Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of December 29, 2017 No. 955-VQ

About Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic

(as amended on 02-12-2022)

This Law according to Item 18 of part 1 of article 94 of the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic regulates questions of purpose, management and military construction of Armed Forces of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also determines the main objectives and the legal basis of activities of Armed Forces.

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Basic concepts

1.0. In this Law the following basic concepts are applied:

1.0.1. Armed forces of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - Armed Forces) - the military institute created for the purpose of protection of independence and sovereignty, territorial integrity of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also safety and protection of the Azerbaijan Republic and consisting of the Azerbaijani Army and other armed connections;

1.0.2. The Azerbaijani Army - the armed connection providing as the main component of Armed Forces reflection of the aggression directed against the Azerbaijan Republic, the armed protection of territorial integrity and immunity which activities will be organized by relevant organ of the executive authority;

1.0.3. other armed connections of the Azerbaijan Republic (further - other armed connections) - state bodies (the organization entering into structure of state bodies) which are carrying out the singular problems determined by this Law and providing military service as component of Armed Forces. The list of state bodies (the organizations entering into structure of the state bodies) relating to other armed connections affirms relevant organ of the executive authority.

Article 2. Legal basis of activities of Armed Forces

2.1. The legal basis of activities of Armed Forces is constituted by the Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic, the international agreements which the Azerbaijan Republic, this Law and other regulatory legal acts regulating activities of Armed Forces joined.

2.2. The legal basis of activities of the Azerbaijani Army and other armed connections are determined by the relevant laws of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Chapter 2. Purpose, tasks and organization of activities of Armed Forces

Article 3. Purpose of Armed Forces

Armed forces are created by the state for the armed protection of the Azerbaijan Republic, reflection of aggression, realization of the purposes provided in the Military doctrine of the Azerbaijan Republic, and also safety and national interests of the Azerbaijan Republic, protection of the constitutional device, sovereignty, protection of public order and public safety, protection of frontier, the organization of mobilization and conscription, civil defense, safety of the protected persons specified in provisions of relevant organs of the executive authority, the protected objects and strategic objects, special communication and information security, accomplishment of singular problems on convoy and protection of the convicts and persons who are held in custody.

Article 4. Main objectives of Armed Forces

4.1. The main objectives of Armed Forces in peace time are:

4.1.1. readiness for prevention and reflection of aggression against the Azerbaijan Republic;

4.1.2. tracking of operational situation, its dangerous change and timely identification and monitoring preparation for aggression against the Azerbaijan Republic;

4.1.3. maintenance of combat and mobilization readiness of bodies of military management, troops (forces) at the level providing aggression reflection;

4.1.4. participation in protection of the constitutional device, sovereignty, public order and ensuring public safety;

4.1.5. protection of frontier of the Azerbaijan Republic;

4.1.6. the organization of civil defense for safety of the population and the territory (the soil, water and airspace, subjects to production and social appointment, and also the environment within the territory of the Azerbaijan Republic);

4.1.7. participation in mitigation of consequences of emergency situations;

4.1.8. protection of the important administrative and political centers of the Azerbaijan Republic, energy and transport infrastructure, communication constructions, exceptional loads, military facilities and other important state objects;

4.1.9. implementation of protection and convoy of persons sentenced to imprisonment and persons concerning whom the measure of restraint in the form of arrest, and also protection of penal institutions is chosen;

4.1.10. continuous improvement of plans and programs of operational, combat, mobilization and moral and psychological training of bodies of military management and troops (forces);

4.1.11. upgrade, updating and maintenance in combat readiness of military equipment, weapon, ammunition and the equipment, enhancement of skills of the treatment of them;

4.1.12. enhancement of package of measures for mobilization and conscription;

4.1.13. preparation of professional military personnel, continuous improvement of military education, increase in military and scientific potential;

4.1.14. fight against the international terrorism and organized crime;

4.1.15. implementation of the international military cooperation;

4.1.16. participation according to the international obligations of the Azerbaijan Republic in transactions on maintenance (recovery) of the world and safety and accomplishment of other tasks following from these obligations;

4.1.17. participation in preparation of measures for protection of the territory of the country and draft of the plan of civil defense.

4.2. In addition to the main objectives which are carried out in peace time, the main objectives of Armed Forces during real threat are:

4.2.1. increase in level of combat and mobilization readiness, implementation with respect thereto complex of additional actions;

4.2.2. providing modes of emergency and warlike situation, participation in accomplishment of preparatory measures for territorial defense.

4.3. In addition to the main objectives which are carried out in peace time and during real threat, the main objectives of Armed Forces during mobilization and war (armed conflict) are:

4.3.1. timely accomplishment of measures for complete or partial mobilization;

4.3.2. accomplishment of tasks on territorial defense;

4.3.3. reflection of aggression against the Azerbaijan Republic, holding military operations on protection of the territory of the country, defeat infliction to enemy forces, coercion them to the termination of military operations (holding peace talks and the conclusion of the peace treaty) on the conditions which are equitable to interests of the Azerbaijan Republic.

Article 5. Principles of military construction and activities of Armed Forces

5.0. The principles of military construction and activities of Armed Forces are:

5.0.1. single and centralized management;

5.0.2. control of measures and activities for military construction;

5.0.3. effective use of the international experience of military construction;

5.0.4. permanent combat and mobilization readiness;


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