Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC

The document ceased to be valid since May 31, 2024 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 30, 2024 No. 702


of December 29, 2017 No. 1692

About procedure for decision making about provision of budget investments to legal entities, not being the public or local government offices and state or municipal unitary enterprises, for the purpose of provision of fee in the authorized (share) capital of subsidiaries of the specified legal entities on implementation of capital investments in the capital construction projects which are in property of such subsidiaries and (or) on acquisition of real estate units by such subsidiaries at the expense of means of the federal budget

(as amended on 30-11-2023)

According to Article 80 of the Budget code of the Russian Federation the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the enclosed Rules of decision making about provision of budget investments to legal entities, not being the public or local government offices and state or municipal unitary enterprises, for the purpose of provision of fee in the authorized (share) capital of subsidiaries of the specified legal entities on implementation of capital investments in the capital construction projects which are in property of such subsidiaries and (or) on acquisition of real estate units by such subsidiaries at the expense of means of the federal budget.

2. Determine that the Rules approved by this resolution do not extend:

on the investment projects included in federal target programs on which financial provision budget investments are provided;

on capital construction projects concerning which till January 1, 2017 the project documentation in the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation is approved and till January 1, 2018 contracts which subject is the construction of the specified capital construction projects are signed.

3. Decisions on provision of budget investments to legal entities concerning the objects specified in paragraph three of Item 2 of this resolution are accepted in the form of regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation which projects are subject to consideration of the Military-industrial commission of the Russian Federation by board concerning capital construction projects and (or) real estate units which are offered to be included in the state defensive order, to coordination with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The decision shall contain including the name of the legal entity receiving budget investments, the name of subsidiary of the specified legal entity - the receiver of fee, the purpose of provision of budget investments and total amount of budget investments with distribution by years.

The draft of the specified decision is submitted for approval to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation at the same time with the following documents:

the document on approval till January 1, 2017 of the project documentation on capital construction projects;

the document containing data on details of the contracts signed till January 1, 2018 concerning the specified capital construction projects.

4. Determine that decision making about provision of budget investments to legal entities, not being the public or local government offices and state or municipal unitary enterprises, for the purpose of provision of fee in the authorized (share) capital of subsidiaries of the specified legal entities on implementation of capital investments in the capital construction projects which are in property of such subsidiaries and (or) on acquisition of real estate units by such subsidiaries at the expense of means of the federal budget (further respectively - decisions, objects) can be performed in the form of the legal act of the Government of the Russian Federation about inclusion of objects in the list of capital construction projects, actions (the integrated investment projects), real estate units, logging in documents of the comprehensive state program of the Russian Federation "Construction" (further - the list of objects), according to the procedure, established by the Rules approved by this resolution taking into account the following features:

objects can be included in the list of objects if earlier decisions, and also in other cases determined by the Government of the Russian Federation and (or) presidium (headquarters) of Government commission by regional development in the Russian Federation were not made on them;

objects which are offered to be included in the state defensive order are not included in the list of objects;

The Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation based on proposals of expected main managers of means of the federal budget prepares and introduces to the Government of the Russian Federation drafts of decisions in the form of drafts of legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on inclusion of the corresponding objects in the list of objects (about approval of the list of objects or about entering of changes into it). The specified offers are prepared separately on each object in the form of data on object, at the same time are offers on inclusion of objects in federal targeted investment program, shall contain information on distribution proving amounts of sources of financing by years of implementation of the investment project of estimate or expected (extreme) project cost of capital construction or acquisition value of the real estate unit and other information determined by the methodical instructions developed by the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation in coordination with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and approved by presidium (headquarters) of Government commission on regional development in the Russian Federation and to be represented with application of documents which are represented along with drafts of decisions according to the Rules approved by this resolution and offers on inclusion of objects in federal targeted investment program;

concerning each object it is provided in the list of objects including information on the total amount of others, except the federal budget, sources of financial provision of capital investments (with indication of type of the raised funds), the amount of means of the federal budget necessary after the five-year period for which the list of objects affirms, can be provided without its distribution by years of implementation of the investment project, and also specifying of information provided by subitems "g", "z" (regarding distribution of project cost by years of implementation of the investment project) and "and" Item 8 of the Rules approved by this resolution is not required;

offers on inclusion of object in the list of objects are approved according to the procedure, provided by the Rules approved by this resolution, for review drafts of decisions;

modification of the list of objects based on the legal act of the Government of the Russian Federation is performed in case of inclusion in it of new object or exception of it of earlier included object;


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