of January 27, 2000 No. 10
About approval of Rules of transportation by road transport of dangerous goods
In execution of the Presidential decree of the Azerbaijan Republic "About application of the Law of the Azerbaijan Republic "About transport" of July 27, 1999 the No. 165 Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic decides:
1. Approve "Rules of transportations by road transport of dangerous goods" it (is applied).
2. This resolution becomes effective from the date of its signing.
Prime Minister of the Azerbaijan Republic
A. Rasi-Zade
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic of January 27, 2000 No. 10
1.1. These rules determine the main safety requirements in transit of dangerous goods (1) vehicles in the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic.
1.2. These rules do not belong to the transportations of substances and military materials transported according to the special requirement and providing, and also to materials, determined in class 9.2 (2) "Classes of dangerous goods. Classification. Danger signs", and also to transportation of dangerous substances and products in limited amounts (except for the poisoning and explosive substances having strong action).
One vehicle (3) dangerous substance and product in limited amounts can be transported as safe load. The amount of these substances and products is determined on the basis of requirements of Provisions of the European Agreement "About the international road delivery of dangerous goods (ADR) (further - the European agreement), and also on the basis of other relevant regulating documents and is noted in the conditions of transportation of dangerous goods of certain types (appendix 3).
In transit dangerous substance and product in limited amount relevant requirements to their container, packaging, package marking, etc. are observed. In vehicles, the transporting limited amounts dangerous substances and materials, it is impossible to transport other dangerous goods determined in these Rules.
1.3. it is excluded
1.4. Conditions of safe transportation of dangerous goods of the certain types and groups developed on the basis of the Provision of the European agreement, and also on the basis of other regulations at approval of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Azerbaijan Republic affirm the state, non-state bodies and legal entities making (shipping) and accepting them.
In case of development of condition of carriages of dangerous goods by the state, non-state bodies or legal entities performing cargo transportation they are approved with their producer (sender). (5)
Conditions of safe transportation of the strong poisoning and radioactive materials, and also radioactive materials of special activity more 7,4x103 Vk.kg (-1), or 0,002 mk. Ki.g (-1) are approved with the Ministry of emergency situations of the Azerbaijan Republic and Management of the state road traffic police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic (UGDP Ministry of Internal Affairs), and safety conditions of transportation of explosive or strongly toxic agents are approved with bodies of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Azerbaijan Republic corresponding industrial industries and the Ministry of Internal Affairs Managing public safety.
1.5. In case of availability of mark of the organization clearing container "The container is cleared and safe" in commodity-transport documents of empty container of dangerous goods, it is transported as safe load in accordance with general practice, and in case of lack of this mark it is transported in accordance with the terms of transportation of dangerous goods for which packaging it is intended.
1.6. Container, dangerous goods, the substances and products intended for transportation by vehicles are marked by their producers or senders and they are provided with the danger signs determined according to state standards.
1.7. For transportation of some dangerous goods in the cases provided by conditions of the consignor or consignee are designated person in charge and protection.
1.8. Primary urgent information on the emergency incidents which happened during transportation of dangerous goods is transferred to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ministry of emergency situations by the cargo sending or cargo receiving organization.
1.9. The driver transporting dangerous goods is allowed to driving of the car only after passing of special preparation on specialization training courses which program is approved with the ODS and the Ministry of emergency situations.
1.10. The vehicle and trail cars used as transport unit in transportation of dangerous goods, depending on their type and degree shall conform to the technical specifications meeting the requirements of the International (DOPOG) standards.
1.11. Transportation on the territories of the Azerbaijan Republic and export by transit from the territory of the country of radioactive and toxic waste from foreign countries for their storage and burial is not allowed.
2.1. Determination of route of transportation of dangerous goods, its approval of the Ministry of emergency situations of the Azerbaijan Republic and the ODS perform the haulage contractors transporting these loads or motor transportation farms of industrial enterprises (legal entities) and physical persons.
2.2. In case of determination of route of transportation following is considered:
a) whenever possible not passing of route of transportation is close from settlements, and also industrial facilities, rest areas, natural reserves and architectural monuments;
b) in case of transportation of dangerous goods across the large settlement, whenever possible, remoteness of route from cultural and educational, educational, medical and preschool educational institutions.
2.3. Routes of transportation of dangerous goods, are controlled by bodies in the territory of which the haulage contractors performing them or which temporarily registered these vehicles, in the following procedure are located:
a) in case of passing of route of cargo transportation city boundaries of district subordination - with the district executive authority, the ODS and Control inspection of transportation of dangerous goods of the Ministry of emergency situations;
b) in case of passing of route of cargo transportation city boundaries of republican value - with the district executive authority, the ODS and Control inspection of transportation of dangerous goods of the Ministry of emergency situations;
c) in case of passing of route across the territory of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic - with the ODS of PLANK BEDS and Nakhchivan territorial inspection of the Ministry of emergency situations;
d) in case of passing of route across the main highways of the Azerbaijan Republic - with Headquarters of the ODS of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Azerbaijan Republic and the Ministry of emergency situations.
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