of January 19, 2018 No. 69
About requirements to the sprouts and seeds intended for production of sprouts
According to provisions of articles 6 and 8-12 of the Law No. 78-XV of March 18, 2004 on foodstuff (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 83-87, 431), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve Requirements to the sprouts and seeds intended for production of sprouts it (is applied).
2. This resolution becomes effective in 6 months from the date of publication.
3. To impose control for accomplishment of this resolution on the National agency on safety of foodstuff.
Prime Minister |
Paweê Phillip |
Countersigns: Minister of Agriculture, regional development and environment |
Liviu Volkonovich |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of January 19, 2018 No. 69
Requirements to the sprouts and seeds intended for production of sprouts (further – Requirements), state Regulations (EU) No. 208/2013 of the Commission of March 11, 2013 about the requirements to traceability applied to the sprouts and seeds intended for production of sprouts (the document extends to the EEA) published in the Official magazine of the European Union by L 68/16 of March 12, 2013, Regulations (EU) No. 210/2013 of the Commission of March 11, 2013 about approval of the companies for production of sprouts according to Regulations (EU) No. 852/2004 of the European Parliament and Council (the document extends to the EEA) published in the Official magazine of the European Union by L 68/24 of March 12, 2013, Regulations (EU) No. 211/2013 of the Commission of March 11, 2013 about requirements to certification for import to the Union of sprouts and seeds for production of sprouts (the document extends to the EEA), published in the Official magazine of the European Union by L 68/26 of March 12, 2013.
1. These Requirements establish regulations of traceability of batches of the sprouts and seeds intended for production of sprouts.
2. These Requirements are not applied to the sprouts subjected to processing for elimination of microbiological risks.
3. In the context of these Requirements the following concepts are used:
1) sprouts – the product received in case of germination of seeds and their development in water or in other circle, collected before development of these leaves held for use entirely, including in the form of seeds;
2) batch – the quantity of the sprouts or seeds intended for production of sprouts, received as a result of certain process in almost identical conditions and made in certain place in the established production period, with the same taxonomical name and sent from one company in one direction on the same day. One or several batches constitute transport.
4. The seeds having other taxonomical name and mixed in one packaging for germination and also their sprouts are considered as one batch.
5. During the designing and arrangement of the companies it is necessary to apply proper practicians in the field of hygiene of foodstuff, including in the field of protection against infection during the period between transactions and during transactions. In particular, surfaces (including the surface of the equipment) in zones where manipulations with foodstuff are carried out, and surfaces which contact to foodstuff shall be cleared and disinfected easily after each engineering procedure.
6. Installations for cleaning, disinfection and storages of the equipment and working tools shall be cleared and be easily equipped with system of cold and hot water supply.
7. Any sink or similar installation for washing of foodstuff shall be equipped with system of supply with drinking water, be kept clean and be disinfected after each engineering procedure.
8. All equipment to which seeds and sprouts come into contact shall be manufactured of such materials and contain according to the procedure and conditions which will allow to reduce any risk of infection to minimum and to perform its storage in hygienic conditions, and also to be disinfected after each engineering procedure.
9. The corresponding procedures for the purpose of providing that shall be observed:
a) the company making sprouts was kept clean and disinfected after each engineering procedure;
b) all equipment to which seeds and sprouts come into contact was regularly cleared and disinfected after each engineering procedure.
10. It is necessary that subjects of the food sector provided that the making sprouts of the company were registered by the National agency on safety of foodstuff according to provisions of Chapter VI of the Law No. 50 of March 28, 2013 on official control for the purpose of check of compliance to the fodder and food legislation and the rules concerning health and wellbeing of animals. The national agency on safety of foodstuff registers data of the company, only if subjects of the food sector observe the requirements established in Items 5-9 of these Requirements.
11. Subjects of the food sector provide at all production phases, processings and distributions further storage of information on batches of the seeds intended for production of sprouts or about batches of sprouts. The subject of the food sector provides also that information necessary for observance of these provisions was transferred to subject of the food sector to which seeds or sprouts are delivered:
1) exact description of seeds or sprouts, including taxonomical name of plant;
2) amount or quantity of the delivered sprouts or seeds;
3) in case of sending seeds or sprouts by other subject of the food sector the name and the address:
a) subject of the food sector from which seeds and sprouts were sent;
b) the freight forwarder (owner), if he differs from subject of the food sector from which seeds and sprouts were sent;
4) the name and the address of the subject of the food sector to which seeds and sprouts go;
5) the name and the receiver's address if he differs from subject of the food sector to which seeds and sprouts are delivered;
6) initial number for identification of batch, if necessary;
7) date of sending.
12. Provisions of Item 11 are specified and transferred in any corresponding form provided that to them the subject of the food sector to which seeds and sprouts are delivered has access.
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