9. House number (csdo:BuildingNumberId) |
designation of the house, case, structure |
M.SDE.00011 |
csdo:Id50Type (M.SDT.00093) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 50 |
0. 1 |
*.10. Number of the room (csdo:RoomNumberId) |
designation of office or apartment |
M.SDE.00012 |
csdo:Id20Type (M.SDT.00092) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
*.11. Postal index (csdo:PostCode) |
postal index of the company of mail service |
M.SDE.00006 |
csdo:PostCodeType (M.SDT.00006) The normalized line of symbols. Template: [A-Z0-9][A-Z0-9-] {1,8}[A-Z0-9] |
0. 1 |
*.12. Number of post office box (csdo:PostOfficeBoxId) |
number of post office box at the company of mail service |
M.SDE.00013 |
csdo:Id20Type (M.SDT.00092) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
18.14.11. Contact detail (ccdo:CommunicationDetails) |
contact detail with indication of method and the identifier of means (channel) of communication |
M.CDE.00003 |
ccdo:CommunicationDetailsType (M.CDT.00003) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0.* |
the detail shall be filled | ||||||||
*.1. Communication type code (csdo:CommunicationChannelCode) |
specification symbol of type of means (channel) of communication (phone, fax, e-mail, etc.) |
M.SDE.00014 |
csdo:CommunicationChannelCodeV2Type (M.SDT.00163) Code value according to the reference book of types of communication. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall contain one of the following values: AO - the single index of resource on the Internet (URL); EM - e-mail; FX - the telefax; TE - phone; TG - telegraph; TL - telex | ||||||||
*.2. Name of type of communication (csdo:CommunicationChannelName) |
name of type of means (channel) of communication (phone, fax, e-mail, etc.) |
M.SDE.00093 |
csdo:Name120Type (M.SDT.00055) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 120 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall be filled | ||||||||
*.3. Communication channel identifier (csdo:CommunicationChannelId) |
the sequence of symbols identifying communication channel (specifying of phone number, the fax, the e-mail address, etc.) |
M.SDE.00015 |
csdo:CommunicationChannelIdType (M.SDT.00015) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 1000 |
1.* |
if the detail "Code of Type of Communication (Csdo:CommunicationChannelCode)" contains TE or FX value, the detail "Identifier of Communication Channel (Csdo:CommunicationChannelId)" shall contain the value given according to template: +CCC PP HHHH, where CCC - country code (from 1 to 3 figures), PP - national code of destination (at least 2 figures (code of the city, settlement, etc.)) or code of mobile operator, HHHH - subscriber number (at least 4 figures). Divider between groups of symbols is the space. Length of value of detail shall constitute no more than 15 figures (+ symbol" and spaces are not considered). Other symbols and dividers are not allowed | ||||||||
18:15. The document confirming inclusion of person in the register (cacdo:RegisterDocumentIdDetails) |
certificate on inclusion of person in the register of Authorized Economic Operators |
M.CA.CDE.00381 |
cacdo:RegisterDocumentIdDetailsType (M.CA.CDT.00303) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0. 1 |
18.15.1. Document type code (csdo:DocKindCode) |
specification symbol of document type |
M.SDE.00054 |
csdo:UnifiedCode20Type (M.SDT.00140) Code value according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
0. 1 |
the detail is not filled | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
18.15.2. Country code (csdo:UnifiedCountryCode) |
specification symbol of the country |
M.SDE.00162 |
csdo:UnifiedCountryCodeType (M.SDT.00112) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute. Template: [A-Z]{2} |
0. 1 |
the detail shall be filled and contain code of state member by which authorized body person is included in the register | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
the attribute shall contain 2021 value | ||||||||
18.15.3. Registration number of the legal entity in case of inclusion in the register (casdo:RegistrationNumberId) |
the registration number of person assigned to it in case of inclusion in the register, or registration document number about inclusion of person in the register |
M.CA.SDE.00062 |
csdo:Id25Type (M.SDT.00178) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 25 |
1 |
the detail shall contain certificate number about inclusion in the register without specifying of sign of re-registration (addition letter) | ||||||||
18.15.4. Document re-registration sign code (casdo:ReregistrationCode) |
specification symbol of sign of re-registration of the document |
M.CA.SDE.00001 |
casdo:ReregistrationCodeType (M.CA.SDT.00125) The normalized line of symbols. Template: \d {1} | \d {2} | \d {3} | [A-YaYo] {1} |
0. 1 |
the detail shall be filled if the certificate number about inclusion in the register contains re-registration sign (addition letter) | ||||||||
