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of January 18, 2018 No. 67

About approval of Veterinary sanitary standard about establishment of conditions of health of animals for import of some birds

Based on articles 29 and 30 of the Law No. 221-XVI of October 19, 2007 on veterinary and sanitary activities (repeated publication: The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2013, Art. No. 125-129, 396), with subsequent changes and amendments, for the purpose of protection of the territory of the Republic of Moldova against penetration and the outbreak of the diseases which are subject to the notification, the statement and imposing of quarantine, DECIDES: the Government

1. Approve Veterinary sanitary standard about establishment of conditions of health of animals for import of some birds it (is applied).

2. The specified Veterinary sanitary standard becomes effective after 6 months of date of publication in the Official monitor of the Republic of Moldova.

3. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the National agency on safety of foodstuff.

Prime Minister

Paweê Phillip


Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration


Tudor Ulyanovski

Minister of Economy and Infrastructure

Kirill Gaburich

Minister of Agriculture, regional development and environment

Liviu Volkonovich

Minister of Justice

To Alexander Tenase


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of January 18, 2018 No. 67

Veterinary sanitary standard about establishment of conditions of health of animals for import of some birds

Chapter I. General provisions

1. The veterinary sanitary standard about establishment of conditions of health of animals for import of some birds (further – Veterinary sanitary standard) establishes conditions of health of animals for import of some birds to the Republic of Moldova.

This Veterinary sanitary standard shifts Regulations about enforcement (EU) No. 139/2013 of the Commission of January 7, 2013 about establishment of conditions of health of animals for import of some birds to the Union and quarantine conditions published in the Official magazine of the European Union by L 47/1 of February 20, 2013.

2. This Veterinary sanitary standard is applied to animals of bird species, except for:

1) hens, guinea fowls, turkeys, ducks, geese, quails, pigeons, pheasants, the partridges, and also ostrich (Ratitae) which are grown up or containing in bondage for the purpose of cultivation, production of meat or eggs for consumption or replenishment of reserves of game for shooting;

2) the birds imported according to programs of preserving, ensuring biological diversity, recovery of the environment, and also for maintenance of ecological equilibrium;

3) pets of bird species for the purpose of non-commercial movement who are followed throughout their movement by the owner or his authorized physical person designated by the owner which are not held for sale or transfers to other owner;

4) the birds intended for zoos, circuses, entertaining parks or experiments;

5) pigeons for the competitions imported on the republic territory from the neighboring country where they usually live, and the competitions exempted right after in hope that they will depart back to the respective country.

3. In this Veterinary sanitary standard the following basic concepts are used:

competent authority – competent veterinary and sanitary authority of the exporting country;

birds – animals of bird species, except provided in Item 2;

the authorized object for reproduction – the object used only for reproduction of birds, inspected and authorized by competent authority of the exporting country;

the birds who are grown up in bondage – birds who were not caught in the wild area and are grown up in bondage from the coupled parents or owing to the artificial insemination executed in bondage;

the ring established on leg without welding – ring or hoop in the form of continuous circle, without gaps or welding, without fraudulent intervention which measurement does not allow to take it from leg of adult bird established in the first days of life of bird, made especially for this purpose;

the authorized quarantine object – the building, other, than the quarantine centers in which the quarantine of the imported birds is held, checked and authorized according to article 18 of the Law No. 221-XVI of October 19, 2007 on veterinary and sanitary activities;

the authorized quarantine object – the building in which the quarantine of the imported birds is performed, checked and authorized according to article 18 of the Law No. 221-XVI of October 19, 2007 on veterinary and sanitary activities, consisting from physically and the objects which are functionally divided among themselves, at the same time each object contains only bird from one transport, with the same state of health and one epidemiological unit representing, thus;

birds sentries are birds who are used as the help in case of diagnosis of diseases during the quarantine;

management on diagnostics – methods of sampling and criteria for assessment of results of laboratory tests of confirmation and differential diagnosis of bird flu.

Chapter II. Import, transportation and quarantine of birds

4. Import of the birds coming from the objects for reproduction authorized by competent authority of the exporting country is allowed if:

1) objects for reproduction comply with the conditions provided in appendix No. 1 to this Veterinary sanitary standard and have authorization number;

2) economic import agents received the veterinary and sanitary decision for import issued by the official veterinarian of Item of the veterinary health control organized on customs clearance station according to article 33 of the Law No. 221-XVI of October 19, 2007 on veterinary and sanitary activities.

5. The imported birds coming from the authorized objects for reproduction shall satisfy the following conditions:

1) to be the birds who are grown up in bondage;

2) to be subjected to laboratory testing for detection of virus of bird flu and virus of disease of Newcastle in 7 and 14 days prior to sending, and results shall be negative;

3) to be vaccinated from bird flu;

4) to be followed by the veterinary sanitary certificate issued by competent authority of the exporting country;


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