18.15.5. Certificate code (casdo:AEORegistryKindCode) |
specification symbol like certificate of Authorized Economic Operator |
M.CA.SDE.00592 |
csdo:Code1Type (M.SDT.00169) The normalized line of symbols. Length: 1 |
0. 1 |
the detail shall be filled if the certificate number about inclusion in the register of Authorized Economic Operators contains data on certificate type | ||||||||
19. Consignment (cacdo:GDCGoodsShipmentDetails) |
data on consignment |
M.CA.CDE.00330 |
cacdo:GDCGoodsShipmentDetailsType (M.CA.CDT.00205) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0. 1 |
19.1. Country of departure (cacdo:DepartureCountryDetails) |
data on the country of departure |
M.CA.CDE.00206 |
cacdo:CACountryDetailsType (M.CA.CDT.00079) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0. 1 |
19.1.1. Country code (casdo:CACountryCode) |
specification symbol of the country |
M.CA.SDE.00615 |
casdo:CACountryCodeType (M.CA.SDT.00181) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute, or the code determined by the regulatory legal acts regulating procedure for filling of the document (data). Template: ([A-Z]{2}) | (\d {2}) |
1 |
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
the attribute shall contain 2021 value | ||||||||
19.1.2. Short country name (casdo:ShortCountryName) |
short country name |
M.CA.SDE.00123 |
csdo:Name40Type (M.SDT.00069) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 40 |
0. 1 |
the detail in case of its filling shall contain short country name which code contains in the detail "Country Code (Casdo:CACountryCode)", according to the qualifier of the countries of the world | ||||||||
19.1.3. Territory code (csdo:TerritoryCode) |
specification symbol of unit of administrative-territorial division |
M.SDE.00031 |
csdo:TerritoryCodeType (M.SDT.00031) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 17 |
0. 1 |
the detail is used in the Republic of Belarus | ||||||||
19.2. Country of destination (cacdo:DestinationCountryDetails) |
data on the country of destination |
M.CA.CDE.00205 |
cacdo:CACountryDetailsType (M.CA.CDT.00079) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0. 1 |
19.2.1. Country code (casdo:CACountryCode) |
specification symbol of the country |
M.CA.SDE.00615 |
casdo:CACountryCodeType (M.CA.SDT.00181) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute, or the code determined by the regulatory legal acts regulating procedure for filling of the document (data). Template: ([A-Z]{2}) | (\d {2}) |
1 |
the detail shall contain two-letter country code according to the qualifier of the countries of the world or one of the following values: 00 - it is unknown; 99 - different | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
the attribute shall contain 2021 value | ||||||||
19.2.2. Short country name (casdo:ShortCountryName) |
short country name |
M.CA.SDE.00123 |
csdo:Name40Type (M.SDT.00069) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 40 |
0. 1 |
the detail in case of its filling shall contain short country name which code contains in the detail "Country Code (Casdo:CACountryCode)", according to the qualifier of the countries of the world or one of the following values: "is unknown", "different" if the detail "Country Code (Casdo:CACountryCode)" contains one of the following values: "00", "99" respectively | ||||||||
19.2.3. Territory code (csdo:TerritoryCode) |
specification symbol of unit of administrative-territorial division |
M.SDE.00031 |
csdo:TerritoryCodeType (M.SDT.00031) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 17 |
0. 1 |
the detail is used in the Republic of Belarus | ||||||||
19.3. The trading country (cacdo:TradeCountryDetails) |
data on the trading country |
M.CA.CDE.00427 |
cacdo:TradeCountryDetailsType (M.CA.CDT.00374) It is determined by areas of values of the enclosed elements |
0. 1 |
19.3.1. Country code (casdo:CACountryCode) |
specification symbol of the country |
M.CA.SDE.00615 |
casdo:CACountryCodeType (M.CA.SDT.00181) Value of two-letter country code according to the reference book (qualifier) which identifier is determined in Identifier of the Reference Book (Qualifier) attribute, or the code determined by the regulatory legal acts regulating procedure for filling of the document (data). Template: ([A-Z]{2}) | (\d {2}) |
0. 1 |
the detail in case of its filling shall contain two-letter country code according to the qualifier of the countries of the world. In the Republic of Belarus the detail may contain 00 value - is unknown | ||||||||
a) identifier of the reference book (qualifier) (codeListId attribute) |
designation of the reference book (qualifier) according to which the code is specified |
- |
csdo:ReferenceDataIdType (M.SDT.00091) The normalized line of symbols. Min. length: 1. Max. length: 20 |
1 |
in case of filling of the detail "Country Code (Casdo:CACountryCode)" the attribute shall contain 2021 value |
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